Rate Act 7.1

DefenestratedDefenestrated Member Posts: 304 ★★★
How do you feel about 7.1 in terms of fun factor, challenge, and reward structure? Personally, I love Act 7 Chapter 1. I had so much fun exploring the entire thing (the most fun I had in a long time). It was a good enough challenge for me, and the rewards are amazing for just the first chapter itself. I am looking forward to more Act 7 content.

Rate Act 7.1 86 votes

World EaterJadedzuffyubiquitousWindTristanLeediman39YoMovesNojokejaymThatGuyYouSaw235HendrossPseudouberStrikerrx8StellarThe_Blue_JaguarRaichu626Reverend_RuckusKDSuperFlash10georgiemenIvarTheBonelessWine_Lover 62 votes
RaganatorLvernon15TitoBandito187AleorRockyshockyMattyPerlerRockypantherxSidDDragonPulyamanBahubaliSkillful_starhermHoitadoGiulioVentu99DarkKnight646BlackTuranJoshKosh557 17 votes
BerjibsSwarmOfRavens 2 votes
IKONMobile_P0tat0 2 votes
danielmathPwf57Lainua 3 votes


  • IKONIKON Member Posts: 1,360 ★★★★★
    edited April 2021
    Jaded said:

    It’s what I feel story questing should be. Not the trash act 6 gave us. I understand people want to talk about how it’s not difficult but for those with more limited rosters it is still very difficult and challenges them to rank up counters.

    Story questing imo should be a challenging but also chill. Content like abyss and variants are a good place to really push rosters to their limits.

    My alt explored 7.1 with 10 maxed 5*. It was not difficult for limited rosters. Act 6 was too hard for story content, but as Kabam often does, they over corrected with Act 7.

    Also, if you don't want story content to be hard, remove the top end rewards from it.
  • EtjamaEtjama Member Posts: 7,981 ★★★★★
    IKON said:

    Jaded said:

    It’s what I feel story questing should be. Not the trash act 6 gave us. I understand people want to talk about how it’s not difficult but for those with more limited rosters it is still very difficult and challenges them to rank up counters.

    Story questing imo should be a challenging but also chill. Content like abyss and variants are a good place to really push rosters to their limits.

    My alt explored 7.1 with 10 maxed 5*. It was not difficult for limited rosters. Act 6 was too hard for story content, but as Kabam often does, they over corrected with Act 7.

    Also, if you don't want story content to be hard, remove the top end rewards from it.
    Honestly I would've been absolutely fine if they difficulty for 7.1 was tuned up, but it was extremely fun and had great rewards. Upon review the difficulty wasn't absolutely perfect, but I'd take it over Act 6 BS 10 times outta 10.
  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    IKON said:

    Jaded said:

    It’s what I feel story questing should be. Not the trash act 6 gave us. I understand people want to talk about how it’s not difficult but for those with more limited rosters it is still very difficult and challenges them to rank up counters.

    Story questing imo should be a challenging but also chill. Content like abyss and variants are a good place to really push rosters to their limits.

    My alt explored 7.1 with 10 maxed 5*. It was not difficult for limited rosters. Act 6 was too hard for story content, but as Kabam often does, they over corrected with Act 7.

    Also, if you don't want story content to be hard, remove the top end rewards from it.
  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★
    IKON said:

    Jaded said:

    It’s what I feel story questing should be. Not the trash act 6 gave us. I understand people want to talk about how it’s not difficult but for those with more limited rosters it is still very difficult and challenges them to rank up counters.

    Story questing imo should be a challenging but also chill. Content like abyss and variants are a good place to really push rosters to their limits.

    My alt explored 7.1 with 10 maxed 5*. It was not difficult for limited rosters. Act 6 was too hard for story content, but as Kabam often does, they over corrected with Act 7.

    Also, if you don't want story content to be hard, remove the top end rewards from it.
    Before we had abyss and variants I would full heartily agree with you. Because of the old saying “it’s permanent content”. Now we have different types of permanent content to challenge rosters plus incursions (which I fully enjoy as well) not to mention more content for end game specific players on its way. Story questing should be below difficulty in regards to the other aforementioned aspects, why? Because it accessible by lesser standards per rosters. Act 1-5 hit this mark although act 4 and some parts of act 5 pushed the limits on length. They were a building block in the summoners arsenal. Act 6.1 wasn’t horrible as per length and difficulty but 6.2 to 6.4 really dropped a ball on both length and difficulty. We can get into that more if you want, I think it’s self explanatory even if you disagree.

