Colossus VS Archangel

Mandalore02Mandalore02 Member Posts: 7
edited March 2021 in Strategy and Tips
So I recently r5d my Colossus and I love him. I think that while he doesn’t have a ton of utility, he’s a good champ and pairs well with my OR. My top 5 mutants are OR, Red Mags, Colossus, AA, Apoc. My friend swears that AA gets the nod over Colossus and colossus barely makes the top 10 mutants.
So which is better, Colossus or AA?

Colossus VS Archangel 84 votes

Saiyanccrider474NumanTerraStingerbkAckbar67Zeronaut81Anthinho_Sham_Luke9523te_dua_shumBonzodavidMandalore02Ksp_2099BerjibsParam1988MainzelLovekMCOCHazzaBen_15455 30 votes
danielmathSpity68DarkZenLvernon15Sw0rdMasterDoonxOnmixyuwUnidentifiedCreaturewvonkJuggerNotRockypantherxKill_GreyEtjamadot_dittoHera1d_of_Ga1actusEinfachSoddomSarvanga1_Masterpuff 54 votes
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on


  • HoitadoHoitado Member Posts: 3,707 ★★★★★
    Archangel is better overall IMO but I think Colossus has more utility
  • UnidentifiedCreatureUnidentifiedCreature Member Posts: 589 ★★★
    For me, its a close call. Damage wise, I think Colossus might be a bit better than Archangel, but Archangel for sure has more utility. So, yeah, I'm gonna go with my guy Archangel on on this one, but Colossus is not that much worse.
  • TerminatrixTerminatrix Member Posts: 3,655 ★★★★★
    edited March 2021
    Congrats on R5ing your Colossus! Hard to compare the two since both are great champs with great abilities. Colossus has many immunities, AA has none. AA has insane poison and damage over time, Colossus has none. Colossus has a nasty heavy attack that accrues more power with his armor up buffs, AA doesn't. Colossus can handle anybody, AA might struggle against bleed immune, poison immune, and robot champs. Colossus has unblockabe Sp2, AA has unblockable nothing. But AA's poison/neurotoxins makes up for where he lacks, and can make fights easier and over with quicker. Still a tough call, but congrats again!
  • ddomddom Member Posts: 572 ★★
    They're both easily top 5 and arguably top 3 mutants but I think in current Meta, archangel is a hair better
  • DarkZenDarkZen Member Posts: 295 ★★
    ... you cant go wrong with either... AA just takes it for me
  • EtjamaEtjama Member Posts: 7,981 ★★★★★
    Woah woah woah, I never said he barely makes the top 10 Mutants 😂. Colossus only has 3 immunities and armor ups. That's literally it for his utility. AA has some of the best heal block and AAR in the game. He's practically the best possible option for anything that's not immune to bleed and poison. It's not a competition.
  • EtjamaEtjama Member Posts: 7,981 ★★★★★
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  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    Etjama said:
  • Fear_of_Clowns2099Fear_of_Clowns2099 Member Posts: 893 ★★★
    Obviously Archangel is miles better only in fights that can be bled or poisoned or whatever. Colossus usually works in what Archangel can't. I'm a bit biased though I love seeing Colossus hit 20k crits on mediums, which isn't that much but I don't run suicides so it's pretty good for me
  • MasterpuffMasterpuff Member Posts: 6,478 ★★★★★
    While colossus is tanky and has immunities, he has very little useful utility. Although, he is the best crumbling armor havok counter.

    I have used my Colossus in real content since November. This includes Cav EQ and the SQ as well. He just doesnt have use to me.

    AA on the other hand has gotten tons of use, due the the reason i listed in my previous comment.
  • SaiyanSaiyan Member Posts: 730 ★★★★
    Colossus is better than AA for the SOLE fact that you can use Col in many more places than AA. Bleed or Poison immunity takes AA out of the question in most cases. Other than that when you can apply Toxins then AA is better.
  • StoNerdStoNerd Member Posts: 182
    With horsemen, AA easily tops if the the opponent can bleed and poisoned. But in questing there are many champs immune to either one. So I prefer colossus over AA, as he is tanky, got immunities, and hits damn hard. I always check the path if I need to bring AA, for colossus I can just take him without hesitation unless the nodes demand a counter. With OR on the team, the fights will end in under 20hits depending on the health pool.

    Although I love to watching the opponents melt while using AA and he just ignores the nodes with AAR.
  • Ackbar67Ackbar67 Member Posts: 467 ★★★★
    They're so different. Archangel requires the opponent to be bled and poisoned, but if they can he'll be fantastic. Colossus can't kill with the speed of Archangel, but he can work for far more fights. If I could only have one I'd have to pick Colossus because he can cover more ground
  • BuggyDClownBuggyDClown Member Posts: 2,547 ★★★★★
    His signature ability turns the table quickly if enemy can be bleeded and poisoned
  • SquirrelguySquirrelguy Member Posts: 2,654 ★★★★★
    edited March 2021
    100% depends on the opponent. Bleed and poison-able? AA, no question. Bleed or poison immune? Colossus, no question.

    I would also definitely rank Colossus in the top 5-7 mutants at least.
  • Rouger4Rouger4 Member Posts: 633 ★★★
    AA but by a small margin
  • Rohit_316Rohit_316 Member Posts: 3,417 ★★★★★
    Utility ? No contest .
    Damage ? No contest . AA can kill faster than Colossus.

    AA doesn't needs a whole bunch of synergies to be good , he walks alone .

    Colossus is good ..but just good ..AA is awesome.
  • Stebo_79Stebo_79 Member Posts: 642 ★★★
    If the opponent bleeds then AA all day. Colossus is a tank though.
  • BerjibsBerjibs Member Posts: 1,541 ★★★★
    If you have omega, easily colossus
  • MainzelMainzel Member Posts: 50
    Tuff call but imo I can use collosus for more fights. He does not reley on the enemy beeing vulnarable to poison and bleed, he only needs to be able to stun the opponent. But even if he can not stun the opponent he can still do good damage while AA is much harder to play. But then again AA has the aar. I gues the deciding factor for me is that collosus is a bit more reliable since he does not depend on rng as much as aa.
    Either way I'd say this is a thing of prefrence. They have like the same playstile but their abilitys are like polare opposits ( one working with buffs, the other with debuffs)
  • Fear_of_Clowns2099Fear_of_Clowns2099 Member Posts: 893 ★★★

    While colossus is tanky and has immunities, he has very little useful utility. Although, he is the best crumbling armor havok counter.

    I have used my Colossus in real content since November. This includes Cav EQ and the SQ as well. He just doesnt have use to me.

    AA on the other hand has gotten tons of use, due the the reason i listed in my previous comment.

    Did you mean to say you haven't used Colossus or you have used Colossus?
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