Specials not working ruins gameplay .

So you guys say you are aware and have a fix that's being tested but in the present what will kabam do ??? Not a single fight can go with out the glitch that cost life loss of characters . Strategy is out the window. So will kabam , oh i don't know , maybe give out some alliance revives and health potions ? Would be nice seeing how the norm has been shattered. Do the right thing kabam
The reason why I'm using him is because my alt has him as it's top and I like using him, I was using him in aq.
Which is the only place I've ever seen it happen if you wanted to test it then you would need to try him in aq or just watch near the end of I think Anderson video if it's still there.
Also it's actually not orginal bug either, some people in game and here have actually been reporting it for awhile it's just been hidden by the specials misfiring bug and it only happenes occasionally.
Here's one thread on it, in another someone posted a video though it's not there anymore.
Basically he bugs out, the ai stops freezes, the card DOES not hit them it just glitches out and goes through them or past them.
Post deleted..
The reason why I was using Gambit is because he's my alt top and I really like using him and I find him relativity easy to use.
This issue has actually been going on for months but the most recent issue had an effect on it because it would eat the bar and he would do nothing, but in this case he would miss go around the ai would freeze and gambits card would sail by or through the enemy and it DOES NOT hit them in aq.
Besides I don't need anyone to confirm it, if it happens to you then fine, if not then fine but I'm not quite the only person who has had this happen to them
^^Also it's not a new bug and has been reported by people in and out of the forums for months, if you want to test it you would have to do it in aq NOT the arena since the people who experience this bug only have seen it during aq and it happens occasionally.
There used to be a video but it does not work anymore, gee I wonder why.
Maybe that is true in Opposite Land.