    7.1 hit the marks across everything. If you had the counters, the skill and the time it was itemless. If you were missing any of the three aspects I mentioned it would cost you a little bit (maybe a few revives or repeating the lane etc) but wasn’t a roadblock in utter disappointment.

    Majority of mobile games have a lesser difficulty in the story questing because it’s something they want everyone to enjoy. I give a huge stamp of approval on 7.1.

    For your remarks of getting less rewards, that’s fine. I can see that if it’s deemed way too easy to slow down the influx of rewards. But then I’d expect kabam to let us know this. Otherwise continue on providing us with resources to rank and focus on 6*.
  • MasterpuffMasterpuff Member Posts: 6,478 ★★★★★
    Fun Factor:
    I thoroughly enjoyed Act 7.1. Some lands were just so cool and unique, it was very fun. I also liked messing with champs that i dont use much or that werent very good usually.

    Reward Structure:
    I loved the fun path rewards that let you choose. I hope this persists in Act 7. I will say that the 1 1/2 t2a for every t5b was a little concerning for the ratio.

    For me personally, as someone with a developed roster and some skill, 7.1 posed close to no challenge. I explored it reviveless and i also shot through it on my alt.
  • QacobQacob Member Posts: 2,252 ★★★★★

    Qacob said:

    It really, really annoys me when people say content is too easy. For 2 reasons,

    1. It may be too easy for you, but for others it will be the perfect difficulty, the game doesn't revolve around you (and yes this can also work for people saying content is too hard)

    2. (And this is the main one) if the only reason you don't like the content is because it's too easy, just run it with a weaker team ffs. No one is stopping you from making it harder for yourself.

    I just cannot understand people who say content is too easy, their arguments make no sense and are always based on selfishness.

    It's ironic how your post reprimanding people on being selfish is also extremely selfish.

    What kind of logic is telling people who grinded and chased characters and t5cc to drop their invested teams and time to run content with champs they have no interest in for the facade of challenge.

    Instead of asking for separate content with actually well designed challenge that's optional you're advocating people to suck it up and jump through hoops to make artificial challenges for themselves because expecting any form of challenging content from kabam is too much to ask.

    Good job
    We chase those characters and catalysts for the content which does need the ranked up, top tier characters like abyss and act 6 100%

    But if you find that story content is too easy and that is the reason why you are not enjoying it, then upping the challenge will surely up the enjoyment.

    If all the content in the game was the difficulty of act 7 then I would completely agree, but like I said there are other, harder forms of content, and more promised in the future, such as summer of pain (which I hope is incredibly difficult) to use your ranked champions in.
  • edited April 2021
    This content has been removed.
  • IKONIKON Member Posts: 1,360 ★★★★★

    for me personally, aside from gwenpool goes to the movies it's the worst "content" ever released. Why do i care about ranking champs and progressing when i could easily walk over this content with 4* (if they were allowed)?

    You're just a selfish person, it's fantastic content for the majority of people. Why don't you think about people other than yourself for once? The majority of the playerbase enjoyed 7.1.
    Lots of other people liked it so you must to. Interesting take.
  • BerjibsBerjibs Member Posts: 1,541 ★★★★
    It was alright. Felt like a side quest. Preferred act 5/6 personally but I like to have a mountain to climb that gives a genuine sense of achievement once done.

    Hopefully 7.2 gives something to get stuck into.
  • SwarmOfRavensSwarmOfRavens Member Posts: 1,264 ★★★★★
    Qacob said:

    Qacob said:

    It really, really annoys me when people say content is too easy. For 2 reasons,

    1. It may be too easy for you, but for others it will be the perfect difficulty, the game doesn't revolve around you (and yes this can also work for people saying content is too hard)

    2. (And this is the main one) if the only reason you don't like the content is because it's too easy, just run it with a weaker team ffs. No one is stopping you from making it harder for yourself.

    I just cannot understand people who say content is too easy, their arguments make no sense and are always based on selfishness.

    It's ironic how your post reprimanding people on being selfish is also extremely selfish.

    What kind of logic is telling people who grinded and chased characters and t5cc to drop their invested teams and time to run content with champs they have no interest in for the facade of challenge.

    Instead of asking for separate content with actually well designed challenge that's optional you're advocating people to suck it up and jump through hoops to make artificial challenges for themselves because expecting any form of challenging content from kabam is too much to ask.

    Good job
    We chase those characters and catalysts for the content which does need the ranked up, top tier characters like abyss and act 6 100%

    But if you find that story content is too easy and that is the reason why you are not enjoying it, then upping the challenge will surely up the enjoyment.

