Nick fury bugged

Is been a little more than a month since I've knowest nick fury is starting fight on second life. First time happen in AQ didn't realize he went straight to second life. Today doing monthly quest
( cavalier) against Nick and even the AI started fight on second life. Better yet got a video dueling nick with nick and here are the results. @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious
( cavalier) against Nick and even the AI started fight on second life. Better yet got a video dueling nick with nick and here are the results. @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious

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Starting at his second phase, you can't even see the blue thingie anymore, this bug is getting worse by the day, how are we supposed to play the cavalier diff. in eq?