Outdated things in the game



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  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,254 ★★★★★
    Yeah all revives at this point need to be a percentage. That is absolutely true.
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  • GreekhitGreekhit Member Posts: 2,820 ★★★★★

    I just posted this in the Suggestions section, but the backgrounds (arenas) we fight in are outdated. I would like new locations, places, etc to fight in and wouldn't mind if some of the existing were removed to make space.

    Also map graphics really need some more flavor, they have next to no visual flair or appeal.

    Are you sure?
    Game already lags, has dropped frame rate and failed inputs on many devices.
    I would suggest the opposite. A performance mode with lower resolution graphics, so laggy devices could play more smooth.
  • FoldinBoxesFoldinBoxes Member Posts: 34
    Greekhit said:

    I just posted this in the Suggestions section, but the backgrounds (arenas) we fight in are outdated. I would like new locations, places, etc to fight in and wouldn't mind if some of the existing were removed to make space.

    Also map graphics really need some more flavor, they have next to no visual flair or appeal.

    Are you sure?
    Game already lags, has dropped frame rate and failed inputs on many devices.
    I would suggest the opposite. A performance mode with lower resolution graphics, so laggy devices could play more smooth.
    Maybe for the maps, I'll grant you that. But I can't see any downside in replacing some of the existing arenas (backgrounds) with new locations. Presumably they would take about the same resources as existing arenas.
  • ReferenceReference Member Posts: 2,916 ★★★★★
    The game just keep giving you stuffs that which is almost meaningless, and ignore the progress of player.
    e.g. L1 alliance health pots, XP boosts, 3* AG, 3* arena boosts, etc.

    Originally the use of Proven....UC, Cav, TB is a way to separate the rewards level, and Kabam did say so, yet the end reform is just half way, leaving all those stale crystals and resources still grant to all players without caring there is no use for higher level players.
  • NojokejaymNojokejaym Member Posts: 4,127 ★★★★★

    Yeah all revives at this point need to be a percentage. That is absolutely true.

    Revives are percentage, I think you mean health potions.
  • ReferenceReference Member Posts: 2,916 ★★★★★
    edited March 2021
    Nocko said:

    For me its these 3 things, which have all been mentioned in the thread already but:

    1. Iso structure: The iso you get from duping a 4* vs 5* vs 6* should scale... if its 24 blocks for 4*, then it should be 36 for a 5* and 48 for a 6*
    2. Energy: I dont mind 70 energy max, but no path should cost more than one full bar of energy. It's trash starting a path with a full bar of energy and you cant even get to the boss with it
    3. Health Pots: They need to have pots scale correctly with the health pool of champions. Give higher level players access to a level 5 or 6 pot that actually helps with content. Same with revives

    Regarding (3), there were few discussion posts suggest changing the health pot from absolute value to percentage base like revives few years ago. The posts were shut down due to derail by few players and guardians unfortunately.
  • Aziz5253Aziz5253 Member Posts: 495 ★★★
    The UI of the game, the last time they updated it was only the fights screen. And even that's buggy since it was released and is still now.

    The crystal tab and the Arena seriously needs an UI Change. I understand that there'll be bugs everytime they try to change the UI but it's still needed
  • SEYWASEYWA Member Posts: 1
    The collection system in general. Especially regarding new champs, which 99% of the time are only available for hardcore arena grinders (too much grind anyway) or more commonly the spenders. Even so, crystal drop rates for any version of the featured are underwhelmingly low.
    Other than that, the game can be so depressing when you grind hard for a 5 or 6* dud. A mechanic to swap a champ for another is needed for at least 5 or 6* characters like they have in some idle games. This could have a cap and resource cost to make it targetable but not broken or impossible. I feel this can ease players like me who are going through half a year without any usable champ. And in a game where certain utility can save so much time and effort, this means a world of difference.

    Other than collection system, I'd say Gold is too hard to earn for people who don't grind arena, if they give more gold for higher completed quests than that's good. The December event was amazing for giving a lotta gold for each chapter of side quest completed.
  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    Aziz5253 said:

    The UI of the game, the last time they updated it was only the fights screen. And even that's buggy since it was released and is still now.

