Is Kabam now extremely conservative with all new and buffed champions.



  • PulyamanPulyaman Member Posts: 2,365 ★★★★★
    Yes Kabam is more Conservative but I am fine with that.

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    2021 champs have kicked off very meh, but if you look back, the same applied to the 2020 champs in the first 3 months. As the year progresses, I'm sure we're going to get more and more awesome champions like Apocalypse/CGR/Prof X.

    As for the buffed champions, I very much disagree. I think people are being way too harsh on Kabam for the buffs. Literally every champion that has been buffed in this new buff system has become a better champion. Yes, not every champion will be top tier, but they are all improvements of their previous forms. And some of the recent buffs have been awesome, like Mole Man, Kingpin, and Angela, to name a few.

    Well, it would not be a buff if there were no improvements. Some of the champions were so bad that there was no possible way to but up. I agree that the buffs have been good somewhat. I just wish Kabam would keep the core mechanics like they promised they would after the Hood debacle. Angela - Not sure how her buff is awesome, she was mediocre before and she is mediocre now. DDHK, Kingpin - Solid buff for Kingpin, good one for DDHK. Yellow jacket - He had no use before, he is usable in some niche situations now. We need to see the other buffs to be live so that we can test and learn their uses. Mole-man - Solid increase in utility and damage. Terrax - Defender before, defender now.

    To conclude - Champions don't excite me as much as they did before. It could be because of no new useful content to use them on. So, once variant 7 and act 7.2 comes, we may get a little more excitement.
    How in the world is being 100% resistant to all the debuffs in the game mediocre? Angela is undisputably an elite champion now, for the SOLE reason of that insanely powerful ability. It doesn't matter if you like her or not, being able to take 0 damage from all debuffs is incredibly powerful. She is not mediocre in the slightest.

    All of the buffs recently have made the champions better, and most of the buffs have resulted in those champions being used a whole lot more.
    She is not resistant to all debuffs, she reduces the duration depending on the number of buffs you have. Her ability on paper is amazing, but she needs full sig to use it well and to maintain 3 buffs through out the whole match. Same with the autoblock bypass.

    It doesn't matter to me if you like her too, it's a niche utility that may be used somewhere in the future content. If I wanted to avoid a debuff , I would simply take a immune champ. I don't suddenly see a bunch of videos using Angela in so many situations. If you like her so much, show us your 5/65 or at least a 2/35 Angela.

    Then sig her up? That's like saying because Namor and Aegon need high sig, they're less valuable. She reduces the duration of debuffs by 100%, meaning she is 100% resistant to the normal duration of debuffs. You don't need to bring an immune champ, as she can handle all damaging debuffs.

    It's not niche in the slightest, that's like saying Colossus' immunities are niche, leaving him with no utility. Immunities/resistances are not niche. My 5 star Angela would be r5 sig 182 if I could awaken her.
    She reduces the duration of buffs when she has 3 buffs at max sig. That is the full text. You take her to 5/65 and full sig and start using her and then we can see how useful she is. I have yet to see a person who says they will take Angela to rank 3 at low sig.

    I would not max my Namor without max sig. Namor also has prestige to consider. Do you see Namor being used anywhere now? That is why he has been pushed to a prestige rank up. Namor as a champion is a niche rank up to tackle damage reflect fights and I don't see people using him anywhere else.

    I never said resistances and immunities are niche. Omega red is one of my favorite champs. He has bleed resistance out of the box. Colossus has bleed immunity out of the box. Take Rogue, she gains 70% reduced duration to all debuffs out of the box.Angela needs to gain 3 buffs at max sig before she can get that 100% reduction you talk about. At any rate, resistances/immunities are better than reduced duration any day. That is why people don't get suture.

    You can talk her up anyway you want, but Angela is just as useful as she was in most rosters before the buff as she is after the buff.
    Have you never faced any content that includes any damage back, whether its from thorns abilities or DOT?? Namor and Angela's sig abilities are both amazing, and both worth maxing. And getting 3 buffs is incredibly easy for Angela, it takes 1 combo. One. That's 5 hits. Super easy.

    No one's ever gassing up Angela at low sig. Do you not get it? I'm talking about a high sig Angela, not a low one. There's a reason you don't see many r3 Cap IW's, as his prestige is meh and he needs max sig. It doesn't make him less of a champion.

    As for your final point, that's simply not true at all. Before the buff, Angela had nearly no utility. Now, she has amazing utility. Arguably the strongest utility in the entire cosmic class. Full resistance to all debuffs, can parry projectiles, full autoblock counter, and full nullify counter. Amazing utility. You need to take another look at her.
    Parrying projectiles - Reparry exists. Autoblock counter, nullify counter - needs 3 buffs. Resistance to debuffs - It's reduced duration - big difference. People talking her up really need to show me where you have used her and not spout data from the spotlight. Something may be great on paper, but not in practice.

    I am asking you the same thing as I did before, show me some gameplay where you or anyone else uses her after the buff. Even Brian Grant took her up against Sinister and he struggled with IMIW in that path. You know why? She lost her 3 buffs and could not prevent autoblock. I am not talking without playing her or having seen gameplay.

    You have your views and I have mine mate. We can agree to disagree. She was a good addition to the game, but a very conservative one that is not wowing anyone soon.
    Here is an example Angela vs caltrops

    I never said she was useless. But she cannot counter caltrops right out of the block. In that regard, I would rate rogue better than her.
    who hurt you

    idk what you have against angela but math says that 100%>70%
    I have nothing against Angela. I was excited for her buff just as anyone and I like that she is improved. But, this notion that she has become a utility monster is what I don't agree on. I would rate rogue better than Angela, you know why? I can actually play the whole match without dashing back.
    To my point, I was not going to use her for caltrops before, and not going to use her now either. Why would I when I can just as well take an immune champ?
    But why? It's super easy to keep more than 3 buffs at once and that gives already a -100% duration which already is better than Rogue's.If she loses any health at the start getting to 3 buffs, she has a regen to compensate for that once drop below a threshold. Angela also has far superior damage to Rogue and is a way better counter to damaging debuffs than Rogue.
    I don't get it. Do I need to agree with everyone regarding the usefulness of a champ? If it came between Angela and rogue, personally, I would pick rogue. I already stated I won't use either in debuff heavy situations and no one with any kind of options should. Reasons why I would pick rogue? She has regen, she has power control and unless facing a tech champ can increase her damage from stealing buffs. Once I reach sp2, I don't need to dash back at all, I don,t need to bait specials. That is why I prefer her over Angela. This is before she gets any sort of buff. If Kabam ever decide to buff her damage she will be even more of a utility powerhouse.
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  • PulyamanPulyaman Member Posts: 2,365 ★★★★★
    Yes Kabam is more Conservative but I am fine with that.

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    2021 champs have kicked off very meh, but if you look back, the same applied to the 2020 champs in the first 3 months. As the year progresses, I'm sure we're going to get more and more awesome champions like Apocalypse/CGR/Prof X.

    As for the buffed champions, I very much disagree. I think people are being way too harsh on Kabam for the buffs. Literally every champion that has been buffed in this new buff system has become a better champion. Yes, not every champion will be top tier, but they are all improvements of their previous forms. And some of the recent buffs have been awesome, like Mole Man, Kingpin, and Angela, to name a few.

    Well, it would not be a buff if there were no improvements. Some of the champions were so bad that there was no possible way to but up. I agree that the buffs have been good somewhat. I just wish Kabam would keep the core mechanics like they promised they would after the Hood debacle. Angela - Not sure how her buff is awesome, she was mediocre before and she is mediocre now. DDHK, Kingpin - Solid buff for Kingpin, good one for DDHK. Yellow jacket - He had no use before, he is usable in some niche situations now. We need to see the other buffs to be live so that we can test and learn their uses. Mole-man - Solid increase in utility and damage. Terrax - Defender before, defender now.

    To conclude - Champions don't excite me as much as they did before. It could be because of no new useful content to use them on. So, once variant 7 and act 7.2 comes, we may get a little more excitement.
    How in the world is being 100% resistant to all the debuffs in the game mediocre? Angela is undisputably an elite champion now, for the SOLE reason of that insanely powerful ability. It doesn't matter if you like her or not, being able to take 0 damage from all debuffs is incredibly powerful. She is not mediocre in the slightest.

    All of the buffs recently have made the champions better, and most of the buffs have resulted in those champions being used a whole lot more.
    She is not resistant to all debuffs, she reduces the duration depending on the number of buffs you have. Her ability on paper is amazing, but she needs full sig to use it well and to maintain 3 buffs through out the whole match. Same with the autoblock bypass.

    It doesn't matter to me if you like her too, it's a niche utility that may be used somewhere in the future content. If I wanted to avoid a debuff , I would simply take a immune champ. I don't suddenly see a bunch of videos using Angela in so many situations. If you like her so much, show us your 5/65 or at least a 2/35 Angela.

    Then sig her up? That's like saying because Namor and Aegon need high sig, they're less valuable. She reduces the duration of debuffs by 100%, meaning she is 100% resistant to the normal duration of debuffs. You don't need to bring an immune champ, as she can handle all damaging debuffs.

    It's not niche in the slightest, that's like saying Colossus' immunities are niche, leaving him with no utility. Immunities/resistances are not niche. My 5 star Angela would be r5 sig 182 if I could awaken her.
    She reduces the duration of buffs when she has 3 buffs at max sig. That is the full text. You take her to 5/65 and full sig and start using her and then we can see how useful she is. I have yet to see a person who says they will take Angela to rank 3 at low sig.

    I would not max my Namor without max sig. Namor also has prestige to consider. Do you see Namor being used anywhere now? That is why he has been pushed to a prestige rank up. Namor as a champion is a niche rank up to tackle damage reflect fights and I don't see people using him anywhere else.

    I never said resistances and immunities are niche. Omega red is one of my favorite champs. He has bleed resistance out of the box. Colossus has bleed immunity out of the box. Take Rogue, she gains 70% reduced duration to all debuffs out of the box.Angela needs to gain 3 buffs at max sig before she can get that 100% reduction you talk about. At any rate, resistances/immunities are better than reduced duration any day. That is why people don't get suture.

    You can talk her up anyway you want, but Angela is just as useful as she was in most rosters before the buff as she is after the buff.
    U do realize it takes like 5 seconds to get 3 buffs right? And even at sig 100 it ontly akes like 10 seconds to get there. If u think she shucks, u should reevaluate ur game decisions
    Nah, I am fine with the decisions I make. I will continue to use her and see where it goes. She actually does nothing for my roster at this point, but there is always the future.
  • PulyamanPulyaman Member Posts: 2,365 ★★★★★
    Yes Kabam is more Conservative but I am fine with that.

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    2021 champs have kicked off very meh, but if you look back, the same applied to the 2020 champs in the first 3 months. As the year progresses, I'm sure we're going to get more and more awesome champions like Apocalypse/CGR/Prof X.

    As for the buffed champions, I very much disagree. I think people are being way too harsh on Kabam for the buffs. Literally every champion that has been buffed in this new buff system has become a better champion. Yes, not every champion will be top tier, but they are all improvements of their previous forms. And some of the recent buffs have been awesome, like Mole Man, Kingpin, and Angela, to name a few.

    Well, it would not be a buff if there were no improvements. Some of the champions were so bad that there was no possible way to but up. I agree that the buffs have been good somewhat. I just wish Kabam would keep the core mechanics like they promised they would after the Hood debacle. Angela - Not sure how her buff is awesome, she was mediocre before and she is mediocre now. DDHK, Kingpin - Solid buff for Kingpin, good one for DDHK. Yellow jacket - He had no use before, he is usable in some niche situations now. We need to see the other buffs to be live so that we can test and learn their uses. Mole-man - Solid increase in utility and damage. Terrax - Defender before, defender now.

