R5 Nick Fury (Duped) or Red Magneto?

JohnDoe89JohnDoe89 Member Posts: 70
Not sure who to roll with

What’s the word?

R5 Nick Fury (Duped) or Red Magneto? 22 votes

Nick Fury (Duped)
evilKINGwilsonHammerbro_64JuggerNotKill_GreySarvanga1_A_NAZSuss_WizzardDrauglinSaltE_Wenis69CrcrcrcRDMNFlyGalaxyBombFastastheflashSpinnakerKiller354 15 votes
Red Magneto
TristanTerrayuwGr8TonyStarkScrubhanCeltic1981Norman_Oro 7 votes


  • FastastheflashFastastheflash Member Posts: 17
    Nick Fury (Duped)
    This is a tough poll
  • TitoBandito187TitoBandito187 Member Posts: 2,072 ★★★★
    Both! Just do one and work on the other after.

    If running suicides, magneto first. His heal reversal is really nice and he absolutely does not need suicides, but he works well with them.

    If no suicides and you have CMM and/or quake, then NF first. Who knows, you might pull a 6* mags and then want to rank him over your 5*. NF needs that dupe so 5* is probably more realistic for most people.
  • JohnDoe89JohnDoe89 Member Posts: 70

    Both! Just do one and work on the other after.

    If running suicides, magneto first. His heal reversal is really nice and he absolutely does not need suicides, but he works well with them.

    If no suicides and you have CMM and/or quake, then NF first. Who knows, you might pull a 6* mags and then want to rank him over your 5*. NF needs that dupe so 5* is probably more realistic for most people.

    Yes the fact that Nick has to be duped has me leaning towards doing him first, good shout
  • Gr8TonyStarkGr8TonyStark Member Posts: 1,029 ★★★
    Red Magneto
    Both anyways. Both are complete bangers and at the top of their class.
  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,655 ★★★★★
    edited March 2021
    Red Magneto
    Very difficult choice.
    I'm going with the one I have experience with.
    You can't go wrong with either tbh
  • JuggerNotJuggerNot Member Posts: 432 ★★
    Nick Fury (Duped)
    Gives great value for a 20% revive, and magneto doesn't need the dupe as much as nick so might as well take advantage
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,330 ★★★★★
    For practical purpose, Magneto first?, since NF is bugged now.
  • JohnDoe89JohnDoe89 Member Posts: 70

    For practical purpose, Magneto first?, since NF is bugged now.

    What’s the bug his fury not activating in 2nd life?
  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    Nick Fury (Duped)
    I would do NF first since he already has a super low health pool and Magneto has such a high damage against metals a single rank won’t do much.

    That being said you should totally do both, but NF would be the better choice to go first.
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,330 ★★★★★

    For practical purpose, Magneto first?, since NF is bugged now.

    What’s the bug his fury not activating in 2nd life?
    I read these
    1/ cannot regen after lmd destroyed
    2/ auto start with real NF
    3/ sometimes works, sometimes don't on persistant charge
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