How many units worth of revives did you use for easy path of Abyss?



  • SeraphionSeraphion Member Posts: 1,496 ★★★★
    Path 1 4.120
    Path 2 4.040
    Path 3 2.920
  • DarkEternityDarkEternity Member Posts: 784 ★★★★
    I used 63 revives which equates to 2.5k units spent. I had max boosters the entire time and none of my fights besides Collector were above 10 revives. My highest revive fight was OR (due to bad RNG) and I had amazing RNG the entire run imo.
  • SeraphionSeraphion Member Posts: 1,496 ★★★★
    Bulmkt said:

    Would this be an ideal team to complete the easy abyss path?

    R5 5* sig 200 AEgon
    R3 6* Apocalypse
    R2 6* Cable
    R5 5* sig 200 Void (I don’t own HT)
    R5 5* sig 140 Star Lord

    Should I sub out SL and sub in a R5 5* sig 200 Wolverine under the horseman synergy?

    Tips welcome


    Void (have dispair ready so you can 1 shot Joe)

    Mystic (I used Doom but SS is better if you run at least 4 MD)

    Invisible Woman counter (Nick is best also nice damage synergy)

    + Heimdal/Quake

    I would suggest Quake bc you can better ramp up Aegon. Nothing more frustrating than losing your combo with Aegon.
    + you safe a lot revive on the way.

    Heimdal is way better vs the Collector
  • Etm34Etm34 Member Posts: 1,688 ★★★★★
    I used like 5k units total for that path because CMM kept wrecking me and I had a very minimal stash. Used like 1k on her alone. I can’t wait to run through that path again with my alt now that CMM has been nerfed in abyss to see how much smoother it goes
  • IKONIKON Member Posts: 1,360 ★★★★★
    Etm34 said:

    I used like 5k units total for that path because CMM kept wrecking me and I had a very minimal stash. Used like 1k on her alone. I can’t wait to run through that path again with my alt now that CMM has been nerfed in abyss to see how much smoother it goes

    Thank you so much for reminding me of this, I spent like 5k as well but forgot about the bugged CMM, was wondering how I spent so much more for that first path.
  • TKS87TKS87 Member Posts: 375 ★★★

    TKS87 said:

    Without Aegon, my run of the easy path cost me between 3-3.5k units of revives, and even that was with a solo on 4 of the fights (meph, CMM, mordo and Loki). I was boosted the entire time as well but I don't include that in unit cost. Having Aegon would have brought that cost down a little bit.

    What are champs did you use?
    I went in with 6* r3 doom, 6* r2 torch, 5/65 void, fury and CGR. Void was certainly my least used champ but he worked well to manage IMIW's power gain for the last 15% and I wanted a backup option for meph in case I blew torchs pre fight. CGR did a surprising amount of work he was still pretty new when I did my run so I wasn't sure how we would perform, but he put a lot of work in.
  • BulmktBulmkt Member Posts: 1,707 ★★★★

    Bulmkt said:

    Would this be an ideal team to complete the easy abyss path?

    R5 5* sig 200 AEgon
    R3 6* Apocalypse
    R2 6* Cable
    R5 5* sig 200 Void (I don’t own HT)
    R5 5* sig 140 Star Lord

    Should I sub out SL and sub in a R5 5* sig 200 Wolverine under the horseman synergy?

    Tips welcome

    I’m going to be honest, I don’t really see how having 4 damage dealers (Aegon, apoc, cable and SL) is going to help you when Aegon by himself works perfectly fine.
    You’re missing a mystic to deal with the cosmic champs (CMM, VTD and Cull specifically) and you don’t have a miss counter for invisible woman.
    And personally I find Heimdall works for getting some final big hits in vs collector and saved me a few revives in that fight.

    So my personal recommendation is
    Mystic (I went doom)
    Invisible woman counter (I went with fury)
    And typically people go with quake or Heimdall or something like that for final slot.
    Tks mate
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