    To conclude - Champions don't excite me as much as they did before. It could be because of no new useful content to use them on. So, once variant 7 and act 7.2 comes, we may get a little more excitement.
    How in the world is being 100% resistant to all the debuffs in the game mediocre? Angela is undisputably an elite champion now, for the SOLE reason of that insanely powerful ability. It doesn't matter if you like her or not, being able to take 0 damage from all debuffs is incredibly powerful. She is not mediocre in the slightest.

    All of the buffs recently have made the champions better, and most of the buffs have resulted in those champions being used a whole lot more.
    She is not resistant to all debuffs, she reduces the duration depending on the number of buffs you have. Her ability on paper is amazing, but she needs full sig to use it well and to maintain 3 buffs through out the whole match. Same with the autoblock bypass.

    It doesn't matter to me if you like her too, it's a niche utility that may be used somewhere in the future content. If I wanted to avoid a debuff , I would simply take a immune champ. I don't suddenly see a bunch of videos using Angela in so many situations. If you like her so much, show us your 5/65 or at least a 2/35 Angela.

    Then sig her up? That's like saying because Namor and Aegon need high sig, they're less valuable. She reduces the duration of debuffs by 100%, meaning she is 100% resistant to the normal duration of debuffs. You don't need to bring an immune champ, as she can handle all damaging debuffs.

    It's not niche in the slightest, that's like saying Colossus' immunities are niche, leaving him with no utility. Immunities/resistances are not niche. My 5 star Angela would be r5 sig 182 if I could awaken her.
    She reduces the duration of buffs when she has 3 buffs at max sig. That is the full text. You take her to 5/65 and full sig and start using her and then we can see how useful she is. I have yet to see a person who says they will take Angela to rank 3 at low sig.

    I would not max my Namor without max sig. Namor also has prestige to consider. Do you see Namor being used anywhere now? That is why he has been pushed to a prestige rank up. Namor as a champion is a niche rank up to tackle damage reflect fights and I don't see people using him anywhere else.

    I never said resistances and immunities are niche. Omega red is one of my favorite champs. He has bleed resistance out of the box. Colossus has bleed immunity out of the box. Take Rogue, she gains 70% reduced duration to all debuffs out of the box.Angela needs to gain 3 buffs at max sig before she can get that 100% reduction you talk about. At any rate, resistances/immunities are better than reduced duration any day. That is why people don't get suture.

    You can talk her up anyway you want, but Angela is just as useful as she was in most rosters before the buff as she is after the buff.
    Have you never faced any content that includes any damage back, whether its from thorns abilities or DOT?? Namor and Angela's sig abilities are both amazing, and both worth maxing. And getting 3 buffs is incredibly easy for Angela, it takes 1 combo. One. That's 5 hits. Super easy.

    No one's ever gassing up Angela at low sig. Do you not get it? I'm talking about a high sig Angela, not a low one. There's a reason you don't see many r3 Cap IW's, as his prestige is meh and he needs max sig. It doesn't make him less of a champion.

    As for your final point, that's simply not true at all. Before the buff, Angela had nearly no utility. Now, she has amazing utility. Arguably the strongest utility in the entire cosmic class. Full resistance to all debuffs, can parry projectiles, full autoblock counter, and full nullify counter. Amazing utility. You need to take another look at her.
    Parrying projectiles - Reparry exists. Autoblock counter, nullify counter - needs 3 buffs. Resistance to debuffs - It's reduced duration - big difference. People talking her up really need to show me where you have used her and not spout data from the spotlight. Something may be great on paper, but not in practice.

    I am asking you the same thing as I did before, show me some gameplay where you or anyone else uses her after the buff. Even Brian Grant took her up against Sinister and he struggled with IMIW in that path. You know why? She lost her 3 buffs and could not prevent autoblock. I am not talking without playing her or having seen gameplay.

    You have your views and I have mine mate. We can agree to disagree. She was a good addition to the game, but a very conservative one that is not wowing anyone soon.
    Here is an example Angela vs caltrops

    I never said she was useless. But she cannot counter caltrops right out of the block. In that regard, I would rate rogue better than her.
    who hurt you

    idk what you have against angela but math says that 100%>70%
    I have nothing against Angela. I was excited for her buff just as anyone and I like that she is improved. But, this notion that she has become a utility monster is what I don't agree on. I would rate rogue better than Angela, you know why? I can actually play the whole match without dashing back.
    To my point, I was not going to use her for caltrops before, and not going to use her now either. Why would I when I can just as well take an immune champ?
    But why? It's super easy to keep more than 3 buffs at once and that gives already a -100% duration which already is better than Rogue's.If she loses any health at the start getting to 3 buffs, she has a regen to compensate for that once drop below a threshold. Angela also has far superior damage to Rogue and is a way better counter to damaging debuffs than Rogue.
    I don't get it. Do I need to agree with everyone regarding the usefulness of a champ? If it came between Angela and rogue, personally, I would pick rogue. I already stated I won't use either in debuff heavy situations and no one with any kind of options should. Reasons why I would pick rogue? She has regen, she has power control and unless facing a tech champ can increase her damage from stealing buffs. Once I reach sp2, I don't need to dash back at all, I don,t need to bait specials. That is why I prefer her over Angela. This is before she gets any sort of buff. If Kabam ever decide to buff her damage she will be even more of a utility powerhouse.
    No you don't need to agree with everyone but saying stuff like Angela is as useful as before and that she is mediocre is false and hence our counter-points.
    May be someone could demonstrate why she has become more useful for their roster after the update. Let's take kingpin who got the same moderate update that Angela did. He became my go to champ for debuff heavy matches with hood now. For people who had kingpin, he has become a monster for some content. Examplt variant 6. He can run through that vision aarkus people are having trouble with. Would you rather take kingpin or Angela on a caltrops node? That is difference in buff I was hoping for.
    Kingpin has not suddenly become a top tier champ that everyone takes to 3/45 or 5/65. But he is a good champ to invest in now as opposed to earlier.
  • PulyamanPulyaman Member Posts: 2,365 ★★★★★
    Yes Kabam is more Conservative but I am fine with that.
    Fabwizi said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    2021 champs have kicked off very meh, but if you look back, the same applied to the 2020 champs in the first 3 months. As the year progresses, I'm sure we're going to get more and more awesome champions like Apocalypse/CGR/Prof X.

    As for the buffed champions, I very much disagree. I think people are being way too harsh on Kabam for the buffs. Literally every champion that has been buffed in this new buff system has become a better champion. Yes, not every champion will be top tier, but they are all improvements of their previous forms. And some of the recent buffs have been awesome, like Mole Man, Kingpin, and Angela, to name a few.

    Well, it would not be a buff if there were no improvements. Some of the champions were so bad that there was no possible way to but up. I agree that the buffs have been good somewhat. I just wish Kabam would keep the core mechanics like they promised they would after the Hood debacle. Angela - Not sure how her buff is awesome, she was mediocre before and she is mediocre now. DDHK, Kingpin - Solid buff for Kingpin, good one for DDHK. Yellow jacket - He had no use before, he is usable in some niche situations now. We need to see the other buffs to be live so that we can test and learn their uses. Mole-man - Solid increase in utility and damage. Terrax - Defender before, defender now.

    To conclude - Champions don't excite me as much as they did before. It could be because of no new useful content to use them on. So, once variant 7 and act 7.2 comes, we may get a little more excitement.
    How in the world is being 100% resistant to all the debuffs in the game mediocre? Angela is undisputably an elite champion now, for the SOLE reason of that insanely powerful ability. It doesn't matter if you like her or not, being able to take 0 damage from all debuffs is incredibly powerful. She is not mediocre in the slightest.

    All of the buffs recently have made the champions better, and most of the buffs have resulted in those champions being used a whole lot more.
    She is not resistant to all debuffs, she reduces the duration depending on the number of buffs you have. Her ability on paper is amazing, but she needs full sig to use it well and to maintain 3 buffs through out the whole match. Same with the autoblock bypass.

    It doesn't matter to me if you like her too, it's a niche utility that may be used somewhere in the future content. If I wanted to avoid a debuff , I would simply take a immune champ. I don't suddenly see a bunch of videos using Angela in so many situations. If you like her so much, show us your 5/65 or at least a 2/35 Angela.

    Then sig her up? That's like saying because Namor and Aegon need high sig, they're less valuable. She reduces the duration of debuffs by 100%, meaning she is 100% resistant to the normal duration of debuffs. You don't need to bring an immune champ, as she can handle all damaging debuffs.

    It's not niche in the slightest, that's like saying Colossus' immunities are niche, leaving him with no utility. Immunities/resistances are not niche. My 5 star Angela would be r5 sig 182 if I could awaken her.
    She reduces the duration of buffs when she has 3 buffs at max sig. That is the full text. You take her to 5/65 and full sig and start using her and then we can see how useful she is. I have yet to see a person who says they will take Angela to rank 3 at low sig.

    I would not max my Namor without max sig. Namor also has prestige to consider. Do you see Namor being used anywhere now? That is why he has been pushed to a prestige rank up. Namor as a champion is a niche rank up to tackle damage reflect fights and I don't see people using him anywhere else.

    I never said resistances and immunities are niche. Omega red is one of my favorite champs. He has bleed resistance out of the box. Colossus has bleed immunity out of the box. Take Rogue, she gains 70% reduced duration to all debuffs out of the box.Angela needs to gain 3 buffs at max sig before she can get that 100% reduction you talk about. At any rate, resistances/immunities are better than reduced duration any day. That is why people don't get suture.

    You can talk her up anyway you want, but Angela is just as useful as she was in most rosters before the buff as she is after the buff.
    Have you never faced any content that includes any damage back, whether its from thorns abilities or DOT?? Namor and Angela's sig abilities are both amazing, and both worth maxing. And getting 3 buffs is incredibly easy for Angela, it takes 1 combo. One. That's 5 hits. Super easy.

    No one's ever gassing up Angela at low sig. Do you not get it? I'm talking about a high sig Angela, not a low one. There's a reason you don't see many r3 Cap IW's, as his prestige is meh and he needs max sig. It doesn't make him less of a champion.

    As for your final point, that's simply not true at all. Before the buff, Angela had nearly no utility. Now, she has amazing utility. Arguably the strongest utility in the entire cosmic class. Full resistance to all debuffs, can parry projectiles, full autoblock counter, and full nullify counter. Amazing utility. You need to take another look at her.
    Parrying projectiles - Reparry exists. Autoblock counter, nullify counter - needs 3 buffs. Resistance to debuffs - It's reduced duration - big difference. People talking her up really need to show me where you have used her and not spout data from the spotlight. Something may be great on paper, but not in practice.

    I am asking you the same thing as I did before, show me some gameplay where you or anyone else uses her after the buff. Even Brian Grant took her up against Sinister and he struggled with IMIW in that path. You know why? She lost her 3 buffs and could not prevent autoblock. I am not talking without playing her or having seen gameplay.

