Who to pick from my nexus...

Definitely not the best nexus but it was from a cav so *shrug*. I have Apocalypse for Psylocke but I also have suicides and I know that Civil Warrior and Psylocke not very good with suicides... so Dormammu? Any help appreciated.

After thinking it over there is a 95% chance I am gonna go Dormammu, since realistically I won't use either of the other two, and with Dormammu I can at least have
A. Some reliable power control.
B. Someone I can use a lot since they won't die from suicides.
C. Potential buff candidate.
Thanks for all the help guys.
I'm a bit confused though why everyone says Dorm is good with suicides????! Yes his immunities help with the suicide DoT but he needs to throw sp1/sp2 for power lock and such, which is part of his utility.... Am I missing sumth? Is he immune to recoil???