Hear me out! Elsa Bloodstone is very fun to use

Regardless of if you like or hate Elsa, there is no denying how useful she can be in the right scenario. People often complain that they would never use her because there will always be a better champion, but she makes fights incredibly safe and stress-free. One clear example of this is Selective Timestream, where she has very easy access to an incredibly long incinerate. It makes the fights really fun without the constant stress of worrying about keeping up a shock, incinerate, or infection. Here is Elsa against the 7.1.6 Gwenperion as an example:

Had a lot of fun messing around in this fight with mine, btw
Not to mention, if you run Suicides, unless you're fighting Mutant Champions, she can put Degen on the opponent, making them even easier to mow down, especially if you use her for one fight.
No, she's not Warlock, but between her Evade Mechanic, Incinerate, and bursty damage, she's not that far off. Yes, Warlock has some really good synergies, yes, Warlock has access to a heal, and many immunities, much higher crit damage, but his white damage is worse than Elsa's.
She is a very good champion. There’s an annoying section of the community who like to say she’s awful, and a similar section who like to say she’s better than Nick.
But just a question: what happened to your sp3?
I usually build to sp3, then sp1 just as I was about to get to sp2. Quickly build to sp3 for massive damage.
I only do the sp1 - sp2 rotation in short fights