    You have your views and I have mine mate. We can agree to disagree. She was a good addition to the game, but a very conservative one that is not wowing anyone soon.
    Here is an example Angela vs caltrops

    I never said she was useless. But she cannot counter caltrops right out of the block. In that regard, I would rate rogue better than her.
    who hurt you

    idk what you have against angela but math says that 100%>70%
    I have nothing against Angela. I was excited for her buff just as anyone and I like that she is improved. But, this notion that she has become a utility monster is what I don't agree on. I would rate rogue better than Angela, you know why? I can actually play the whole match without dashing back.
    To my point, I was not going to use her for caltrops before, and not going to use her now either. Why would I when I can just as well take an immune champ?
    But why? It's super easy to keep more than 3 buffs at once and that gives already a -100% duration which already is better than Rogue's.If she loses any health at the start getting to 3 buffs, she has a regen to compensate for that once drop below a threshold. Angela also has far superior damage to Rogue and is a way better counter to damaging debuffs than Rogue.
    I don't get it. Do I need to agree with everyone regarding the usefulness of a champ? If it came between Angela and rogue, personally, I would pick rogue. I already stated I won't use either in debuff heavy situations and no one with any kind of options should. Reasons why I would pick rogue? She has regen, she has power control and unless facing a tech champ can increase her damage from stealing buffs. Once I reach sp2, I don't need to dash back at all, I don,t need to bait specials. That is why I prefer her over Angela. This is before she gets any sort of buff. If Kabam ever decide to buff her damage she will be even more of a utility powerhouse.
    My problem with rougue is she is in mutant class and I would rather rank some of the super OP mutant , however if had she been a cosmic it would have been a different story maybe with her power control.
    Thats a valid point. Mutant class is so OP that someone like rogue finds little takers. So is cosmic though. You have Corvus, CGR, CMM, hyperion, Medusa, silver surfer, Venom just to name some. Are you saying that you would rank up Angela before these after rhe buff?
  • Geralt_123Geralt_123 Member Posts: 595 ★★★
    Yes Kabam is now extremely Conservative.
    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    2021 champs have kicked off very meh, but if you look back, the same applied to the 2020 champs in the first 3 months. As the year progresses, I'm sure we're going to get more and more awesome champions like Apocalypse/CGR/Prof X.

    As for the buffed champions, I very much disagree. I think people are being way too harsh on Kabam for the buffs. Literally every champion that has been buffed in this new buff system has become a better champion. Yes, not every champion will be top tier, but they are all improvements of their previous forms. And some of the recent buffs have been awesome, like Mole Man, Kingpin, and Angela, to name a few.

    Well, it would not be a buff if there were no improvements. Some of the champions were so bad that there was no possible way to but up. I agree that the buffs have been good somewhat. I just wish Kabam would keep the core mechanics like they promised they would after the Hood debacle. Angela - Not sure how her buff is awesome, she was mediocre before and she is mediocre now. DDHK, Kingpin - Solid buff for Kingpin, good one for DDHK. Yellow jacket - He had no use before, he is usable in some niche situations now. We need to see the other buffs to be live so that we can test and learn their uses. Mole-man - Solid increase in utility and damage. Terrax - Defender before, defender now.

    To conclude - Champions don't excite me as much as they did before. It could be because of no new useful content to use them on. So, once variant 7 and act 7.2 comes, we may get a little more excitement.
    How in the world is being 100% resistant to all the debuffs in the game mediocre? Angela is undisputably an elite champion now, for the SOLE reason of that insanely powerful ability. It doesn't matter if you like her or not, being able to take 0 damage from all debuffs is incredibly powerful. She is not mediocre in the slightest.

    All of the buffs recently have made the champions better, and most of the buffs have resulted in those champions being used a whole lot more.
    She is not resistant to all debuffs, she reduces the duration depending on the number of buffs you have. Her ability on paper is amazing, but she needs full sig to use it well and to maintain 3 buffs through out the whole match. Same with the autoblock bypass.

    It doesn't matter to me if you like her too, it's a niche utility that may be used somewhere in the future content. If I wanted to avoid a debuff , I would simply take a immune champ. I don't suddenly see a bunch of videos using Angela in so many situations. If you like her so much, show us your 5/65 or at least a 2/35 Angela.

    Then sig her up? That's like saying because Namor and Aegon need high sig, they're less valuable. She reduces the duration of debuffs by 100%, meaning she is 100% resistant to the normal duration of debuffs. You don't need to bring an immune champ, as she can handle all damaging debuffs.

    It's not niche in the slightest, that's like saying Colossus' immunities are niche, leaving him with no utility. Immunities/resistances are not niche. My 5 star Angela would be r5 sig 182 if I could awaken her.
    She reduces the duration of buffs when she has 3 buffs at max sig. That is the full text. You take her to 5/65 and full sig and start using her and then we can see how useful she is. I have yet to see a person who says they will take Angela to rank 3 at low sig.

    I would not max my Namor without max sig. Namor also has prestige to consider. Do you see Namor being used anywhere now? That is why he has been pushed to a prestige rank up. Namor as a champion is a niche rank up to tackle damage reflect fights and I don't see people using him anywhere else.

    I never said resistances and immunities are niche. Omega red is one of my favorite champs. He has bleed resistance out of the box. Colossus has bleed immunity out of the box. Take Rogue, she gains 70% reduced duration to all debuffs out of the box.Angela needs to gain 3 buffs at max sig before she can get that 100% reduction you talk about. At any rate, resistances/immunities are better than reduced duration any day. That is why people don't get suture.

    You can talk her up anyway you want, but Angela is just as useful as she was in most rosters before the buff as she is after the buff.
    Have you never faced any content that includes any damage back, whether its from thorns abilities or DOT?? Namor and Angela's sig abilities are both amazing, and both worth maxing. And getting 3 buffs is incredibly easy for Angela, it takes 1 combo. One. That's 5 hits. Super easy.

    No one's ever gassing up Angela at low sig. Do you not get it? I'm talking about a high sig Angela, not a low one. There's a reason you don't see many r3 Cap IW's, as his prestige is meh and he needs max sig. It doesn't make him less of a champion.

    As for your final point, that's simply not true at all. Before the buff, Angela had nearly no utility. Now, she has amazing utility. Arguably the strongest utility in the entire cosmic class. Full resistance to all debuffs, can parry projectiles, full autoblock counter, and full nullify counter. Amazing utility. You need to take another look at her.
    Parrying projectiles - Reparry exists. Autoblock counter, nullify counter - needs 3 buffs. Resistance to debuffs - It's reduced duration - big difference. People talking her up really need to show me where you have used her and not spout data from the spotlight. Something may be great on paper, but not in practice.

    I am asking you the same thing as I did before, show me some gameplay where you or anyone else uses her after the buff. Even Brian Grant took her up against Sinister and he struggled with IMIW in that path. You know why? She lost her 3 buffs and could not prevent autoblock. I am not talking without playing her or having seen gameplay.

    You have your views and I have mine mate. We can agree to disagree. She was a good addition to the game, but a very conservative one that is not wowing anyone soon.
    Here is an example Angela vs caltrops

    I never said she was useless. But she cannot counter caltrops right out of the block. In that regard, I would rate rogue better than her.
    who hurt you

    idk what you have against angela but math says that 100%>70%
    I have nothing against Angela. I was excited for her buff just as anyone and I like that she is improved. But, this notion that she has become a utility monster is what I don't agree on. I would rate rogue better than Angela, you know why? I can actually play the whole match without dashing back.
    To my point, I was not going to use her for caltrops before, and not going to use her now either. Why would I when I can just as well take an immune champ?
    But why? It's super easy to keep more than 3 buffs at once and that gives already a -100% duration which already is better than Rogue's.If she loses any health at the start getting to 3 buffs, she has a regen to compensate for that once drop below a threshold. Angela also has far superior damage to Rogue and is a way better counter to damaging debuffs than Rogue.
    I don't get it. Do I need to agree with everyone regarding the usefulness of a champ? If it came between Angela and rogue, personally, I would pick rogue. I already stated I won't use either in debuff heavy situations and no one with any kind of options should. Reasons why I would pick rogue? She has regen, she has power control and unless facing a tech champ can increase her damage from stealing buffs. Once I reach sp2, I don't need to dash back at all, I don,t need to bait specials. That is why I prefer her over Angela. This is before she gets any sort of buff. If Kabam ever decide to buff her damage she will be even more of a utility powerhouse.
    No you don't need to agree with everyone but saying stuff like Angela is as useful as before and that she is mediocre is false and hence our counter-points.
    May be someone could demonstrate why she has become more useful for their roster after the update. Let's take kingpin who got the same moderate update that Angela did. He became my go to champ for debuff heavy matches with hood now. For people who had kingpin, he has become a monster for some content. Examplt variant 6. He can run through that vision aarkus people are having trouble with. Would you rather take kingpin or Angela on a caltrops node? That is difference in buff I was hoping for.
    Kingpin has not suddenly become a top tier champ that everyone takes to 3/45 or 5/65. But he is a good champ to invest in now as opposed to earlier.
    He has become a top tier champ
  • PulyamanPulyaman Member Posts: 2,365 ★★★★★
    Yes Kabam is more Conservative but I am fine with that.

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    2021 champs have kicked off very meh, but if you look back, the same applied to the 2020 champs in the first 3 months. As the year progresses, I'm sure we're going to get more and more awesome champions like Apocalypse/CGR/Prof X.

    As for the buffed champions, I very much disagree. I think people are being way too harsh on Kabam for the buffs. Literally every champion that has been buffed in this new buff system has become a better champion. Yes, not every champion will be top tier, but they are all improvements of their previous forms. And some of the recent buffs have been awesome, like Mole Man, Kingpin, and Angela, to name a few.

    Well, it would not be a buff if there were no improvements. Some of the champions were so bad that there was no possible way to but up. I agree that the buffs have been good somewhat. I just wish Kabam would keep the core mechanics like they promised they would after the Hood debacle. Angela - Not sure how her buff is awesome, she was mediocre before and she is mediocre now. DDHK, Kingpin - Solid buff for Kingpin, good one for DDHK. Yellow jacket - He had no use before, he is usable in some niche situations now. We need to see the other buffs to be live so that we can test and learn their uses. Mole-man - Solid increase in utility and damage. Terrax - Defender before, defender now.

    To conclude - Champions don't excite me as much as they did before. It could be because of no new useful content to use them on. So, once variant 7 and act 7.2 comes, we may get a little more excitement.
    How in the world is being 100% resistant to all the debuffs in the game mediocre? Angela is undisputably an elite champion now, for the SOLE reason of that insanely powerful ability. It doesn't matter if you like her or not, being able to take 0 damage from all debuffs is incredibly powerful. She is not mediocre in the slightest.

    All of the buffs recently have made the champions better, and most of the buffs have resulted in those champions being used a whole lot more.
    She is not resistant to all debuffs, she reduces the duration depending on the number of buffs you have. Her ability on paper is amazing, but she needs full sig to use it well and to maintain 3 buffs through out the whole match. Same with the autoblock bypass.

    It doesn't matter to me if you like her too, it's a niche utility that may be used somewhere in the future content. If I wanted to avoid a debuff , I would simply take a immune champ. I don't suddenly see a bunch of videos using Angela in so many situations. If you like her so much, show us your 5/65 or at least a 2/35 Angela.

    Then sig her up? That's like saying because Namor and Aegon need high sig, they're less valuable. She reduces the duration of debuffs by 100%, meaning she is 100% resistant to the normal duration of debuffs. You don't need to bring an immune champ, as she can handle all damaging debuffs.

    It's not niche in the slightest, that's like saying Colossus' immunities are niche, leaving him with no utility. Immunities/resistances are not niche. My 5 star Angela would be r5 sig 182 if I could awaken her.
    She reduces the duration of buffs when she has 3 buffs at max sig. That is the full text. You take her to 5/65 and full sig and start using her and then we can see how useful she is. I have yet to see a person who says they will take Angela to rank 3 at low sig.

    I would not max my Namor without max sig. Namor also has prestige to consider. Do you see Namor being used anywhere now? That is why he has been pushed to a prestige rank up. Namor as a champion is a niche rank up to tackle damage reflect fights and I don't see people using him anywhere else.

