It will be later this year Or early next year. Cz they will be doing some visual improvement and new animation too with miles. Miles is such a beloved character and fan favourite they will take time to make great changes with him. Full disclosure Miles buff will be one of tge best most solid looking Overhaul of recent times.
It will be later this year Or early next year. Cz they will be doing some visual improvement and new animation too with miles. Miles is such a beloved character and fan favourite they will take time to make great changes with him. Full disclosure Miles buff will be one of tge best most solid looking Overhaul of recent times.
Hope so. I’ve got a science AG and T5 cat for my 6*.
It will be later this year Or early next year. Cz they will be doing some visual improvement and new animation too with miles. Miles is such a beloved character and fan favourite they will take time to make great changes with him. Full disclosure Miles buff will be one of tge best most solid looking Overhaul of recent times.
Everything you said except the second sentence is hearsay or baseless guesswork, but presented as immovable fact.
I don’t know, if I were recreating black panther his powers are “enhanced strength, speed, agility, stamina, durability, healing, and reflexes” he is basically a more powerful captain America . If we were talking about civil war they could do a lot more with that character. Maybe for OG, counter punch effects, unstoppable effects, crazy bleeds etc. I imagine it’s it’s difficult to give characters like Karnak , OG BP and classic cap their very one kits because most of their powers are basically every super hero. I look forward to what’s they will do.
Miles morales is basically OG spiderman with venom blast and the ability to turn invisible; I think they should play on a miss mechanic or invisibility. Obviously they have his venom blast there already it’s just a matter of figuring out how to incorporate it within his kit a little better.
So who will be better ? I think they will both be “fun champs to play” and wouldn’t expect them to jump to the top , just because Kabam likes to keep characters similar to their lore . I think the next powerful buff we will probably get is vision and or ultron.
Man, I'm waiting on the news for next month's buffs, I don't want to rank anyone up until I know about them, so I'm dying to hear the news. Miles and BP aren't for a while though.
There is no new info yet OP, we will have to wait and see.
Dont spread false info we haven’t gotten any info about either buff yet
Cz they will be doing some visual improvement and new animation too with miles.
Miles is such a beloved character and fan favourite they will take time to make great changes with him.
Full disclosure Miles buff will be one of tge best most solid looking Overhaul of recent times.
He can’t be worst than his current state 🤣
Wednesday or Friday?
In the comics of course. In the game they both suck lol
Miles morales is basically OG spiderman with venom blast and the ability to turn invisible; I think they should play on a miss mechanic or invisibility. Obviously they have his venom blast there already it’s just a matter of figuring out how to incorporate it within his kit a little better.
So who will be better ? I think they will both be “fun champs to play” and wouldn’t expect them to jump to the top , just because Kabam likes to keep characters similar to their lore . I think the next powerful buff we will probably get is vision and or ultron.
Can somebody give Rhodey a chance to tell a good MCOC story?
Possibly might become useable alongside Tigra; she has a decent synergy for him.
But yeah, he's just awful right now.