    The crystal tab and the Arena seriously needs an UI Change. I understand that there'll be bugs everytime they try to change the UI but it's still needed

    And you realise that "UI change" is what's causing countless players to experience freezing issues, right?
  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,254 ★★★★★
    Keep it going. Free Masteries, percentage based health potions, more 4 star shards to deal with the iso issues. On the lower levels of side events we need to throw in more 4 star shards.
  • sherin_66sherin_66 Member Posts: 268 ★★★
    The background during fights, it has never been touched
  • MrBanksMrBanks Member Posts: 1,002 ★★★
    The help button, loyalty store, and arena milestones are the biggest contenders imo
  • Absolute_0Absolute_0 Member Posts: 28
    For me it’s the following (and most, if not all are listed)

    1. Masteries- make them free to change, 1 gold, or even presets. We spend more than enough units to unlock them, why is there a charge to change them? Kabam wants us to use more champions (and I would like to) but spending 60-100 units every time I want to use a different set of champs is ridiculous.
    2. Rewards - even when rewards are updated, they are already out of date. From the monthly events, to aq and war rewards - none of them match the effort.
    3. Crystals - why do I still receive phc shards? They do nothing. Give me a reason to grind arena and change the reward shards to match the level of progression - gmc shards and cavalier. This is a collection game along with fighting after all. War win/loss crystals are a joke. Aq crystals are also in a serious need of an update.
    4. Alliance events - again rewards haven’t changed in a long time. It can’t be that hard to change a few numbers.

    We were promised a bunch of changes a year ago with the dev diary posts, and the only thing I’ve seen come out of that is the dual class crystals.
  • DemonicStalkerDemonicStalker Member Posts: 340 ★★
    1) Masteries - About time to include class-based masteries and/or basic attributes masteries.

    2) Summoners Advancement - Rewards should be similar to off ggc. Ally rewards and solo-tier rewards. High contributors deserve better rewards. Period.

    3) Arena - Each milestone should give at least 20 units. 2 milestones, 1 level 2 revive. Also, time for a t5b, t2a and 2 to 5% t5c arena. Road to 1m (with 2* and below) should b once every 2 weeks.

    4) Availability of alliance quest/war and incursion revives at a cheaper price. 180 units for a min level 1 team revive is just all out stupid. But at least incursion have affordable solo revive.

    5) PHC. Yes. PHC. Can we have all the new champs into that as well? Some of us would love 2* doom, 2* warlock or even 2* king groot.

    6) Alliance war crystal. Seriously. Give the crystal some focus or if not, just give us 5-10k alliance chips for war win and 1-4k alliance chips for war loss. Don't give players a crystal where there's really nothing in it we look forward to.

    7) incursion friendship crystal. Just Incursion shards (500, 1500, 2500). No need for gold, pots or that stupid title.

    8) Monthly calendar. At least 1k units a month. Some level 2 or 3 revive and health pots. Weekly sig stones crystal at least? Give us something to look forward to every morning. And no, I'm not talking about 3000 gold.

    9) Free crystal. Remove gold and minor energy refill. Just revive and health pots would do.
  • IronGladiator22IronGladiator22 Member Posts: 1,732 ★★★★

    1) Masteries - About time to include class-based masteries and/or basic attributes masteries.

    2) Summoners Advancement - Rewards should be similar to off ggc. Ally rewards and solo-tier rewards. High contributors deserve better rewards. Period.

    3) Arena - Each milestone should give at least 20 units. 2 milestones, 1 level 2 revive. Also, time for a t5b, t2a and 2 to 5% t5c arena. Road to 1m (with 2* and below) should b once every 2 weeks.

    4) Availability of alliance quest/war and incursion revives at a cheaper price. 180 units for a min level 1 team revive is just all out stupid. But at least incursion have affordable solo revive.

    5) PHC. Yes. PHC. Can we have all the new champs into that as well? Some of us would love 2* doom, 2* warlock or even 2* king groot.

    6) Alliance war crystal. Seriously. Give the crystal some focus or if not, just give us 5-10k alliance chips for war win and 1-4k alliance chips for war loss. Don't give players a crystal where there's really nothing in it we look forward to.

    7) incursion friendship crystal. Just Incursion shards (500, 1500, 2500). No need for gold, pots or that stupid title.

    8) Monthly calendar. At least 1k units a month. Some level 2 or 3 revive and health pots. Weekly sig stones crystal at least? Give us something to look forward to every morning. And no, I'm not talking about 3000 gold.

    9) Free crystal. Remove gold and minor energy refill. Just revive and health pots would do.

    I do agree with some of the things you said, but 1k units a month? That’s a ton. Also I really like how over 50% of the champion pool is a trophy champ as a 2*
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  • The_Sentry06The_Sentry06 Member Posts: 7,804 ★★★★★

    Sheesh.....where do I even start? The way Kabam operates is outdated. Many times I've wondered what is wrong with them. There shouldn't be useless 3* champs in Cavalier crystals. Period. But they'll make excuses for that even though 3*s can be found continuously in other lower tier crystals.

