Is Kabam now extremely conservative with all new and buffed champions.



  • PulyamanPulyaman Member Posts: 2,365 ★★★★★
    Yes Kabam is more Conservative but I am fine with that.

    Pulyaman said:

    I am not trolling or have no intention to be snarky. I genuinely have no idea what gap she fills in your roster since it was you who mentioned that she did that.
    You have not added anything I did not know about Angela vs rogue. You have also not ranked angela over the better cosmics. Same as I would not rank rogue over better mutants. Stop trying to insult me and please answer my genuine question. What gap does Angela fill in your roster?

    *Thanks Kabam....made a long post, went to edit my post and the page refreshed to an empty post... couldn’t get it back...*


    You come across as trolling or disingenuous, because you ask, people answer you and while you quote them, you seem to ignore their statements or completely disregard them. I am not insulting you, just making an observation as a 3rd party.

    You claimed that I said she was filling a gap. The last post I made was my first post in this thread and I don’t think I said she fills a gap per se, but here you go anyway....

    Angela was one of my first 5* champs so I used her quite a bit even when she was gimped.

    Immunity - it is not as hard to get Angela to 100% immunity as you say. Even by her first hit she is reducing any damage over time effect. Plus Nullify and Auto-block reduction as well.

    Non-contact parry - she is one of the few champs that can parry non-contact hits. Additionally with her armor up buff, she is now a hard counter to Havok. Not to mention being able to handle other champs like Ebony Maw (despite the class disadvantage), stealth suit Spidey....

    Armor - great defensive utility.... Havok yadda yadda

    Armor break - her armor break is very reliable. She does not need to parry to apply armor break, like Corvus for example. Corvus will take chip damage over the course of the fight, while Angela won’t just to apply armor break. She is very strong in Cav EQ cosmic chapter. Even at her current R4, I was able to clear a lot of it with her.

    Heal - her heal is very consistent. She does not require dashing back, holding block and losing the access to some of her kit for it (like Hyperion does), or using a special atk for it.

    Her damage is greatly improved (and definitely outclasses Rogue on that front) and while not CGR levels, she is very capable of clearing some of the hardest content in the game.

    All this is not including the benefits one gets because she can ignore buff nodes as mentioned by several others.

    Do you actually use Angela? I suspect not given your attitude towards the champ. I recommend watching Seatin’s video on the Angela buff. He lays out the improvements very well.
    I typed up a long reply to your points. But I did not want to be called a troll again. Simply put, I used Angela before the buff and after the buff, she was not useful to me.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,448 Guardian
    Pulyaman said:

    I don't get it. Do I need to agree with everyone regarding the usefulness of a champ?

    Actually, it is probably better for the game if we all don't agree. If we all agree a champ is fantastic, its probably too strong. If we don't all agree, the champ is more likely to be left alone.

    Personally, I think Angela is great. The buff made her into a monster in a lot of circumstances. But the less people that think that, the more likely it is that I get to keep her.

    And yeah, I'd consider R3ing her. She would not be my first choice, but also not my last choice. If I was not yet Thronebreaker and Angela an R3 option I would have ranked her instantly with no hesitation. And I would currently put her in the same tier as Venom as a strong R3 candidate outside the obvious highest choices (Corvus, CMM, CGR). Honestly, I only have her as 5*, but I would love to pull her as 6*.
  • PulyamanPulyaman Member Posts: 2,365 ★★★★★
    Yes Kabam is more Conservative but I am fine with that.
    DNA3000 said:

    Pulyaman said:

    I don't get it. Do I need to agree with everyone regarding the usefulness of a champ?

    Actually, it is probably better for the game if we all don't agree. If we all agree a champ is fantastic, its probably too strong. If we don't all agree, the champ is more likely to be left alone.

    Personally, I think Angela is great. The buff made her into a monster in a lot of circumstances. But the less people that think that, the more likely it is that I get to keep her.

    And yeah, I'd consider R3ing her. She would not be my first choice, but also not my last choice. If I was not yet Thronebreaker and Angela an R3 option I would have ranked her instantly with no hesitation. And I would currently put her in the same tier as Venom as a strong R3 candidate outside the obvious highest choices (Corvus, CMM, CGR). Honestly, I only have her as 5*, but I would love to pull her as 6*.
    I don't know if people remember. I recommended to r3 her before the buff to someone. I liked her pre-buff and I like her post-buff too. But, my only issue is Kabam tied her utility to the number of buffs which makes her a little difficult for me to maintain against circumstances that I actually want to use her. If her sig ability was simply, she prevents autoblock 100% and debuff duration 100% reduction at sig 200, I would R3 her in an instant. I have a cosmic T5cc and an awakened Angela at rank 2.

