Outdated things in the game

What are some of the things in the game that is almost the same since the beginning and need improvement?
Masteries are probably one of the big ones
70 energy cap when getting to the first fight in some maps can cost 20+ energy (which I guess Kabam will keep forever so we can buy it)
Something small but annoying is the iso inventory for me. Level up takes forever and something is always expiring.
Masteries are probably one of the big ones
70 energy cap when getting to the first fight in some maps can cost 20+ energy (which I guess Kabam will keep forever so we can buy it)
Something small but annoying is the iso inventory for me. Level up takes forever and something is always expiring.
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
Only being able to open crystals in 1s, 5s, or 10s.
1) Masteries, Masteries, Masteries. First and foremost they need to be free completely or have 3 different kits that you can swap too for a certain amount of units. Also, it can be improved but adding something that can improve shock, incinerate, and poison damage.
2) Summoner advancement is long overdue for an upgrade
3) The AQ milestones. I mean if you complete map 7x5 in AQ the finish prize is 100 6 star shards is laughable.
Thing about this game. Every 4 days 90 percent of The players won’t even hit the 4th milestone because it’s impossible without burning through energy boosts.
2) The fact that some paths in act 5 and 6 take more than 70 energy which is our max cap. That's rubbish. Also the energy cost for act 5 is far too high and could be brought down to 2 energy per tile.
3) Masteries ofc. Have they ever been touched in the last one to two years except for some parry change or something? Why does switching masteries take so many units when you have already spent many (too many IMO) units in unlocking them.
4) Loyalty system. Boosts are nice though but everything else is outdate. Why only 1,000 per day? Buying a boost would then take 7 days although thankfully I don't often need boosts from there which just goes to show that it needs an improvement.
5) 6.3 boosts
6) Incursions health potions are overly expensive and the ones we get for free are overly useless
7) Same as no.6 but with AQ potions and revives. Like seriously, how much will reviving a champ to 1K health out 30K health gonna help.
8)Why does a name change token cost 275 units?
9)Daily Quests. Add a new difficulty please.
10) Summoner's Journey objectives
11)Why does UC crystal shard crystal give so few 4 star and 5 star shards? Why?
I think mastery presets are long overdue as, for me, the thing that puts me off switching masteries more than the cost is sitting there making sure you put them all back in the right place as messing up with a single point could mean you have to reset that tree again.
Someone said the daily quests too and I would agree we need daily quests that can actually give us a sizeable amount of t4cc. At least one full one if you run the whole thing. If you need to make the fights harder to justify it that works as well.
I don’t have an issue with the energy cap or the maps. Story mode is different than monthly EQ. Monthly EQ has been way, way more manageable since infinity war (GFY, nameless Guillotine). When you have maps that have long stretches of empty nodes, it’s for design aesthetics, and the total path still comes in at 60-72 energy for chapter 3.
And at this point, I agree that the missing 2017 and 2018 champs are needed to improve the quality of the 6-star pool. Along with that, it’s time for 6-star crystal choice, whether it’s dual class or something else. It’s bonkers that I’m spinning from a pool of 160+ champs and my only ways to improve it are 15,000 shard features that don’t even use a tenth of the pool. (Don’t @ me. Only 16 of the 24 champs are in the basic pool. That’s where I’m getting the 10% from)
Arena needs a 5 star basic at the least with the addition of cavalier shards to milestones
More masteries would be nice as well as an increased level cap
All of 'em are basically time-capsules from eras gone-by. Only exception is probably the newish CavEQ deal, which still has relevance for people who actually have the inventory space.
I swear the old ones are still there just to trap noobs and accidental-clickers. Borderline malicious.
- masteries: number 1 for me. It’s about time they were free
- Arena milestone rewards
- crystal shard crystals
- quest crystals
- Loyalty store
- daily quests
- Summoner advancement rewards
- Alliance crystals
- War victory crystals
- Solo crystals
Beginner doesn’t even exist anymore !
They need to offer WHOLE T5CC selectors instead fragments. How many of you want to pour resources into your 6* Champs but can't because of Kabam and the unreasonable percent limits and availability they place on T5CCs?
Kabam needs to improve with their rewards. The trash Valhalla rewards, and many others are, the biggest joke. It doesn't matter if they're free.
Special offers need to last more than 24hrs. Give people adequate time to get the money to buy them! If a great bundle is offered on a Wed, but most people can't get it until pay day (typically Friday), they miss out! Kabam had that trash Thor JF Crystal available for 6 days! But other great offers only last 24hrs. Smh.
Unstoppable Colossus for over 300k and 800k in loyalty. REALLY?!?!? Who wants UC THAT badly? But In case someone does, and alternate solution would be to add more champ and alternate them daily!
Realm Of Legends rewards are GROSSLY outdated. They STILL have preselected 4STAR CHAMPIONS (Xavier Cyclops, Rhino, and Ronan), 1000 xp boost, and 10k in gold. Wtf?!? That's too much grinding to receive such trash rewards. That's ZERO incentive.. What made them think that summoners still want to grind hard for 4* Cyclops, Rhino, and Ronan? Lmaoooooo. A joke.
Signature abilities need serious improvement.
Champion profiles need to be improved. Their max health level should be conviently visible in their profiles. We shouldn't have to click on a higher tier champ, scroll through the champ levels just to see what their max health can be.
And has anybody ever unlocked the Question mark masteries, and "coming soon" masteries? How do you even get that far without having to pour so many units and mastery cores into other chain masteries, with a mastery limit????
There's so much more........smh.