    They need to offer WHOLE T5CC selectors instead fragments. How many of you want to pour resources into your 6* Champs but can't because of Kabam and the unreasonable percent limits and availability they place on T5CCs?

    Kabam needs to improve with their rewards. The trash Valhalla rewards, and many others are, the biggest joke. It doesn't matter if they're free.

    Special offers need to last more than 24hrs. Give people adequate time to get the money to buy them! If a great bundle is offered on a Wed, but most people can't get it until pay day (typically Friday), they miss out! Kabam had that trash Thor JF Crystal available for 6 days! But other great offers only last 24hrs. Smh.

    Unstoppable Colossus for over 300k and 800k in loyalty. REALLY?!?!? Who wants UC THAT badly? But In case someone does, and alternate solution would be to add more champ and alternate them daily!

    Realm Of Legends rewards are GROSSLY outdated. They STILL have preselected 4STAR CHAMPIONS (Xavier Cyclops, Rhino, and Ronan), 1000 xp boost, and 10k in gold. Wtf?!? That's too much grinding to receive such trash rewards. That's ZERO incentive.. What made them think that summoners still want to grind hard for 4* Cyclops, Rhino, and Ronan? Lmaoooooo. A joke.

    Signature abilities need serious improvement.

    Champion profiles need to be improved. Their max health level should be conviently visible in their profiles. We shouldn't have to click on a higher tier champ, scroll through the champ levels just to see what their max health can be.

    And has anybody ever unlocked the Question mark masteries, and "coming soon" masteries? How do you even get that far without having to pour so many units and mastery cores into other chain masteries, with a mastery limit????

    There's so much more........smh.

    Lmaooo everything is wrong with this.

    1) 3* champs in cavs are there to bring a balance to that crystal. Those crystals released somewhere in early-mid 2019 I believe at a time where getting 6* were super-rare. Can you imagine how much of a shift it would have been if only 4 to 6* were included? More 4* mean more 5* which in turns means more 6* which will speed up the introduction of 7 stars which no one wants. Or at the very least, that would help make 6* obsolete faster. Plus cavs aren't even anything that you HAVE to buy.

    2) This point is hilariously wrong. How does one think it's better to offer whole t5cc selectors than fragments? That'd break the game's economy and even the most entitled of people know that.

    3) Rewards are already good and add up decently over a month for the Valhalla objectives. Some other rewards maybe outdated in the game though

    4) Not sure on this one but they typically last 24 hours a day because we get one per day.

    5) UC Colossus is a trophy champ only. Buy him if you want or don't But if Kabam add and alternate championthere, you can't expect them to be good either as that would once again make it almost mandatory to be in an alliance when the current situation of a solo player is already not too great. You should have instead asked for a complete rework of the loyalty system.

    6) Ehhhh. Rol is pretty easy by today's standards even with 4 stars. Plus they offer a good amount of health potions. No one needs any incentive to do it. It's optional content and people only do it as a progression milestone instead of looking for game-changing rewards.

    7) Sig abilities are perfectly fine.

    8) No that'd clutter the UI even more.

    9) You can grind units and unlock masteries. Sure switching masteries and all could be improved but unlocking them is in the hands of every player. Just have to smart and decide which ones you need. That's why you have a limit in the first place.
  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,254 ★★★★★

    Sheesh.....where do I even start? The way Kabam operates is outdated. Many times I've wondered what is wrong with them. There shouldn't be useless 3* champs in Cavalier crystals. Period. But they'll make excuses for that even though 3*s can be found continuously in other lower tier crystals.

    They need to offer WHOLE T5CC selectors instead fragments. How many of you want to pour resources into your 6* Champs but can't because of Kabam and the unreasonable percent limits and availability they place on T5CCs?

    Kabam needs to improve with their rewards. The trash Valhalla rewards, and many others are, the biggest joke. It doesn't matter if they're free.

    Special offers need to last more than 24hrs. Give people adequate time to get the money to buy them! If a great bundle is offered on a Wed, but most people can't get it until pay day (typically Friday), they miss out! Kabam had that trash Thor JF Crystal available for 6 days! But other great offers only last 24hrs. Smh.

    Unstoppable Colossus for over 300k and 800k in loyalty. REALLY?!?!? Who wants UC THAT badly? But In case someone does, and alternate solution would be to add more champ and alternate them daily!

