Why Howard the Duck don’t make opponents bleed?

Figure him with that big gun and that big special 2 that some of those bullets might have an effect on his Opponents and have some bleed effect, would b cool if they added bleed to him
I briefly wondered how they made him bleed immune if his body is rather exposed, but... game logic
Every physical or projectile attack in the game will technically cause the opponent to bleed (eg. Hulk punching you in the face will make you bleed) but for balance purposes, not every champion has a bleed ability.
Only one of these causes bleeds
I don't care he's in a massive metal machine, I can't use AA anymore against him. Not that he's hard to fight and I have Mags but
Damn your new bleed immunity you duck.
Why iceman isn't immune to coldsnap or frostbite?
Why ghost rider was not immune to..... Wait... It took 6 years... Finally...
Why does Sentry suck? I mean ....
These topics were God tier topics. They came. They raise hell. Then they went away.
It's the Trident of Unholy topics.
Anyway. Valid question. I think since it's a funny character may be he is using rubber bullets or something like spoof gun.
Or may be leser (someone already said that in comments)
Nick Fury's Shoe?
He... does kick his opponent in the face?