Is Jabari Panther's cleanse an Apocalypse nerf?

So by what i can tell, 'cleanse' is working almost exactly like a 'shrug off' or a 'tenacity' but the only difference is cleanse appears to be able to get around Apocalypse's ability to prevent champions to purify debuffs. Since it works basically the same, the only reason I can see for this mechanic to exist with the name of cleanse instead of any other purifying mechanic already in the game, is to nerf Apocalypse by introducing 'cleanse' and giving it to more champs in the future.
Personally i think its lame because Apocalypse is my favorite champ since they put ghost in the game so im especially defensive of my boy cuz i love crushing content with him lol. Also with class disadvantage why does Jabari Panther get a mechanic that counters Apocalypse? Im hoping this is somehow a bug because there is still some instances where Apocalypse's utility hasn't been working like when it was bugged with Aarkus for a long time before it got fixed recently and how Iceman's ice armor is able to purify a parry from Apocalypse still as of yesterday. So yeah i hope this isn't meant to be a nerf but bringing in this new mechanic that works essentially the same as a shrug off or tenacity but just giving it a different name makes this a conspicuous in my opinion.
Thoughts anyone?
Personally i think its lame because Apocalypse is my favorite champ since they put ghost in the game so im especially defensive of my boy cuz i love crushing content with him lol. Also with class disadvantage why does Jabari Panther get a mechanic that counters Apocalypse? Im hoping this is somehow a bug because there is still some instances where Apocalypse's utility hasn't been working like when it was bugged with Aarkus for a long time before it got fixed recently and how Iceman's ice armor is able to purify a parry from Apocalypse still as of yesterday. So yeah i hope this isn't meant to be a nerf but bringing in this new mechanic that works essentially the same as a shrug off or tenacity but just giving it a different name makes this a conspicuous in my opinion.
Thoughts anyone?
I think that this is actually a great introduction to a new ability for somebody especially because it seems to be passive. You have to realize that you could just use white mags for the pre-fight or you could just intercept her.
Apocalypse is still easily able to take her down I took her down multiple times inside the cav EQ without an issue and even did it once with out White mags pre-fight.
Now as for for the term “nerf” that’s not what this is.
Remember Blade when they released "Thanos Army" and "Mercenaries" instead of giving champs a villain label? Seen any new dimensional beings added to the game in 2 years?
Every champ will have hard counters through creative rewording of new champ abilities, but the original champ will still be the same as they were.
Would you consider this is a nerf to Doom?
I would think that while she has an active cleanse, an immune callout would pop-up, but it doesn't.
I'm leaning towards bug. Her cleanse shouldn't do anything to debuffs applied by/while fighting Apocalypse.
I have total molecular control and my debuffs can’t be purified!
Jabari Panther:
Hold my beer!
You can't do that!
Jabari Panther:
Can too!
Cannot, stamped it!
Jabari Panther:
Can too, double stamped it, no erasies!
Cannot, triple stamped it, no erasies, touch blue make it true. [puts his hands over his ears and sings]
Jabari Panther:
No! No! You can't triple stamp a double stamp! You can't triple stamp a double stamp, Apocalypse! You can't triple stamp a double stamp!