    I never said resistances and immunities are niche. Omega red is one of my favorite champs. He has bleed resistance out of the box. Colossus has bleed immunity out of the box. Take Rogue, she gains 70% reduced duration to all debuffs out of the box.Angela needs to gain 3 buffs at max sig before she can get that 100% reduction you talk about. At any rate, resistances/immunities are better than reduced duration any day. That is why people don't get suture.

    You can talk her up anyway you want, but Angela is just as useful as she was in most rosters before the buff as she is after the buff.
    Have you never faced any content that includes any damage back, whether its from thorns abilities or DOT?? Namor and Angela's sig abilities are both amazing, and both worth maxing. And getting 3 buffs is incredibly easy for Angela, it takes 1 combo. One. That's 5 hits. Super easy.

    No one's ever gassing up Angela at low sig. Do you not get it? I'm talking about a high sig Angela, not a low one. There's a reason you don't see many r3 Cap IW's, as his prestige is meh and he needs max sig. It doesn't make him less of a champion.

    As for your final point, that's simply not true at all. Before the buff, Angela had nearly no utility. Now, she has amazing utility. Arguably the strongest utility in the entire cosmic class. Full resistance to all debuffs, can parry projectiles, full autoblock counter, and full nullify counter. Amazing utility. You need to take another look at her.
    Parrying projectiles - Reparry exists. Autoblock counter, nullify counter - needs 3 buffs. Resistance to debuffs - It's reduced duration - big difference. People talking her up really need to show me where you have used her and not spout data from the spotlight. Something may be great on paper, but not in practice.

    I am asking you the same thing as I did before, show me some gameplay where you or anyone else uses her after the buff. Even Brian Grant took her up against Sinister and he struggled with IMIW in that path. You know why? She lost her 3 buffs and could not prevent autoblock. I am not talking without playing her or having seen gameplay.

    You have your views and I have mine mate. We can agree to disagree. She was a good addition to the game, but a very conservative one that is not wowing anyone soon.
    Here is an example Angela vs caltrops

    I never said she was useless. But she cannot counter caltrops right out of the block. In that regard, I would rate rogue better than her.
    who hurt you

    idk what you have against angela but math says that 100%>70%
    I have nothing against Angela. I was excited for her buff just as anyone and I like that she is improved. But, this notion that she has become a utility monster is what I don't agree on. I would rate rogue better than Angela, you know why? I can actually play the whole match without dashing back.
    To my point, I was not going to use her for caltrops before, and not going to use her now either. Why would I when I can just as well take an immune champ?
    But why? It's super easy to keep more than 3 buffs at once and that gives already a -100% duration which already is better than Rogue's.If she loses any health at the start getting to 3 buffs, she has a regen to compensate for that once drop below a threshold. Angela also has far superior damage to Rogue and is a way better counter to damaging debuffs than Rogue.
    I don't get it. Do I need to agree with everyone regarding the usefulness of a champ? If it came between Angela and rogue, personally, I would pick rogue. I already stated I won't use either in debuff heavy situations and no one with any kind of options should. Reasons why I would pick rogue? She has regen, she has power control and unless facing a tech champ can increase her damage from stealing buffs. Once I reach sp2, I don't need to dash back at all, I don,t need to bait specials. That is why I prefer her over Angela. This is before she gets any sort of buff. If Kabam ever decide to buff her damage she will be even more of a utility powerhouse.
    No you don't need to agree with everyone but saying stuff like Angela is as useful as before and that she is mediocre is false and hence our counter-points.
    May be someone could demonstrate why she has become more useful for their roster after the update. Let's take kingpin who got the same moderate update that Angela did. He became my go to champ for debuff heavy matches with hood now. For people who had kingpin, he has become a monster for some content. Examplt variant 6. He can run through that vision aarkus people are having trouble with. Would you rather take kingpin or Angela on a caltrops node? That is difference in buff I was hoping for.
    Kingpin has not suddenly become a top tier champ that everyone takes to 3/45 or 5/65. But he is a good champ to invest in now as opposed to earlier.
    He has become a top tier champ
    Let me rephrase. He is not a champ that everyone will take to r3 immediately. But he is someone I would recommend to take to R3 if you want to become TB immediately. He does not even need a dupe.
  • TrashyPandaTrashyPanda Member Posts: 1,574 ★★★★★
    I'm more concerned about meh new champs due to underselling featured cavs and, well, the death of hype. This hurts the game in the long run.

    Cool champs or big names like Odin should be green-lit to be OP to drive crystal sales and to generate hype.

    It's nice that it looks like we'll be getting at least a good new champ this month, but IM won't drive nearly as much hype as many other options -- well, unless he just has some obscenely cool animations, but even then he ain't Odin.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    No Kabam is not Conservative.
    We've had batches of not great new champs before. I don't think it has anything to do with being conservative or not. Some of the recent buffs have been great.
  • BonzodavidBonzodavid Member Posts: 586 ★★★
    Yes Kabam is now extremely Conservative.
    All the champions this year, with the possible exception of stryfe (I'm not a big fan of him) are champions you'll be dissapointed in pulling out of a crysyal.

    And that is the problem, if they make the overall crystal worse, filling it up with more duds,and trash champs,that's a sign of going in the wrong direction.

    The whole point of buffing champions, is making more champions viable to use, having more good champions inthe crystal. But if nearly every champion that is released needs a buff, well that's just horrible designing.
    They should be testing champions out before release, and buffing them even before they release them not a year afterwards
  • This content has been removed.
  • ChobblyChobbly Member Posts: 1,018 ★★★★
    Yes Kabam is more Conservative but I am fine with that.
    I think they are being more conservative with the power level of buffs but that's not necessarily a bad thing for overall game balance. Some of the recent buffs are still underperforming but that's a slightly different debate.

    If there's one thing I can say, I'd have liked to have seen Winter Soldier and both Visions in recent buffs. To me or would have made sense to capitalise on the Disney+ series to lure ex-players back to the game. With Loki coming up in a few months, it makes sense.
  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★
    Yes Kabam is more Conservative but I am fine with that.
    Accidentally picked the wrong option, wanted the other yes option.

    I do think a lot of the more recent buffs to old champs and some new champs have been handed some very big downsides that really hamper the effectiveness.
    I’ll use civil warrior as an example, can stack 50 fury, but to maintain that big damage output you need to play a very specific way by dashing back and holding block frequently because of the 12 second duration.
    Now the duration is ok, would’ve preferred longer. But the main thing that holds him back is the dash back and hold block mechanic, something that I’d thought Kabam had stopped using because well it’s just irritating and instantly stops many from using that character and personally I would’ve preferred alternate ways to refresh the furies.
    Another example is Odin and his Odin sleep, and Netflix DD with his regen rate reduction.

    It almost feels like they can’t get a good idea of how strong a champion is going to be in some cases, so they put a big downside in just incase to balance them out, the problem with this of course is that they seem to miss the mark often and put a big negative trait on champs that would land ‘upper middle of the pack’ without it, and in some cases that negative trait they gave the champ just drops the interest in that champ to almost nothing.
  • PulyamanPulyaman Member Posts: 2,365 ★★★★★
    Yes Kabam is more Conservative but I am fine with that.

    Accidentally picked the wrong option, wanted the other yes option.

    I do think a lot of the more recent buffs to old champs and some new champs have been handed some very big downsides that really hamper the effectiveness.
    I’ll use civil warrior as an example, can stack 50 fury, but to maintain that big damage output you need to play a very specific way by dashing back and holding block frequently because of the 12 second duration.
    Now the duration is ok, would’ve preferred longer. But the main thing that holds him back is the dash back and hold block mechanic, something that I’d thought Kabam had stopped using because well it’s just irritating and instantly stops many from using that character and personally I would’ve preferred alternate ways to refresh the furies.
    Another example is Odin and his Odin sleep, and Netflix DD with his regen rate reduction.

    It almost feels like they can’t get a good idea of how strong a champion is going to be in some cases, so they put a big downside in just incase to balance them out, the problem with this of course is that they seem to miss the mark often and put a big negative trait on champs that would land ‘upper middle of the pack’ without it, and in some cases that negative trait they gave the champ just drops the interest in that champ to almost nothing.

    Exactly. Take the next 5 star featured and the current 6 star featured. Unless you want the new champs, I don't see why I would go for them. All the featured champ except Odin in the next featured are non-essential champs to put it mildly. Even Odin is a must have only if you are running legends. I am not that bothered since Kabam could tune them later, but the trend in the reworks and the new champs are worrying. Unless the new IM and BP are awesome champs, its going to be a boring month again.
  • Wicket329Wicket329 Member Posts: 3,692 ★★★★★
    Pulyaman said:

    Fabwizi said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    2021 champs have kicked off very meh, but if you look back, the same applied to the 2020 champs in the first 3 months. As the year progresses, I'm sure we're going to get more and more awesome champions like Apocalypse/CGR/Prof X.

    As for the buffed champions, I very much disagree. I think people are being way too harsh on Kabam for the buffs. Literally every champion that has been buffed in this new buff system has become a better champion. Yes, not every champion will be top tier, but they are all improvements of their previous forms. And some of the recent buffs have been awesome, like Mole Man, Kingpin, and Angela, to name a few.

    Well, it would not be a buff if there were no improvements. Some of the champions were so bad that there was no possible way to but up. I agree that the buffs have been good somewhat. I just wish Kabam would keep the core mechanics like they promised they would after the Hood debacle. Angela - Not sure how her buff is awesome, she was mediocre before and she is mediocre now. DDHK, Kingpin - Solid buff for Kingpin, good one for DDHK. Yellow jacket - He had no use before, he is usable in some niche situations now. We need to see the other buffs to be live so that we can test and learn their uses. Mole-man - Solid increase in utility and damage. Terrax - Defender before, defender now.

    To conclude - Champions don't excite me as much as they did before. It could be because of no new useful content to use them on. So, once variant 7 and act 7.2 comes, we may get a little more excitement.
    How in the world is being 100% resistant to all the debuffs in the game mediocre? Angela is undisputably an elite champion now, for the SOLE reason of that insanely powerful ability. It doesn't matter if you like her or not, being able to take 0 damage from all debuffs is incredibly powerful. She is not mediocre in the slightest.

    All of the buffs recently have made the champions better, and most of the buffs have resulted in those champions being used a whole lot more.
    She is not resistant to all debuffs, she reduces the duration depending on the number of buffs you have. Her ability on paper is amazing, but she needs full sig to use it well and to maintain 3 buffs through out the whole match. Same with the autoblock bypass.

    It doesn't matter to me if you like her too, it's a niche utility that may be used somewhere in the future content. If I wanted to avoid a debuff , I would simply take a immune champ. I don't suddenly see a bunch of videos using Angela in so many situations. If you like her so much, show us your 5/65 or at least a 2/35 Angela.

    Then sig her up? That's like saying because Namor and Aegon need high sig, they're less valuable. She reduces the duration of debuffs by 100%, meaning she is 100% resistant to the normal duration of debuffs. You don't need to bring an immune champ, as she can handle all damaging debuffs.

    It's not niche in the slightest, that's like saying Colossus' immunities are niche, leaving him with no utility. Immunities/resistances are not niche. My 5 star Angela would be r5 sig 182 if I could awaken her.
    She reduces the duration of buffs when she has 3 buffs at max sig. That is the full text. You take her to 5/65 and full sig and start using her and then we can see how useful she is. I have yet to see a person who says they will take Angela to rank 3 at low sig.

    I would not max my Namor without max sig. Namor also has prestige to consider. Do you see Namor being used anywhere now? That is why he has been pushed to a prestige rank up. Namor as a champion is a niche rank up to tackle damage reflect fights and I don't see people using him anywhere else.