    If all the content in the game was the difficulty of act 7 then I would completely agree, but like I said there are other, harder forms of content, and more promised in the future, such as summer of pain (which I hope is incredibly difficult) to use your ranked champions in.
    I'm personally fine with the difficulty of 7.1. didn't find it challenging but that's how it was intended to be, it's meant to be more generally accessible which is fine. I don't expect nor want story content to be at the level of act 6 exploration again since it was obviously detrimental for the longevity of the game.

    However I don't think telling people to run content with weak teams to make artificial challenge is right. You said you don't understand why people say content is too easy but it's pretty obvious when the last challenging content was released over a year ago. Of course people are going to get tired of sitting on their hands and watching revives expire.

    I would have personally rated 7.1 higher if they'd followed through with their promise of summer of pain or released anything else to that had the difficulty 7.1 lacked but they haven't so far.
  • QacobQacob Member Posts: 2,252 ★★★★★
    edited April 2021

    Qacob said:

    Qacob said:

    It really, really annoys me when people say content is too easy. For 2 reasons,

    1. It may be too easy for you, but for others it will be the perfect difficulty, the game doesn't revolve around you (and yes this can also work for people saying content is too hard)

    2. (And this is the main one) if the only reason you don't like the content is because it's too easy, just run it with a weaker team ffs. No one is stopping you from making it harder for yourself.

    I just cannot understand people who say content is too easy, their arguments make no sense and are always based on selfishness.

    It's ironic how your post reprimanding people on being selfish is also extremely selfish.

    What kind of logic is telling people who grinded and chased characters and t5cc to drop their invested teams and time to run content with champs they have no interest in for the facade of challenge.

    Instead of asking for separate content with actually well designed challenge that's optional you're advocating people to suck it up and jump through hoops to make artificial challenges for themselves because expecting any form of challenging content from kabam is too much to ask.

    Good job
    We chase those characters and catalysts for the content which does need the ranked up, top tier characters like abyss and act 6 100%

    But if you find that story content is too easy and that is the reason why you are not enjoying it, then upping the challenge will surely up the enjoyment.

    If all the content in the game was the difficulty of act 7 then I would completely agree, but like I said there are other, harder forms of content, and more promised in the future, such as summer of pain (which I hope is incredibly difficult) to use your ranked champions in.
    I'm personally fine with the difficulty of 7.1. didn't find it challenging but that's how it was intended to be, it's meant to be more generally accessible which is fine. I don't expect nor want story content to be at the level of act 6 exploration again since it was obviously detrimental for the longevity of the game.

    However I don't think telling people to run content with weak teams to make artificial challenge is right. You said you don't understand why people say content is too easy but it's pretty obvious when the last challenging content was released over a year ago. Of course people are going to get tired of sitting on their hands and watching revives expire.

    I would have personally rated 7.1 higher if they'd followed through with their promise of summer of pain or released anything else to that had the difficulty 7.1 lacked but they haven't so far.
    Yeah, that's fair.

    I'm not saying that running 7.1 with a weaker team is an acceptable replacement for new, challenging content being added, not at all. All I'm saying is that if you want 7.1 to be harder then you can make it harder, that's all.
  • danielmathdanielmath Member Posts: 4,105 ★★★★★

    for me personally, aside from gwenpool goes to the movies it's the worst "content" ever released. Why do i care about ranking champs and progressing when i could easily walk over this content with 4* (if they were allowed)?

    You're just a selfish person, it's fantastic content for the majority of people. Why don't you think about people other than yourself for once? The majority of the playerbase enjoyed 7.1.
    I thought the question was what I thought of it? of course the player base enjoyed it, players will always enjoy stuff thats easy/free rewards.
  • QacobQacob Member Posts: 2,252 ★★★★★

    for me personally, aside from gwenpool goes to the movies it's the worst "content" ever released. Why do i care about ranking champs and progressing when i could easily walk over this content with 4* (if they were allowed)?

    You're just a selfish person, it's fantastic content for the majority of people. Why don't you think about people other than yourself for once? The majority of the playerbase enjoyed 7.1.
    I thought the question was what I thought of it? of course the player base enjoyed it, players will always enjoy stuff thats easy/free rewards.
    I assume you've ascended past those pathetic "players" then?
  • QacobQacob Member Posts: 2,252 ★★★★★
    I will say I preferred act 6 completion to 7.1 completion. The same can definitely absolutely not be said for exploration
  • danielmathdanielmath Member Posts: 4,105 ★★★★★
    Qacob said:

    for me personally, aside from gwenpool goes to the movies it's the worst "content" ever released. Why do i care about ranking champs and progressing when i could easily walk over this content with 4* (if they were allowed)?

