Increase ISO capacity

The cost to Level up a rank 2 6* is up to 88 T5 class iso. The inventory has remained at 45 max. With the length of time required to obtain 6*'s that are worthy of taking to rank 2 it is very difficult to save the iso i have and use it on the correct class. The amount of iso needed and the amount we are able to store is far more out of balance for end game players focused on 6*'s than uncollected players focused on 4 and 5*'s. I think it makes a lot of sense to increase ISO storage for Cavalier and Throne breaker players. The cost to rank champions favors those players with smaller rosters too much and penalizes your longest and most dedicated users. The fact that I cant even store enough iso in my inventory to level up a R1 6* makes little sense.


  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,316 ★★★★★
    Can't you just.... not open iso-giving crystals?
    Can't have iso in overflow if you haven't got any iso. Just open them when you need iso
  • HudsonmanHudsonman Member Posts: 52
    That's what i do with all 4* and below crystals. But i still open 6*'s. I still open 5* featured and its still a problem. Obviously its not the biggest problem in the game. I can sell the iso. It's just a very simple quality of life change that is over do. when the capacity was originally set we were still on 4*'s. The cost to R1 a 6* requires more than double the amount of ISO to R5 a 4* or R3 a 5*. It's out of date. Having enough iso in your inventory to Level up 1 R1 champ is a reasonable expectation and as the game continues to grow and change the inventory capacity should grow and change with it.
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