    I never said resistances and immunities are niche. Omega red is one of my favorite champs. He has bleed resistance out of the box. Colossus has bleed immunity out of the box. Take Rogue, she gains 70% reduced duration to all debuffs out of the box.Angela needs to gain 3 buffs at max sig before she can get that 100% reduction you talk about. At any rate, resistances/immunities are better than reduced duration any day. That is why people don't get suture.

    You can talk her up anyway you want, but Angela is just as useful as she was in most rosters before the buff as she is after the buff.
    Have you never faced any content that includes any damage back, whether its from thorns abilities or DOT?? Namor and Angela's sig abilities are both amazing, and both worth maxing. And getting 3 buffs is incredibly easy for Angela, it takes 1 combo. One. That's 5 hits. Super easy.

    No one's ever gassing up Angela at low sig. Do you not get it? I'm talking about a high sig Angela, not a low one. There's a reason you don't see many r3 Cap IW's, as his prestige is meh and he needs max sig. It doesn't make him less of a champion.

    As for your final point, that's simply not true at all. Before the buff, Angela had nearly no utility. Now, she has amazing utility. Arguably the strongest utility in the entire cosmic class. Full resistance to all debuffs, can parry projectiles, full autoblock counter, and full nullify counter. Amazing utility. You need to take another look at her.
    Parrying projectiles - Reparry exists. Autoblock counter, nullify counter - needs 3 buffs. Resistance to debuffs - It's reduced duration - big difference. People talking her up really need to show me where you have used her and not spout data from the spotlight. Something may be great on paper, but not in practice.

    I am asking you the same thing as I did before, show me some gameplay where you or anyone else uses her after the buff. Even Brian Grant took her up against Sinister and he struggled with IMIW in that path. You know why? She lost her 3 buffs and could not prevent autoblock. I am not talking without playing her or having seen gameplay.

    You have your views and I have mine mate. We can agree to disagree. She was a good addition to the game, but a very conservative one that is not wowing anyone soon.
    Here is an example Angela vs caltrops

    I never said she was useless. But she cannot counter caltrops right out of the block. In that regard, I would rate rogue better than her.
    who hurt you

    idk what you have against angela but math says that 100%>70%
    I have nothing against Angela. I was excited for her buff just as anyone and I like that she is improved. But, this notion that she has become a utility monster is what I don't agree on. I would rate rogue better than Angela, you know why? I can actually play the whole match without dashing back.
    To my point, I was not going to use her for caltrops before, and not going to use her now either. Why would I when I can just as well take an immune champ?
    But why? It's super easy to keep more than 3 buffs at once and that gives already a -100% duration which already is better than Rogue's.If she loses any health at the start getting to 3 buffs, she has a regen to compensate for that once drop below a threshold. Angela also has far superior damage to Rogue and is a way better counter to damaging debuffs than Rogue.
    I don't get it. Do I need to agree with everyone regarding the usefulness of a champ? If it came between Angela and rogue, personally, I would pick rogue. I already stated I won't use either in debuff heavy situations and no one with any kind of options should. Reasons why I would pick rogue? She has regen, she has power control and unless facing a tech champ can increase her damage from stealing buffs. Once I reach sp2, I don't need to dash back at all, I don,t need to bait specials. That is why I prefer her over Angela. This is before she gets any sort of buff. If Kabam ever decide to buff her damage she will be even more of a utility powerhouse.
    My problem with rougue is she is in mutant class and I would rather rank some of the super OP mutant , however if had she been a cosmic it would have been a different story maybe with her power control.
    Thats a valid point. Mutant class is so OP that someone like rogue finds little takers. So is cosmic though. You have Corvus, CGR, CMM, hyperion, Medusa, silver surfer, Venom just to name some. Are you saying that you would rank up Angela before these after rhe buff?
    I would take an awakened 6* Angela over every one of them except 6* Hyperion and Medusa if they existed (removing prestige from consideration for the purpose of this evaluation). She is one of an incredibly small group of champions who can be immune to degeneration debuff damage, along with every other type of damaging debuff. I believe it’s at around sig 100 that she only needs four buffs active to maintain 100% immunity, and that is not at all difficult to reach and sustain throughout a fight.

    You argue that Angela’s utility is niche. I disagree with that, I think it’s extremely expansive. And even with the well-developed endgame roster that I have, she fills gaps that either few or no other champions I have do, and she does so while still having impressive damage, sustainability, and other usefulness. If I get a 6* cosmic AG from something down the road, it will go to Angela before it goes to either my Corvus or my CMM.
  • PulyamanPulyaman Member Posts: 2,365 ★★★★★
    Yes Kabam is more Conservative but I am fine with that.
    Wicket329 said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Fabwizi said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    2021 champs have kicked off very meh, but if you look back, the same applied to the 2020 champs in the first 3 months. As the year progresses, I'm sure we're going to get more and more awesome champions like Apocalypse/CGR/Prof X.

    As for the buffed champions, I very much disagree. I think people are being way too harsh on Kabam for the buffs. Literally every champion that has been buffed in this new buff system has become a better champion. Yes, not every champion will be top tier, but they are all improvements of their previous forms. And some of the recent buffs have been awesome, like Mole Man, Kingpin, and Angela, to name a few.

    Well, it would not be a buff if there were no improvements. Some of the champions were so bad that there was no possible way to but up. I agree that the buffs have been good somewhat. I just wish Kabam would keep the core mechanics like they promised they would after the Hood debacle. Angela - Not sure how her buff is awesome, she was mediocre before and she is mediocre now. DDHK, Kingpin - Solid buff for Kingpin, good one for DDHK. Yellow jacket - He had no use before, he is usable in some niche situations now. We need to see the other buffs to be live so that we can test and learn their uses. Mole-man - Solid increase in utility and damage. Terrax - Defender before, defender now.

    To conclude - Champions don't excite me as much as they did before. It could be because of no new useful content to use them on. So, once variant 7 and act 7.2 comes, we may get a little more excitement.
    How in the world is being 100% resistant to all the debuffs in the game mediocre? Angela is undisputably an elite champion now, for the SOLE reason of that insanely powerful ability. It doesn't matter if you like her or not, being able to take 0 damage from all debuffs is incredibly powerful. She is not mediocre in the slightest.

    All of the buffs recently have made the champions better, and most of the buffs have resulted in those champions being used a whole lot more.
    She is not resistant to all debuffs, she reduces the duration depending on the number of buffs you have. Her ability on paper is amazing, but she needs full sig to use it well and to maintain 3 buffs through out the whole match. Same with the autoblock bypass.

    It doesn't matter to me if you like her too, it's a niche utility that may be used somewhere in the future content. If I wanted to avoid a debuff , I would simply take a immune champ. I don't suddenly see a bunch of videos using Angela in so many situations. If you like her so much, show us your 5/65 or at least a 2/35 Angela.

    Then sig her up? That's like saying because Namor and Aegon need high sig, they're less valuable. She reduces the duration of debuffs by 100%, meaning she is 100% resistant to the normal duration of debuffs. You don't need to bring an immune champ, as she can handle all damaging debuffs.

    It's not niche in the slightest, that's like saying Colossus' immunities are niche, leaving him with no utility. Immunities/resistances are not niche. My 5 star Angela would be r5 sig 182 if I could awaken her.
    She reduces the duration of buffs when she has 3 buffs at max sig. That is the full text. You take her to 5/65 and full sig and start using her and then we can see how useful she is. I have yet to see a person who says they will take Angela to rank 3 at low sig.

    I would not max my Namor without max sig. Namor also has prestige to consider. Do you see Namor being used anywhere now? That is why he has been pushed to a prestige rank up. Namor as a champion is a niche rank up to tackle damage reflect fights and I don't see people using him anywhere else.

    I never said resistances and immunities are niche. Omega red is one of my favorite champs. He has bleed resistance out of the box. Colossus has bleed immunity out of the box. Take Rogue, she gains 70% reduced duration to all debuffs out of the box.Angela needs to gain 3 buffs at max sig before she can get that 100% reduction you talk about. At any rate, resistances/immunities are better than reduced duration any day. That is why people don't get suture.

    You can talk her up anyway you want, but Angela is just as useful as she was in most rosters before the buff as she is after the buff.
    Have you never faced any content that includes any damage back, whether its from thorns abilities or DOT?? Namor and Angela's sig abilities are both amazing, and both worth maxing. And getting 3 buffs is incredibly easy for Angela, it takes 1 combo. One. That's 5 hits. Super easy.

    No one's ever gassing up Angela at low sig. Do you not get it? I'm talking about a high sig Angela, not a low one. There's a reason you don't see many r3 Cap IW's, as his prestige is meh and he needs max sig. It doesn't make him less of a champion.

    As for your final point, that's simply not true at all. Before the buff, Angela had nearly no utility. Now, she has amazing utility. Arguably the strongest utility in the entire cosmic class. Full resistance to all debuffs, can parry projectiles, full autoblock counter, and full nullify counter. Amazing utility. You need to take another look at her.
    Parrying projectiles - Reparry exists. Autoblock counter, nullify counter - needs 3 buffs. Resistance to debuffs - It's reduced duration - big difference. People talking her up really need to show me where you have used her and not spout data from the spotlight. Something may be great on paper, but not in practice.

    I am asking you the same thing as I did before, show me some gameplay where you or anyone else uses her after the buff. Even Brian Grant took her up against Sinister and he struggled with IMIW in that path. You know why? She lost her 3 buffs and could not prevent autoblock. I am not talking without playing her or having seen gameplay.

    You have your views and I have mine mate. We can agree to disagree. She was a good addition to the game, but a very conservative one that is not wowing anyone soon.
    Here is an example Angela vs caltrops

    I never said she was useless. But she cannot counter caltrops right out of the block. In that regard, I would rate rogue better than her.
    who hurt you

    idk what you have against angela but math says that 100%>70%
    I have nothing against Angela. I was excited for her buff just as anyone and I like that she is improved. But, this notion that she has become a utility monster is what I don't agree on. I would rate rogue better than Angela, you know why? I can actually play the whole match without dashing back.
    To my point, I was not going to use her for caltrops before, and not going to use her now either. Why would I when I can just as well take an immune champ?
    But why? It's super easy to keep more than 3 buffs at once and that gives already a -100% duration which already is better than Rogue's.If she loses any health at the start getting to 3 buffs, she has a regen to compensate for that once drop below a threshold. Angela also has far superior damage to Rogue and is a way better counter to damaging debuffs than Rogue.
    I don't get it. Do I need to agree with everyone regarding the usefulness of a champ? If it came between Angela and rogue, personally, I would pick rogue. I already stated I won't use either in debuff heavy situations and no one with any kind of options should. Reasons why I would pick rogue? She has regen, she has power control and unless facing a tech champ can increase her damage from stealing buffs. Once I reach sp2, I don't need to dash back at all, I don,t need to bait specials. That is why I prefer her over Angela. This is before she gets any sort of buff. If Kabam ever decide to buff her damage she will be even more of a utility powerhouse.
    My problem with rougue is she is in mutant class and I would rather rank some of the super OP mutant , however if had she been a cosmic it would have been a different story maybe with her power control.
    Thats a valid point. Mutant class is so OP that someone like rogue finds little takers. So is cosmic though. You have Corvus, CGR, CMM, hyperion, Medusa, silver surfer, Venom just to name some. Are you saying that you would rank up Angela before these after rhe buff?
    I would take an awakened 6* Angela over every one of them except 6* Hyperion and Medusa if they existed (removing prestige from consideration for the purpose of this evaluation). She is one of an incredibly small group of champions who can be immune to degeneration debuff damage, along with every other type of damaging debuff. I believe it’s at around sig 100 that she only needs four buffs active to maintain 100% immunity, and that is not at all difficult to reach and sustain throughout a fight.

