Stay in bugged tier 8 Odin? Or quit fight?

I'm still in the bugged Tier 8 Odin fight.
If I end the quest will Kabam send another feather after the bug is fixed?
If I end the quest will Kabam send another feather after the bug is fixed?
Post edited by Kabam Ahab on
Actually, does Claire even counter buffed up? I've never tried her against that node.
Keep restarting until persistent charge (blue dot) shows up. Then, the power gain buffs from the damaging debuffs applied to odin will stack and he'll take damage.
No persistent charge, no champ will work unless they have 3 natural buffs of their own.
Colossus, venom and most cosmics will handle this on their own. Champs like Claire, Sunspot, NF, etc, need odin's persistent charge to be working (when the bug is not present) in order to be able to use the powergain buffs for buffed up.
Hence, if you don't see the blue persistent charge and are relying on your DoT to give you the power gain buffs to meet the buffed up requirement, keep rebooting the game until it comes back.
Force stopped the game and restarted it persistent charge didn't reset.
Power draw still didn't
Revived whole team and was able to beat him with ghost
Thank you all for taking the time to help, I really do appreciate it
Other good options are Colossus, Venom, Angela (adding Heimdal helps for her or any other champion), Medusa, Carnage, Venom the Duck, or Hyperion. Plenty of others I'm not think of right now.
Or go through 2 doom rotations and try to dex then heavy While dex buff and 2 furies are active.
Rather than wasting a feather/revives trying to use the bugged node.
I know it’s not affecting everyone, obviously it’s not affecting me. I’ve been using aarkus vision with no issue, even on today’s.
I forced closed, cleared cache, restarted. Persistent charges did not come back.
I forced closed, cleared data, restarted. Persistent charges did not come back.
I forced closed, cleared cache, cleared data, uninstalled app, rebooted phone, reinstalled app, restarted game. Persistent charges were back and I was able to beat odin twice again.
Kabam owes me a team revive.