Psylocke's portrait - Needs work

To qualify my statement, I am an illustrator and graphic designer;

Psylocke is a really cool character. Her character model, while I prefer the 90s era Jim Lee version, is very good as well. There is one thing in serious need of an overhaul: her character portrait icon. I know these are super heroes, and it's not a glam-fashion show, but her head is way too square and it appears like she has Thor's chin. I took the liberty of fixing this for you. You're welcome.


Personally, I'd also like to see her hair slightly fuller and over her shoulder, similar to the previously mentioned 90s style, but that's entirely subjective. Any thoughts from the community?


  • WaynedavyWaynedavy Member Posts: 194
  • GreenElf21GreenElf21 Member Posts: 36 thoughts....fix the bugs effecting gameplay first. Please.

    They just pushed an update for the special activation bug! Now they have time to fix Psylocke's terrible portrait.
  • ZoddymamZoddymam Member, Content Creators Posts: 362 Content Creator
    edited October 2017
    Totally agree its a running joke in all alliances i been in. She looks like she has packed on some extra pounds in her profile shot
  • RotmgmoddyRotmgmoddy Member Posts: 916 ★★★
    In all seriousness, the fixed version looks more feminine and overall looks pretty great!

    Though, it's quite a small change, so I doubt it would be put anywhere near the top of a priority list, especially with all the bugs running rampant in the game
  • RyGuy040RyGuy040 Member Posts: 20
    I'd like to see the fixed version in game, maybe give her narrower eyebrows and the scar over her right(?) eye.
  • GreenElf21GreenElf21 Member Posts: 36
    She has a scar over her eye? Did not know that...
  • IdontinksoIdontinkso Member Posts: 156
    Several of the females could use some help... black widow has eyes too far apart, magik is a butterface for sure, even SW could use some plastic surgery.
  • GreenElf21GreenElf21 Member Posts: 36
    Actually I think most of them are acceptable. I'm not suggesting they should all be "Glamazons." This one is just particularly in need of work, especially since that actual in-game model does not look that bad.
  • PurveyorPurveyor Member Posts: 201 ★★
    Kabam. Please put this at the top of your list. It will surely save the game that is sinking faster than the titanic.
  • I_am_GrootI_am_Groot Member Posts: 646 ★★
    I like the current Psylocke's art and design, however I love too the Jim Lee's one and I was wishing a look alike. I'm not urged for a change tho.

    I think Quake do need a work. Cmon, she's far from Chloe Bennett, they could improve it A Lot.
    Same for Jessica Jones, despite she isn't a char in the roster should be looking like Krysten Ritter.
    She Hulk too, her portrait and 3d model have a Man face with an old ugly wig.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,980 ★★★★★
    I don't mind either way. I like their designs. I also like the work you did on her. It reminds me of a friend in the game that says she looks like Minnie Driver. That's what he calls her. Lol.
  • GreenElf21GreenElf21 Member Posts: 36
    Totally agree on Danvers! The above would be perfect. Not a fan of the mohawk at all. Same with Storm. I know she had that in the 80s, but I didn't like it then either. Giver her the long flowing hair and crown she deserves.
  • ReinaReina Member Posts: 280
    When you fixed it.. man she finally looks like a girl
  • RaaRaa Member Posts: 318 ★★
    She-hulk? She's supposed to be hot, even for a green muscled out chick. Lol but the bugs first, yh.
  • MSRDLDMSRDLD Member Posts: 915 ★★★
    Her jaw is still squared on the right side.
  • ReinaReina Member Posts: 280
    Dexman yessssssss
  • LoPrestiLoPresti Member Posts: 1,035 ★★★
    edited October 2017
    Fixing Cap Marvel is the first thing that needs a graphic update.

    The model is actually already in the game, it can be seen in early trailers. But then they decided for the Mohawk for whatever reason.


    LOOK AT HOW SICK THIS LOOKS! Who wouldn't want to use this over the Mohawk model? Imagine rocking a 5 star Captain Marvel with this skin!
  • I_am_GrootI_am_Groot Member Posts: 646 ★★
    LoPresti wrote: »
    Fixing Cap Marvel is the first thing that needs a graphic update.

    The model is actually already in the game, it can be seen in early trailers. But then they decided for the Mohawk for whatever reason.


    LOOK AT HOW SICK THIS LOOKS! Who wouldn't want to use this over the Mohawk model? Imagine rocking a 5 star Captain Marvel with this skin!

    I think it would be awesome and make sense with the char, If she swap to the mohawk while performing any special or at least the 3rd special.

    I'm agree with a fix for Magik too, I've always thought Magik is ugly, UGLY. That eyes, nose, mouth, she could be a fish.
  • GreenElf21GreenElf21 Member Posts: 36
    Damn! That's 100x better than the dumb, ugly Mohawk! Whyyyyyy didn't they go with that?
  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    Lol who cares what Magik looks like as long as she’s kicking butt?
  • 420sam420sam Member Posts: 526 ★★★
    GreenElf21 wrote: »
    Totally agree on Danvers! The above would be perfect. Not a fan of the mohawk at all. Same with Storm. I know she had that in the 80s, but I didn't like it then either. Giver her the long flowing hair and crown she deserves.

    I would totally use my Hulk to take Psylocke or her to poundtown.

    And yes, I mean using a s3.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,980 ★★★★★
    I think it would be too close to Ms. Marvel. I don't mind different styles for the two.
  • ReinaReina Member Posts: 280
    GreenElf21 you should seriously work for Kabam!
  • JasonMBryantJasonMBryant Member Posts: 301 ★★
    They don't need to morph Psylocke's face. They just need to tilt the head down a little on the model. The angle is what's flattening her jaw.
  • TempestTempest Member Posts: 295
    There is already a Ms Marvel with the long blonde hair, I think they gave Captain Marvel the mohawk so that the two characters looked more different.

    I don't like the 'fixed' or 'original' psylocke photo... the fixed version looks a little weird (OP obviously didn't have that much time to spend to make it perfect!) but definitely a step in the right direction. The original is ok, a little mannish looking but not so bad....
  • GreenElf21GreenElf21 Member Posts: 36
    Tempest wrote: »
    There is already a Ms Marvel with the long blonde hair, I think they gave Captain Marvel the mohawk so that the two characters looked more different.

    I don't like the 'fixed' or 'original' psylocke photo... the fixed version looks a little weird (OP obviously didn't have that much time to spend to make it perfect!) but definitely a step in the right direction. The original is ok, a little mannish looking but not so bad....

    Heh, yeah, it was about 10 minutes or less as a quick example....
  • MarzGrooveMarzGroove Member Posts: 903 ★★★
    Psylocke should just look like Olivia Munn.
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