    You're just a selfish person, it's fantastic content for the majority of people. Why don't you think about people other than yourself for once? The majority of the playerbase enjoyed 7.1.
    I thought the question was what I thought of it? of course the player base enjoyed it, players will always enjoy stuff thats easy/free rewards.
    I assume you've ascended past those pathetic "players" then?
    what? it's the same to me as gwenpool goes to the movies. The majority of the player base loved it, i thought it was stupid and lame, same thing here.
  • QacobQacob Member Posts: 2,252 ★★★★★

    Qacob said:

    for me personally, aside from gwenpool goes to the movies it's the worst "content" ever released. Why do i care about ranking champs and progressing when i could easily walk over this content with 4* (if they were allowed)?

    You're just a selfish person, it's fantastic content for the majority of people. Why don't you think about people other than yourself for once? The majority of the playerbase enjoyed 7.1.
    I thought the question was what I thought of it? of course the player base enjoyed it, players will always enjoy stuff thats easy/free rewards.
    I assume you've ascended past those pathetic "players" then?
    what? it's the same to me as gwenpool goes to the movies. The majority of the player base loved it, i thought it was stupid and lame, same thing here.
    I was making a joke.
  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★

    for me personally, aside from gwenpool goes to the movies it's the worst "content" ever released. Why do i care about ranking champs and progressing when i could easily walk over this content with 4* (if they were allowed)?

    You're just a selfish person, it's fantastic content for the majority of people. Why don't you think about people other than yourself for once? The majority of the playerbase enjoyed 7.1.
    I thought the question was what I thought of it? of course the player base enjoyed it, players will always enjoy stuff thats easy/free rewards.
    Easy doesn’t always equate to not enjoying it. They made content that wasn’t ball busting hard but still enjoyable. Sad to see others think so low of it to say similar to gwenpool goes to the movies. Smh. That’s just disrespectful.

    7.1 was really easy for my roster, but enjoyed it fully. Btw I’ve seen people consistently pull better items in their TB daily crystals then I got from exploring 7.1. So maybe they should remove the TB daily Crystal because it’s not hard enough.
  • danielmathdanielmath Member Posts: 4,105 ★★★★★
    Jaded said:

    for me personally, aside from gwenpool goes to the movies it's the worst "content" ever released. Why do i care about ranking champs and progressing when i could easily walk over this content with 4* (if they were allowed)?

    You're just a selfish person, it's fantastic content for the majority of people. Why don't you think about people other than yourself for once? The majority of the playerbase enjoyed 7.1.
    I thought the question was what I thought of it? of course the player base enjoyed it, players will always enjoy stuff thats easy/free rewards.
    Easy doesn’t always equate to not enjoying it. They made content that wasn’t ball busting hard but still enjoyable. Sad to see others think so low of it to say similar to gwenpool goes to the movies. Smh. That’s just disrespectful.

    7.1 was really easy for my roster, but enjoyed it fully. Btw I’ve seen people consistently pull better items in their TB daily crystals then I got from exploring 7.1. So maybe they should remove the TB daily Crystal because it’s not hard enough.
    I felt like i was doing a silly side quest, not story content. Story was always what I personally always looked forward to the most, trying to find solutions to hard fights, practicing, learning. All of that is gone now.
  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★

    Jaded said:

    for me personally, aside from gwenpool goes to the movies it's the worst "content" ever released. Why do i care about ranking champs and progressing when i could easily walk over this content with 4* (if they were allowed)?

    You're just a selfish person, it's fantastic content for the majority of people. Why don't you think about people other than yourself for once? The majority of the playerbase enjoyed 7.1.
    I thought the question was what I thought of it? of course the player base enjoyed it, players will always enjoy stuff thats easy/free rewards.
    Easy doesn’t always equate to not enjoying it. They made content that wasn’t ball busting hard but still enjoyable. Sad to see others think so low of it to say similar to gwenpool goes to the movies. Smh. That’s just disrespectful.

    7.1 was really easy for my roster, but enjoyed it fully. Btw I’ve seen people consistently pull better items in their TB daily crystals then I got from exploring 7.1. So maybe they should remove the TB daily Crystal because it’s not hard enough.
    I felt like i was doing a silly side quest, not story content. Story was always what I personally always looked forward to the most, trying to find solutions to hard fights, practicing, learning. All of that is gone now.
    It’s actually not gone, rosters are far more developed now a days it’s hard to challenge them. Saying the quest is dumb because it was easy isn’t a fair statement.
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