    Realm Of Legends rewards are GROSSLY outdated. They STILL have preselected 4STAR CHAMPIONS (Xavier Cyclops, Rhino, and Ronan), 1000 xp boost, and 10k in gold. Wtf?!? That's too much grinding to receive such trash rewards. That's ZERO incentive.. What made them think that summoners still want to grind hard for 4* Cyclops, Rhino, and Ronan? Lmaoooooo. A joke.

    Signature abilities need serious improvement.

    Champion profiles need to be improved. Their max health level should be conviently visible in their profiles. We shouldn't have to click on a higher tier champ, scroll through the champ levels just to see what their max health can be.

    And has anybody ever unlocked the Question mark masteries, and "coming soon" masteries? How do you even get that far without having to pour so many units and mastery cores into other chain masteries, with a mastery limit????

    There's so much more........smh.

    Lmaooo everything is wrong with this.

    1) 3* champs in cavs are there to bring a balance to that crystal. Those crystals released somewhere in early-mid 2019 I believe at a time where getting 6* were super-rare. Can you imagine how much of a shift it would have been if only 4 to 6* were included? More 4* mean more 5* which in turns means more 6* which will speed up the introduction of 7 stars which no one wants. Or at the very least, that would help make 6* obsolete faster. Plus cavs aren't even anything that you HAVE to buy.

    2) This point is hilariously wrong. How does one think it's better to offer whole t5cc selectors than fragments? That'd break the game's economy and even the most entitled of people know that.

    3) Rewards are already good and add up decently over a month for the Valhalla objectives. Some other rewards maybe outdated in the game though

    4) Not sure on this one but they typically last 24 hours a day because we get one per day.

    5) UC Colossus is a trophy champ only. Buy him if you want or don't But if Kabam add and alternate championthere, you can't expect them to be good either as that would once again make it almost mandatory to be in an alliance when the current situation of a solo player is already not too great. You should have instead asked for a complete rework of the loyalty system.

    6) Ehhhh. Rol is pretty easy by today's standards even with 4 stars. Plus they offer a good amount of health potions. No one needs any incentive to do it. It's optional content and people only do it as a progression milestone instead of looking for game-changing rewards.

    7) Sig abilities are perfectly fine.

    8) No that'd clutter the UI even more.

    9) You can grind units and unlock masteries. Sure switching masteries and all could be improved but unlocking them is in the hands of every player. Just have to smart and decide which ones you need. That's why you have a limit in the first place.
    This post is supposed to be about what we can suggest to help the game and you brought nothing to to the table, therefore defeating the purpose. Just had to get that out of the way.

    I think updating things that haven't been touched in years makes the most sense. UC being sold at all is not needed, war crystals, Masteries costs, summoner advancement. The game in general needs a huge clean up.
  • Aziz5253Aziz5253 Member Posts: 495 ★★★
    Kill_Grey said:

    Aziz5253 said:

    The UI of the game, the last time they updated it was only the fights screen. And even that's buggy since it was released and is still now.

    The crystal tab and the Arena seriously needs an UI Change. I understand that there'll be bugs everytime they try to change the UI but it's still needed

    And you realise that "UI change" is what's causing countless players to experience freezing issues, right?
    The UI Change is not responsible for freezing issues, it may be responsible for a few other bugs tho. And I realize with a new UI, new bugs crawl in, but I still believe it needs a change.
  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    Aziz5253 said:

    Kill_Grey said:

    Aziz5253 said:

    The UI of the game, the last time they updated it was only the fights screen. And even that's buggy since it was released and is still now.

    The crystal tab and the Arena seriously needs an UI Change. I understand that there'll be bugs everytime they try to change the UI but it's still needed

    And you realise that "UI change" is what's causing countless players to experience freezing issues, right?
    The UI Change is not responsible for freezing issues, it may be responsible for a few other bugs tho. And I realize with a new UI, new bugs crawl in, but I still believe it needs a change.
    I'm talking about the fights screen change. It's the most reasonable explanation, as that's about precisely when the freezing issues began.
  • manveertherealmanveerthereal Member Posts: 1,363 ★★★
    every month that is a main event and a side event we should get some cooler events im getting kinda tired of this game doing the same things
  • manveertherealmanveerthereal Member Posts: 1,363 ★★★
    after you got a 3 star champion the deal buy a 4 star for 910 units. like the value of that offer goes into the negitives
  • DiovedDioved Member Posts: 36
    Blocking Champions during AQ / AW
    It just gets in the way of playing. Even with a large pool of champions.
  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,254 ★★★★★
    Dioved said:

    Blocking Champions during AQ / AW
    It just gets in the way of playing. Even with a large pool of champions.

    That's a low roster problem. I have enough champions for AQ, AW and questing and still have some left. So you'll get there if you keep ranking up.
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