  • EtjamaEtjama Member Posts: 7,981 ★★★★★
    Pulyaman said:

    DNA3000 said:

    Pulyaman said:

    I don't get it. Do I need to agree with everyone regarding the usefulness of a champ?

    Actually, it is probably better for the game if we all don't agree. If we all agree a champ is fantastic, its probably too strong. If we don't all agree, the champ is more likely to be left alone.

    Personally, I think Angela is great. The buff made her into a monster in a lot of circumstances. But the less people that think that, the more likely it is that I get to keep her.

    And yeah, I'd consider R3ing her. She would not be my first choice, but also not my last choice. If I was not yet Thronebreaker and Angela an R3 option I would have ranked her instantly with no hesitation. And I would currently put her in the same tier as Venom as a strong R3 candidate outside the obvious highest choices (Corvus, CMM, CGR). Honestly, I only have her as 5*, but I would love to pull her as 6*.
    I don't know if people remember. I recommended to r3 her before the buff to someone. I liked her pre-buff and I like her post-buff too. But, my only issue is Kabam tied her utility to the number of buffs which makes her a little difficult for me to maintain against circumstances that I actually want to use her. If her sig ability was simply, she prevents autoblock 100% and debuff duration 100% reduction at sig 200, I would R3 her in an instant. I have a cosmic T5cc and an awakened Angela at rank 2.

    Dude, you're just making no sense at all. You do know that you get 3 buffs after about 1 combo in the fight, right? So you'd R3 her in an instant if at Sig 200, she reduced debuff duration and auto-block chance by 100%... but you won't do it now cause she only has reduces those by 70% until you've spent like 5 seconds into he fight? What?
  • PulyamanPulyaman Member Posts: 2,365 ★★★★★
    Yes Kabam is more Conservative but I am fine with that.
    Etjama said:

    Pulyaman said:

    DNA3000 said:

    Pulyaman said:

    I don't get it. Do I need to agree with everyone regarding the usefulness of a champ?

    Actually, it is probably better for the game if we all don't agree. If we all agree a champ is fantastic, its probably too strong. If we don't all agree, the champ is more likely to be left alone.

    Personally, I think Angela is great. The buff made her into a monster in a lot of circumstances. But the less people that think that, the more likely it is that I get to keep her.

    And yeah, I'd consider R3ing her. She would not be my first choice, but also not my last choice. If I was not yet Thronebreaker and Angela an R3 option I would have ranked her instantly with no hesitation. And I would currently put her in the same tier as Venom as a strong R3 candidate outside the obvious highest choices (Corvus, CMM, CGR). Honestly, I only have her as 5*, but I would love to pull her as 6*.
    I don't know if people remember. I recommended to r3 her before the buff to someone. I liked her pre-buff and I like her post-buff too. But, my only issue is Kabam tied her utility to the number of buffs which makes her a little difficult for me to maintain against circumstances that I actually want to use her. If her sig ability was simply, she prevents autoblock 100% and debuff duration 100% reduction at sig 200, I would R3 her in an instant. I have a cosmic T5cc and an awakened Angela at rank 2.

    Dude, you're just making no sense at all. You do know that you get 3 buffs after about 1 combo in the fight, right? So you'd R3 her in an instant if at Sig 200, she reduced debuff duration and auto-block chance by 100%... but you won't do it now cause she only has reduces those by 70% until you've spent like 5 seconds into he fight? What?
    I am doubtful in my ability to maintain the buffs. Some times you just need to slow the fight down which may not be possible since you need to maintain buffs all the time for her utility. I had no issue with her damage even prebuff. Even her utility was not that much if an issue. Her regen made her a good champ for me.
  • EtjamaEtjama Member Posts: 7,981 ★★★★★
    Pulyaman said:

    Etjama said:

    Pulyaman said:

    DNA3000 said:

    Pulyaman said:

    I don't get it. Do I need to agree with everyone regarding the usefulness of a champ?

    Actually, it is probably better for the game if we all don't agree. If we all agree a champ is fantastic, its probably too strong. If we don't all agree, the champ is more likely to be left alone.

    Personally, I think Angela is great. The buff made her into a monster in a lot of circumstances. But the less people that think that, the more likely it is that I get to keep her.

    And yeah, I'd consider R3ing her. She would not be my first choice, but also not my last choice. If I was not yet Thronebreaker and Angela an R3 option I would have ranked her instantly with no hesitation. And I would currently put her in the same tier as Venom as a strong R3 candidate outside the obvious highest choices (Corvus, CMM, CGR). Honestly, I only have her as 5*, but I would love to pull her as 6*.
    I don't know if people remember. I recommended to r3 her before the buff to someone. I liked her pre-buff and I like her post-buff too. But, my only issue is Kabam tied her utility to the number of buffs which makes her a little difficult for me to maintain against circumstances that I actually want to use her. If her sig ability was simply, she prevents autoblock 100% and debuff duration 100% reduction at sig 200, I would R3 her in an instant. I have a cosmic T5cc and an awakened Angela at rank 2.