    You argue that Angela’s utility is niche. I disagree with that, I think it’s extremely expansive. And even with the well-developed endgame roster that I have, she fills gaps that either few or no other champions I have do, and she does so while still having impressive damage, sustainability, and other usefulness. If I get a 6* cosmic AG from something down the road, it will go to Angela before it goes to either my Corvus or my CMM.
    I would love to see you do that. What gap does she fill exactly? I am honestly curious. I believe I have a good roster capable of handling most content. I can't see where I would take Angela over any champ to tackle a content.
  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    Yes Kabam is now extremely Conservative.

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    2021 champs have kicked off very meh, but if you look back, the same applied to the 2020 champs in the first 3 months. As the year progresses, I'm sure we're going to get more and more awesome champions like Apocalypse/CGR/Prof X.

    As for the buffed champions, I very much disagree. I think people are being way too harsh on Kabam for the buffs. Literally every champion that has been buffed in this new buff system has become a better champion. Yes, not every champion will be top tier, but they are all improvements of their previous forms. And some of the recent buffs have been awesome, like Mole Man, Kingpin, and Angela, to name a few.

    Well, it would not be a buff if there were no improvements. Some of the champions were so bad that there was no possible way to but up. I agree that the buffs have been good somewhat. I just wish Kabam would keep the core mechanics like they promised they would after the Hood debacle. Angela - Not sure how her buff is awesome, she was mediocre before and she is mediocre now. DDHK, Kingpin - Solid buff for Kingpin, good one for DDHK. Yellow jacket - He had no use before, he is usable in some niche situations now. We need to see the other buffs to be live so that we can test and learn their uses. Mole-man - Solid increase in utility and damage. Terrax - Defender before, defender now.

    To conclude - Champions don't excite me as much as they did before. It could be because of no new useful content to use them on. So, once variant 7 and act 7.2 comes, we may get a little more excitement.
    How in the world is being 100% resistant to all the debuffs in the game mediocre? Angela is undisputably an elite champion now, for the SOLE reason of that insanely powerful ability. It doesn't matter if you like her or not, being able to take 0 damage from all debuffs is incredibly powerful. She is not mediocre in the slightest.

    All of the buffs recently have made the champions better, and most of the buffs have resulted in those champions being used a whole lot more.
    She is not resistant to all debuffs, she reduces the duration depending on the number of buffs you have. Her ability on paper is amazing, but she needs full sig to use it well and to maintain 3 buffs through out the whole match. Same with the autoblock bypass.

    It doesn't matter to me if you like her too, it's a niche utility that may be used somewhere in the future content. If I wanted to avoid a debuff , I would simply take a immune champ. I don't suddenly see a bunch of videos using Angela in so many situations. If you like her so much, show us your 5/65 or at least a 2/35 Angela.

    Then sig her up? That's like saying because Namor and Aegon need high sig, they're less valuable. She reduces the duration of debuffs by 100%, meaning she is 100% resistant to the normal duration of debuffs. You don't need to bring an immune champ, as she can handle all damaging debuffs.

    It's not niche in the slightest, that's like saying Colossus' immunities are niche, leaving him with no utility. Immunities/resistances are not niche. My 5 star Angela would be r5 sig 182 if I could awaken her.
    She reduces the duration of buffs when she has 3 buffs at max sig. That is the full text. You take her to 5/65 and full sig and start using her and then we can see how useful she is. I have yet to see a person who says they will take Angela to rank 3 at low sig.

    I would not max my Namor without max sig. Namor also has prestige to consider. Do you see Namor being used anywhere now? That is why he has been pushed to a prestige rank up. Namor as a champion is a niche rank up to tackle damage reflect fights and I don't see people using him anywhere else.

    I never said resistances and immunities are niche. Omega red is one of my favorite champs. He has bleed resistance out of the box. Colossus has bleed immunity out of the box. Take Rogue, she gains 70% reduced duration to all debuffs out of the box.Angela needs to gain 3 buffs at max sig before she can get that 100% reduction you talk about. At any rate, resistances/immunities are better than reduced duration any day. That is why people don't get suture.

    You can talk her up anyway you want, but Angela is just as useful as she was in most rosters before the buff as she is after the buff.
    Have you never faced any content that includes any damage back, whether its from thorns abilities or DOT?? Namor and Angela's sig abilities are both amazing, and both worth maxing. And getting 3 buffs is incredibly easy for Angela, it takes 1 combo. One. That's 5 hits. Super easy.

    No one's ever gassing up Angela at low sig. Do you not get it? I'm talking about a high sig Angela, not a low one. There's a reason you don't see many r3 Cap IW's, as his prestige is meh and he needs max sig. It doesn't make him less of a champion.

    As for your final point, that's simply not true at all. Before the buff, Angela had nearly no utility. Now, she has amazing utility. Arguably the strongest utility in the entire cosmic class. Full resistance to all debuffs, can parry projectiles, full autoblock counter, and full nullify counter. Amazing utility. You need to take another look at her.
    Parrying projectiles - Reparry exists. Autoblock counter, nullify counter - needs 3 buffs. Resistance to debuffs - It's reduced duration - big difference. People talking her up really need to show me where you have used her and not spout data from the spotlight. Something may be great on paper, but not in practice.

    I am asking you the same thing as I did before, show me some gameplay where you or anyone else uses her after the buff. Even Brian Grant took her up against Sinister and he struggled with IMIW in that path. You know why? She lost her 3 buffs and could not prevent autoblock. I am not talking without playing her or having seen gameplay.

    You have your views and I have mine mate. We can agree to disagree. She was a good addition to the game, but a very conservative one that is not wowing anyone soon.
    Here is an example Angela vs caltrops

    Bro wtf is this superb gif quality?!
    What device is this?
  • The_Sentry06The_Sentry06 Member Posts: 7,804 ★★★★★
    No Kabam is not Conservative.
    Kill_Grey said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    2021 champs have kicked off very meh, but if you look back, the same applied to the 2020 champs in the first 3 months. As the year progresses, I'm sure we're going to get more and more awesome champions like Apocalypse/CGR/Prof X.

    As for the buffed champions, I very much disagree. I think people are being way too harsh on Kabam for the buffs. Literally every champion that has been buffed in this new buff system has become a better champion. Yes, not every champion will be top tier, but they are all improvements of their previous forms. And some of the recent buffs have been awesome, like Mole Man, Kingpin, and Angela, to name a few.

    Well, it would not be a buff if there were no improvements. Some of the champions were so bad that there was no possible way to but up. I agree that the buffs have been good somewhat. I just wish Kabam would keep the core mechanics like they promised they would after the Hood debacle. Angela - Not sure how her buff is awesome, she was mediocre before and she is mediocre now. DDHK, Kingpin - Solid buff for Kingpin, good one for DDHK. Yellow jacket - He had no use before, he is usable in some niche situations now. We need to see the other buffs to be live so that we can test and learn their uses. Mole-man - Solid increase in utility and damage. Terrax - Defender before, defender now.

    To conclude - Champions don't excite me as much as they did before. It could be because of no new useful content to use them on. So, once variant 7 and act 7.2 comes, we may get a little more excitement.
    How in the world is being 100% resistant to all the debuffs in the game mediocre? Angela is undisputably an elite champion now, for the SOLE reason of that insanely powerful ability. It doesn't matter if you like her or not, being able to take 0 damage from all debuffs is incredibly powerful. She is not mediocre in the slightest.

    All of the buffs recently have made the champions better, and most of the buffs have resulted in those champions being used a whole lot more.
    She is not resistant to all debuffs, she reduces the duration depending on the number of buffs you have. Her ability on paper is amazing, but she needs full sig to use it well and to maintain 3 buffs through out the whole match. Same with the autoblock bypass.

    It doesn't matter to me if you like her too, it's a niche utility that may be used somewhere in the future content. If I wanted to avoid a debuff , I would simply take a immune champ. I don't suddenly see a bunch of videos using Angela in so many situations. If you like her so much, show us your 5/65 or at least a 2/35 Angela.

    Then sig her up? That's like saying because Namor and Aegon need high sig, they're less valuable. She reduces the duration of debuffs by 100%, meaning she is 100% resistant to the normal duration of debuffs. You don't need to bring an immune champ, as she can handle all damaging debuffs.

    It's not niche in the slightest, that's like saying Colossus' immunities are niche, leaving him with no utility. Immunities/resistances are not niche. My 5 star Angela would be r5 sig 182 if I could awaken her.
    She reduces the duration of buffs when she has 3 buffs at max sig. That is the full text. You take her to 5/65 and full sig and start using her and then we can see how useful she is. I have yet to see a person who says they will take Angela to rank 3 at low sig.

    I would not max my Namor without max sig. Namor also has prestige to consider. Do you see Namor being used anywhere now? That is why he has been pushed to a prestige rank up. Namor as a champion is a niche rank up to tackle damage reflect fights and I don't see people using him anywhere else.

    I never said resistances and immunities are niche. Omega red is one of my favorite champs. He has bleed resistance out of the box. Colossus has bleed immunity out of the box. Take Rogue, she gains 70% reduced duration to all debuffs out of the box.Angela needs to gain 3 buffs at max sig before she can get that 100% reduction you talk about. At any rate, resistances/immunities are better than reduced duration any day. That is why people don't get suture.

    You can talk her up anyway you want, but Angela is just as useful as she was in most rosters before the buff as she is after the buff.
    Have you never faced any content that includes any damage back, whether its from thorns abilities or DOT?? Namor and Angela's sig abilities are both amazing, and both worth maxing. And getting 3 buffs is incredibly easy for Angela, it takes 1 combo. One. That's 5 hits. Super easy.

    No one's ever gassing up Angela at low sig. Do you not get it? I'm talking about a high sig Angela, not a low one. There's a reason you don't see many r3 Cap IW's, as his prestige is meh and he needs max sig. It doesn't make him less of a champion.

    As for your final point, that's simply not true at all. Before the buff, Angela had nearly no utility. Now, she has amazing utility. Arguably the strongest utility in the entire cosmic class. Full resistance to all debuffs, can parry projectiles, full autoblock counter, and full nullify counter. Amazing utility. You need to take another look at her.
    Parrying projectiles - Reparry exists. Autoblock counter, nullify counter - needs 3 buffs. Resistance to debuffs - It's reduced duration - big difference. People talking her up really need to show me where you have used her and not spout data from the spotlight. Something may be great on paper, but not in practice.

    I am asking you the same thing as I did before, show me some gameplay where you or anyone else uses her after the buff. Even Brian Grant took her up against Sinister and he struggled with IMIW in that path. You know why? She lost her 3 buffs and could not prevent autoblock. I am not talking without playing her or having seen gameplay.

    You have your views and I have mine mate. We can agree to disagree. She was a good addition to the game, but a very conservative one that is not wowing anyone soon.
    Here is an example Angela vs caltrops

    Bro wtf is this superb gif quality?!
    What device is this?
    Tbh, expected you to complain more about how data this took up :D
  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    Yes Kabam is now extremely Conservative.

    Kill_Grey said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    2021 champs have kicked off very meh, but if you look back, the same applied to the 2020 champs in the first 3 months. As the year progresses, I'm sure we're going to get more and more awesome champions like Apocalypse/CGR/Prof X.

    As for the buffed champions, I very much disagree. I think people are being way too harsh on Kabam for the buffs. Literally every champion that has been buffed in this new buff system has become a better champion. Yes, not every champion will be top tier, but they are all improvements of their previous forms. And some of the recent buffs have been awesome, like Mole Man, Kingpin, and Angela, to name a few.

    Well, it would not be a buff if there were no improvements. Some of the champions were so bad that there was no possible way to but up. I agree that the buffs have been good somewhat. I just wish Kabam would keep the core mechanics like they promised they would after the Hood debacle. Angela - Not sure how her buff is awesome, she was mediocre before and she is mediocre now. DDHK, Kingpin - Solid buff for Kingpin, good one for DDHK. Yellow jacket - He had no use before, he is usable in some niche situations now. We need to see the other buffs to be live so that we can test and learn their uses. Mole-man - Solid increase in utility and damage. Terrax - Defender before, defender now.

    To conclude - Champions don't excite me as much as they did before. It could be because of no new useful content to use them on. So, once variant 7 and act 7.2 comes, we may get a little more excitement.
    How in the world is being 100% resistant to all the debuffs in the game mediocre? Angela is undisputably an elite champion now, for the SOLE reason of that insanely powerful ability. It doesn't matter if you like her or not, being able to take 0 damage from all debuffs is incredibly powerful. She is not mediocre in the slightest.

    All of the buffs recently have made the champions better, and most of the buffs have resulted in those champions being used a whole lot more.
    She is not resistant to all debuffs, she reduces the duration depending on the number of buffs you have. Her ability on paper is amazing, but she needs full sig to use it well and to maintain 3 buffs through out the whole match. Same with the autoblock bypass.

    It doesn't matter to me if you like her too, it's a niche utility that may be used somewhere in the future content. If I wanted to avoid a debuff , I would simply take a immune champ. I don't suddenly see a bunch of videos using Angela in so many situations. If you like her so much, show us your 5/65 or at least a 2/35 Angela.

    Then sig her up? That's like saying because Namor and Aegon need high sig, they're less valuable. She reduces the duration of debuffs by 100%, meaning she is 100% resistant to the normal duration of debuffs. You don't need to bring an immune champ, as she can handle all damaging debuffs.

    It's not niche in the slightest, that's like saying Colossus' immunities are niche, leaving him with no utility. Immunities/resistances are not niche. My 5 star Angela would be r5 sig 182 if I could awaken her.
    She reduces the duration of buffs when she has 3 buffs at max sig. That is the full text. You take her to 5/65 and full sig and start using her and then we can see how useful she is. I have yet to see a person who says they will take Angela to rank 3 at low sig.

    I would not max my Namor without max sig. Namor also has prestige to consider. Do you see Namor being used anywhere now? That is why he has been pushed to a prestige rank up. Namor as a champion is a niche rank up to tackle damage reflect fights and I don't see people using him anywhere else.

    I never said resistances and immunities are niche. Omega red is one of my favorite champs. He has bleed resistance out of the box. Colossus has bleed immunity out of the box. Take Rogue, she gains 70% reduced duration to all debuffs out of the box.Angela needs to gain 3 buffs at max sig before she can get that 100% reduction you talk about. At any rate, resistances/immunities are better than reduced duration any day. That is why people don't get suture.

    You can talk her up anyway you want, but Angela is just as useful as she was in most rosters before the buff as she is after the buff.
    Have you never faced any content that includes any damage back, whether its from thorns abilities or DOT?? Namor and Angela's sig abilities are both amazing, and both worth maxing. And getting 3 buffs is incredibly easy for Angela, it takes 1 combo. One. That's 5 hits. Super easy.

    No one's ever gassing up Angela at low sig. Do you not get it? I'm talking about a high sig Angela, not a low one. There's a reason you don't see many r3 Cap IW's, as his prestige is meh and he needs max sig. It doesn't make him less of a champion.

    As for your final point, that's simply not true at all. Before the buff, Angela had nearly no utility. Now, she has amazing utility. Arguably the strongest utility in the entire cosmic class. Full resistance to all debuffs, can parry projectiles, full autoblock counter, and full nullify counter. Amazing utility. You need to take another look at her.
    Parrying projectiles - Reparry exists. Autoblock counter, nullify counter - needs 3 buffs. Resistance to debuffs - It's reduced duration - big difference. People talking her up really need to show me where you have used her and not spout data from the spotlight. Something may be great on paper, but not in practice.

    I am asking you the same thing as I did before, show me some gameplay where you or anyone else uses her after the buff. Even Brian Grant took her up against Sinister and he struggled with IMIW in that path. You know why? She lost her 3 buffs and could not prevent autoblock. I am not talking without playing her or having seen gameplay.

    You have your views and I have mine mate. We can agree to disagree. She was a good addition to the game, but a very conservative one that is not wowing anyone soon.
    Here is an example Angela vs caltrops

    Bro wtf is this superb gif quality?!
    What device is this?
    Tbh, expected you to complain more about how data this took up :D
    Oh ****, I forgot to check that 🏃🏾‍♂️
  • Quantum_FizzixQuantum_Fizzix Member Posts: 94
    Pulyaman said:

    I would love to see you do that. What gap does she fill exactly? I am honestly curious. I believe I have a good roster capable of handling most content. I can't see where I would take Angela over any champ to tackle a content.

    You are being intentionally obtuse, trolling, or I don’t know what.

    You say you’d rather use Rogue over Angela by claiming that 70% debuff reduction somehow beats 100% reduction, and ‘Rogue can just heal it back.... while ignoring Angela has a heal as well (let alone who in their right mind would rank up Rogue over the many awesome mutant champs. You seem to think it ok to awaken and Sig up champs like Aegon, but doing the same for Angela is a bridge too far?

    And since you are going to ask in a snarky manner..... yes, I have a R4 5* Angela who is in the queue for R5.... I have R5 Corvus, Hyp, CMM, 6* Silver Surfer... and I’m still gonna rank her.
  • PulyamanPulyaman Member Posts: 2,365 ★★★★★
    Yes Kabam is more Conservative but I am fine with that.

    Pulyaman said:

    I would love to see you do that. What gap does she fill exactly? I am honestly curious. I believe I have a good roster capable of handling most content. I can't see where I would take Angela over any champ to tackle a content.

    You are being intentionally obtuse, trolling, or I don’t know what.

    You say you’d rather use Rogue over Angela by claiming that 70% debuff reduction somehow beats 100% reduction, and ‘Rogue can just heal it back.... while ignoring Angela has a heal as well (let alone who in their right mind would rank up Rogue over the many awesome mutant champs. You seem to think it ok to awaken and Sig up champs like Aegon, but doing the same for Angela is a bridge too far?

    And since you are going to ask in a snarky manner..... yes, I have a R4 5* Angela who is in the queue for R5.... I have R5 Corvus, Hyp, CMM, 6* Silver Surfer... and I’m still gonna rank her.
    I am not trolling or have no intention to be snarky. I genuinely have no idea what gap she fills in your roster since it was you who mentioned that she did that.
    You have not added anything I did not know about Angela vs rogue. You have also not ranked angela over the better cosmics. Same as I would not rank rogue over better mutants. Stop trying to insult me and please answer my genuine question. What gap does Angela fill in your roster?
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    I would love to see you do that. What gap does she fill exactly? I am honestly curious. I believe I have a good roster capable of handling most content. I can't see where I would take Angela over any champ to tackle a content.

    You are being intentionally obtuse, trolling, or I don’t know what.

    You say you’d rather use Rogue over Angela by claiming that 70% debuff reduction somehow beats 100% reduction, and ‘Rogue can just heal it back.... while ignoring Angela has a heal as well (let alone who in their right mind would rank up Rogue over the many awesome mutant champs. You seem to think it ok to awaken and Sig up champs like Aegon, but doing the same for Angela is a bridge too far?

    And since you are going to ask in a snarky manner..... yes, I have a R4 5* Angela who is in the queue for R5.... I have R5 Corvus, Hyp, CMM, 6* Silver Surfer... and I’m still gonna rank her.
    I am not trolling or have no intention to be snarky. I genuinely have no idea what gap she fills in your roster since it was you who mentioned that she did that.
    You have not added anything I did not know about Angela vs rogue. You have also not ranked angela over the better cosmics. Same as I would not rank rogue over better mutants. Stop trying to insult me and please answer my genuine question. What gap does Angela fill in your roster?
    A bigger gap than rogue
  • PulyamanPulyaman Member Posts: 2,365 ★★★★★
    Yes Kabam is more Conservative but I am fine with that.

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    I would love to see you do that. What gap does she fill exactly? I am honestly curious. I believe I have a good roster capable of handling most content. I can't see where I would take Angela over any champ to tackle a content.

    You are being intentionally obtuse, trolling, or I don’t know what.

    You say you’d rather use Rogue over Angela by claiming that 70% debuff reduction somehow beats 100% reduction, and ‘Rogue can just heal it back.... while ignoring Angela has a heal as well (let alone who in their right mind would rank up Rogue over the many awesome mutant champs. You seem to think it ok to awaken and Sig up champs like Aegon, but doing the same for Angela is a bridge too far?

    And since you are going to ask in a snarky manner..... yes, I have a R4 5* Angela who is in the queue for R5.... I have R5 Corvus, Hyp, CMM, 6* Silver Surfer... and I’m still gonna rank her.
    I am not trolling or have no intention to be snarky. I genuinely have no idea what gap she fills in your roster since it was you who mentioned that she did that.
    You have not added anything I did not know about Angela vs rogue. You have also not ranked angela over the better cosmics. Same as I would not rank rogue over better mutants. Stop trying to insult me and please answer my genuine question. What gap does Angela fill in your roster?
    A bigger gap than rogue
    That's just a preference. Just like people prefer medusa over aarkus against robots. Just like some prefer quake over ghost. It does not make the other champ any less effective. As of now, both rogue and Angela don't do anything for my roster ranked up. I was curious what I was missing when he said that.
  • EtjamaEtjama Member Posts: 7,981 ★★★★★

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    I am not trolling or have no intention to be snarky. I genuinely have no idea what gap she fills in your roster since it was you who mentioned that she did that.
    You have not added anything I did not know about Angela vs rogue. You have also not ranked angela over the better cosmics. Same as I would not rank rogue over better mutants. Stop trying to insult me and please answer my genuine question. What gap does Angela fill in your roster?

    You come across as trolling or disingenuous because several people have been telling you where she’s vastly improved and while you reply to them you seem to ignore what they say or are completely disregarding it. It is not an insult, just an observation from a 3rd party.

    This is my first response to you, so not sure what you mean about me claiming she fills a gap.... I never claimed she was filling a gap per se, but since you claimed I said that... here are the reasons.

    Parry projectiles - great against numerable champs who have non-contact attacks. Rogue cannot do that.... neither can Corvus, Hyp, Medusa, CGR, etc.

    Immunities - despite your claims, getting 100% immunity on Angela is not some great challenge. She becomes immune to any damaging debuff. This is great for event.story quests, especially if you can’t bring enough champs to directly counter every defender.

    Armor break - she applies armor break without taking chip damage. For example, Corvus requires blocking to apply armor break, thus taking chip damage through the fight. She is also really strong in Cav EQ Cosmic chapter. Even at rank 4 I was clearing many defenders with just her.

    Heal - she has a heal that’s doesn’t require using a special for, or dashing back, holding block and losing access to some of your abilities for a time (like Hyperion).

    Armor - she has an armor up buff. This gives her great utility against a ton of champs. She is basically a hard counter for Havok now... can parry non- contact and no worries about Havok’s plasma stuff as another example.