    Dude, you're just making no sense at all. You do know that you get 3 buffs after about 1 combo in the fight, right? So you'd R3 her in an instant if at Sig 200, she reduced debuff duration and auto-block chance by 100%... but you won't do it now cause she only has reduces those by 70% until you've spent like 5 seconds into he fight? What?
    I am doubtful in my ability to maintain the buffs. Some times you just need to slow the fight down which may not be possible since you need to maintain buffs all the time for her utility. I had no issue with her damage even prebuff. Even her utility was not that much if an issue. Her regen made her a good champ for me.
    Maintaining 3 buffs for the whole fight is SOOOOOOOO easy to do. You literally don't even have to think about it. Her awakened ability may as well be 100% debuff duration and auto-block reduction at max sig because you don't even notice after the very beginning of the fight.
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  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,448 Guardian
    Pulyaman said:

    If her sig ability was simply, she prevents autoblock 100% and debuff duration 100% reduction at sig 200, I would R3 her in an instant.

    I wouldn't. because I there's a 99% chance that's a mistake and she gets nerfed, so I wouldn't risk the rank up resources.

    No champ gets such utility without any strings. Not even Ghost and Quake, although their strings are especially thin.

    To be clear, Angela does not need her sig ability at all to be a good champ. She was good before the buff. Not great, but good. With suicides she became very good. The sig ability ratchets her up from very good to great in my opinion, because now she enters the rarified air of sustainable champs that also have an auto-block counter and also the situational ability to neutralize all damage debuffs regardless of type. That combination of utility is unusual, and in MCOC 2021 unusual combinations of utility are getting increasingly more valuable over time, not less.

    I think Angela is going to be one of those champs like Venom, like Magik, like Archangel, that seem to get either more valuable over time, or at least consistently hold their value over time in the face of newer champs looking to usurp them. And that's a quality that I weigh a lot when it comes to valuing champs. The more cross-fight/cross synergy-like abilities the devs add, the more content with crazy node combinations throwing more buffs and debuffs around, the more likely Angela appreciates in value over time.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,448 Guardian
    I should also mention, a lot of the discussion surrounding Angela's sig ability revolves around whether she can reduce duration to zero or not, the presumption being anything less than that is not very useful. But that's not the case, because of Willpower and Angela's own abilities.

    To oversimplify a bit, Angela can heal back half of all damage she takes from damage over time debuffs. In fact, slightly more than that depending on masteries. On top of that, if you have Willpower you will heal back a certain amount of that damage so long as the debuff is active. Depending on the amount of damage the DoT is ticking for, Angela can actually heal back more than the DoT deals because of the dual sources of healing.

    If the DoT is strong enough, it can deal more damage than Willpower can compensate for when combined with Angela's resilience charges. But even worse is when like debuffs stack. Each additional stack deals more damage but doesn't benefit from any more Willpower healing. And while Angela's own resilience stacks will keep building up, too much damage too quickly will kill her before she gets the full benefit from those individual resilience stacks. So while reducing DoT debuffs to zero does reduce the damage to zero, there's a separate useful benefit in avoiding stacking DoT debuffs.

    So reducing the duration of damaging debuffs by a significant amount less than 100% can still be very useful to Angela in a variety of scenarios, where one stack of the debuff is manageable but two or three would be too much damage. Reducing duration reduces the windows of overall for damaging debuffs that arrive moderately quickly.

    So in practice, Angela's damaging debuff duration reduction is not all or nothing. A sig 60 Angela with three buffs would still be reducing damaging debuff duration by 60%, meaning they only last 40% as long. That could still be very useful and turn some debuff situations from a net minus to a net plus. And a sig 200 Angela with only two buffs and reducing debuff duration by 70% could also be converting many situations from net minus to net plus, or net minus to a more manageable net minus. Her resilience mechanics makes this situation different for her than most other champions, and makes determining the value of damaging debuff duration reduction more complex and potentially beneficial in less than -100% situations.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    No Kabam is not Conservative.
    I love the Angela buff. Thought about R3 over CMM since I already have a max sig 5* CMM, but I needed the prestige.
  • BeastDadBeastDad Member Posts: 2,165 ★★★★★
    Yes Kabam is now extremely Conservative.
    It really wouldn’t be an issue if there were not so many trash characters that are not worth ranking up.
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