    Since the buff her damage output is significantly better. Angela was one of my first 5* champs, so I used her for quite a while even with her low damage output previously. The difference is very notable from that perspective. And while it may not be CGR level damage, it is useful for most content in the game.
    The quote is messed up but I 100% agree with all of it.
  • PulyamanPulyaman Member Posts: 2,365 ★★★★★
    Yes Kabam is more Conservative but I am fine with that.
    Wicket329 said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Wicket329 said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Fabwizi said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    2021 champs have kicked off very meh, but if you look back, the same applied to the 2020 champs in the first 3 months. As the year progresses, I'm sure we're going to get more and more awesome champions like Apocalypse/CGR/Prof X.

    As for the buffed champions, I very much disagree. I think people are being way too harsh on Kabam for the buffs. Literally every champion that has been buffed in this new buff system has become a better champion. Yes, not every champion will be top tier, but they are all improvements of their previous forms. And some of the recent buffs have been awesome, like Mole Man, Kingpin, and Angela, to name a few.

    Well, it would not be a buff if there were no improvements. Some of the champions were so bad that there was no possible way to but up. I agree that the buffs have been good somewhat. I just wish Kabam would keep the core mechanics like they promised they would after the Hood debacle. Angela - Not sure how her buff is awesome, she was mediocre before and she is mediocre now. DDHK, Kingpin - Solid buff for Kingpin, good one for DDHK. Yellow jacket - He had no use before, he is usable in some niche situations now. We need to see the other buffs to be live so that we can test and learn their uses. Mole-man - Solid increase in utility and damage. Terrax - Defender before, defender now.

    To conclude - Champions don't excite me as much as they did before. It could be because of no new useful content to use them on. So, once variant 7 and act 7.2 comes, we may get a little more excitement.
    How in the world is being 100% resistant to all the debuffs in the game mediocre? Angela is undisputably an elite champion now, for the SOLE reason of that insanely powerful ability. It doesn't matter if you like her or not, being able to take 0 damage from all debuffs is incredibly powerful. She is not mediocre in the slightest.

    All of the buffs recently have made the champions better, and most of the buffs have resulted in those champions being used a whole lot more.
    She is not resistant to all debuffs, she reduces the duration depending on the number of buffs you have. Her ability on paper is amazing, but she needs full sig to use it well and to maintain 3 buffs through out the whole match. Same with the autoblock bypass.

    It doesn't matter to me if you like her too, it's a niche utility that may be used somewhere in the future content. If I wanted to avoid a debuff , I would simply take a immune champ. I don't suddenly see a bunch of videos using Angela in so many situations. If you like her so much, show us your 5/65 or at least a 2/35 Angela.

    Then sig her up? That's like saying because Namor and Aegon need high sig, they're less valuable. She reduces the duration of debuffs by 100%, meaning she is 100% resistant to the normal duration of debuffs. You don't need to bring an immune champ, as she can handle all damaging debuffs.

    It's not niche in the slightest, that's like saying Colossus' immunities are niche, leaving him with no utility. Immunities/resistances are not niche. My 5 star Angela would be r5 sig 182 if I could awaken her.
    She reduces the duration of buffs when she has 3 buffs at max sig. That is the full text. You take her to 5/65 and full sig and start using her and then we can see how useful she is. I have yet to see a person who says they will take Angela to rank 3 at low sig.

    I would not max my Namor without max sig. Namor also has prestige to consider. Do you see Namor being used anywhere now? That is why he has been pushed to a prestige rank up. Namor as a champion is a niche rank up to tackle damage reflect fights and I don't see people using him anywhere else.

    I never said resistances and immunities are niche. Omega red is one of my favorite champs. He has bleed resistance out of the box. Colossus has bleed immunity out of the box. Take Rogue, she gains 70% reduced duration to all debuffs out of the box.Angela needs to gain 3 buffs at max sig before she can get that 100% reduction you talk about. At any rate, resistances/immunities are better than reduced duration any day. That is why people don't get suture.

    You can talk her up anyway you want, but Angela is just as useful as she was in most rosters before the buff as she is after the buff.
    Have you never faced any content that includes any damage back, whether its from thorns abilities or DOT?? Namor and Angela's sig abilities are both amazing, and both worth maxing. And getting 3 buffs is incredibly easy for Angela, it takes 1 combo. One. That's 5 hits. Super easy.

    No one's ever gassing up Angela at low sig. Do you not get it? I'm talking about a high sig Angela, not a low one. There's a reason you don't see many r3 Cap IW's, as his prestige is meh and he needs max sig. It doesn't make him less of a champion.

    As for your final point, that's simply not true at all. Before the buff, Angela had nearly no utility. Now, she has amazing utility. Arguably the strongest utility in the entire cosmic class. Full resistance to all debuffs, can parry projectiles, full autoblock counter, and full nullify counter. Amazing utility. You need to take another look at her.
    Parrying projectiles - Reparry exists. Autoblock counter, nullify counter - needs 3 buffs. Resistance to debuffs - It's reduced duration - big difference. People talking her up really need to show me where you have used her and not spout data from the spotlight. Something may be great on paper, but not in practice.

    I am asking you the same thing as I did before, show me some gameplay where you or anyone else uses her after the buff. Even Brian Grant took her up against Sinister and he struggled with IMIW in that path. You know why? She lost her 3 buffs and could not prevent autoblock. I am not talking without playing her or having seen gameplay.

    You have your views and I have mine mate. We can agree to disagree. She was a good addition to the game, but a very conservative one that is not wowing anyone soon.
    Here is an example Angela vs caltrops

    I never said she was useless. But she cannot counter caltrops right out of the block. In that regard, I would rate rogue better than her.
    who hurt you

    idk what you have against angela but math says that 100%>70%
    I have nothing against Angela. I was excited for her buff just as anyone and I like that she is improved. But, this notion that she has become a utility monster is what I don't agree on. I would rate rogue better than Angela, you know why? I can actually play the whole match without dashing back.
    To my point, I was not going to use her for caltrops before, and not going to use her now either. Why would I when I can just as well take an immune champ?
    But why? It's super easy to keep more than 3 buffs at once and that gives already a -100% duration which already is better than Rogue's.If she loses any health at the start getting to 3 buffs, she has a regen to compensate for that once drop below a threshold. Angela also has far superior damage to Rogue and is a way better counter to damaging debuffs than Rogue.
    I don't get it. Do I need to agree with everyone regarding the usefulness of a champ? If it came between Angela and rogue, personally, I would pick rogue. I already stated I won't use either in debuff heavy situations and no one with any kind of options should. Reasons why I would pick rogue? She has regen, she has power control and unless facing a tech champ can increase her damage from stealing buffs. Once I reach sp2, I don't need to dash back at all, I don,t need to bait specials. That is why I prefer her over Angela. This is before she gets any sort of buff. If Kabam ever decide to buff her damage she will be even more of a utility powerhouse.
    My problem with rougue is she is in mutant class and I would rather rank some of the super OP mutant , however if had she been a cosmic it would have been a different story maybe with her power control.
    Thats a valid point. Mutant class is so OP that someone like rogue finds little takers. So is cosmic though. You have Corvus, CGR, CMM, hyperion, Medusa, silver surfer, Venom just to name some. Are you saying that you would rank up Angela before these after rhe buff?
    I would take an awakened 6* Angela over every one of them except 6* Hyperion and Medusa if they existed (removing prestige from consideration for the purpose of this evaluation). She is one of an incredibly small group of champions who can be immune to degeneration debuff damage, along with every other type of damaging debuff. I believe it’s at around sig 100 that she only needs four buffs active to maintain 100% immunity, and that is not at all difficult to reach and sustain throughout a fight.

    You argue that Angela’s utility is niche. I disagree with that, I think it’s extremely expansive. And even with the well-developed endgame roster that I have, she fills gaps that either few or no other champions I have do, and she does so while still having impressive damage, sustainability, and other usefulness. If I get a 6* cosmic AG from something down the road, it will go to Angela before it goes to either my Corvus or my CMM.
    I would love to see you do that. What gap does she fill exactly? I am honestly curious. I believe I have a good roster capable of handling most content. I can't see where I would take Angela over any champ to tackle a content.

    This is my 6* cosmic roster. There’s also a Drax hiding just off screen, being sneaky. I did not r3 Terrax for Thronebreaker, and I did choose him over Corvus and CMM who were already in my roster when I took him up. I’m not bluffing when I talk about ranking up unorthodox choices over the more commonly popular choices. If I awaken Angela and can get her to about sig 100, she’s worth an r3 to me.

    While I don’t agree with your assessment of Rogue v. Angela, more importantly it is not a useful comparison. They don’t use the same rankup materials, so I would never be deciding between the two. Additionally, there is already content in the game (and there will likely be more in the future) that gates based on class. For example, you could not bring Rogue into the Cosmic/Science chapter of V1.

    Angela has immense sustainability, damage, and both expansive and niche abilities. Immunity to every damaging debuff, resistance/immunity to nullify/stagger effects (unique among cosmics), and much more. She has tremendous synergy with the suicide masteries if you’re into that kind of thing, as her regen mechanic will keep her topped up at 100% health despite recoil. Her playstyle is simple, meaning that nodes that require it to be altered won’t negatively impact her damage output or feasibility.

    I’ve already mentioned that she is one of like two or three champs in the whole game who can completely shut down degen debuff damage, and she has the most expansive range of immunities among her class. In short, she slaps.
    Thank you for that write up. I don't run suicides. But I know DNA mentioned that she is great with suicides and I agree that with you on that. She has all that you mentioned. If you can maintain that buffs, she is great. My point was I had other better options for everything scenario you mentioned. That is why I was debating on her usefulness. But if you are taking her up for some specific utility that you cannot use others for, that is all well and good.
  • Quantum_FizzixQuantum_Fizzix Member Posts: 94
    Pulyaman said:

    I am not trolling or have no intention to be snarky. I genuinely have no idea what gap she fills in your roster since it was you who mentioned that she did that.
    You have not added anything I did not know about Angela vs rogue. You have also not ranked angela over the better cosmics. Same as I would not rank rogue over better mutants. Stop trying to insult me and please answer my genuine question. What gap does Angela fill in your roster?

    *Thanks Kabam....made a long post, went to edit my post and the page refreshed to an empty post... couldn’t get it back...*


    You come across as trolling or disingenuous, because you ask, people answer you and while you quote them, you seem to ignore their statements or completely disregard them. I am not insulting you, just making an observation as a 3rd party.

    You claimed that I said she was filling a gap. The last post I made was my first post in this thread and I don’t think I said she fills a gap per se, but here you go anyway....

    Angela was one of my first 5* champs so I used her quite a bit even when she was gimped.

    Immunity - it is not as hard to get Angela to 100% immunity as you say. Even by her first hit she is reducing any damage over time effect. Plus Nullify and Auto-block reduction as well.

    Non-contact parry - she is one of the few champs that can parry non-contact hits. Additionally with her armor up buff, she is now a hard counter to Havok. Not to mention being able to handle other champs like Ebony Maw (despite the class disadvantage), stealth suit Spidey....

    Armor - great defensive utility.... Havok yadda yadda

    Armor break - her armor break is very reliable. She does not need to parry to apply armor break, like Corvus for example. Corvus will take chip damage over the course of the fight, while Angela won’t just to apply armor break. She is very strong in Cav EQ cosmic chapter. Even at her current R4, I was able to clear a lot of it with her.

    Heal - her heal is very consistent. She does not require dashing back, holding block and losing access to some of her kit for it (like Hyperion does), or using a special atk for it.

    Her damage is greatly improved (and definitely outclasses Rogue on that front) and while not CGR levels, she is very capable of clearing some of the hardest content in the game.

    All this is not including the benefits one gets because she can ignore buff nodes as mentioned by several others.

    Do you actually use Angela? I suspect not given your attitude towards the champ. I recommend watching Seatin’s video on the Angela buff. He lays out the improvements very well.
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