When will 5 star shards actually become more available?

So far the only increased availability is through offers and spending. When will they become more available for players who don’t want to sell their house and kids to pay for offers?
Its hard to tell, but it seems like a good portion of the users on the forums heard "increased shards" and assumed they would get 1 or 2 5* champs a month quickly and have shards given to them for free or be able to earn them in very easy content.
While I agree with the sentiment here that shards don't need to just be handed out (though just 1k or so from calendars would be nice), there are other ways they could make shards more available. They could bump up shards in rank rewards in arena. I know they did this once already back in March, but I think it's time for another moderate increase. Also, rank rewards from the 3-day alliance events are really outdated. 125 5-star shards for top 5% is crazy! I'm confused why it's taken so long for Kabam to increase these rewards as it would also be lucrative for them.
I can't disagree with any of that. Just wanted to point out that they have been increasing and I didn't expect them to jump up through the roof instantly. I think we will just see more and more over time, but nothing to quick....although more now would of course be better.
I think for me the bigger question is, why aren't we getting these increased rewards from AW yet that we should have gotten already? That to me is another increase we should have seen by now but isn't happening.
100% agree
100% agree
So... 5 star shards are becoming more available.
But yeah... I'd be happier if there were some in the calendars.
Typical milestone reward of 4* shards is 100 shards (5% of a 4* shard crystal), right?
125 5* shards? 1.25% of a 5* crystal
The stinginess with 5* shards needs to end. If you got 500 5* shards, that would put you at the same percentage as 4* shards...
And now that 5*s aren't the top of the food chain anymore, they need to stop costing like they're the top of the food chain.
In this **** tiered system they've made, 2*s are garbage and useless, 3*s are garbage and useless, 4*s are being nerfed into uselessness with in game tricks...
But they did said it (already was) would be at least from the Calendar.
Don't care what you assume, they said it.
Remember the 6*s were announced then people was/is worried because a new climb is added but there's not enough availability for get and rankup the 5*s, dup them and maybe get one 6* in ten years. Today is haaaard dup 5*s and impossible maxed them. That is why people is asking things.
It's easy add a new star but everything should be adapted because people suddenly don't have a new star in their time/money/effort, otherwise the system will be broken (or people will be tired).
Believed or not, not everyone have short vision and they can to see future problems.
Just think "the Kabam" of the real world add a new star zero in right to every price. What would happen? the world will burn in fire and people will ask for raise and bigger paychecks because it's easy draw a new zero but now people would bust their humps ten times to catch the goods in the ceiling.
You do realize that they increased those monthly event rewards before @Kabam Miike or anyone else in “The Halls Of Just Us” made an announcement of 4s and 5s becoming more accessible?
That was posted the month that the Shards were in the Calendar. It didn't say they will be in it every month. They were literally in the Calendar at that moment.
If you are going to hold Kabam to what they said, then what they said was that that 5* shards were available "now" in the calendar rewards. At the time, they were in fact available in the calendar rewards. It would not be fair to assume they meant 5* shards would always be given out in the calendar because later in the post they said what would be coming in the future and made no mention of calendar rewards being a regular occurrence.
They've done a pretty cool start with an increase in event quest rewards, hopefully chapter 4 in act 5 gives a good amount and hopefully aw gets a reward bump.
Until then...
Stay Saucy My Friends,
Capt. Megasauce
Everyone know you both are very smart, but look the question and it's not saying "Will 5* now be easier to obtain Just this month (while the rage for the new announcement is forgotten)?".
I think is very clear what was the context, the question and the answer. It was an answer to a permanent change.
Actually, no. The assumption was that it was from then on after. The response was indicating one current way they were available because they could not comment further on unreleased information. Meaning, they were pointing out one way they were available at that time. It wasn't an indication that every Calendar would have Shards. They can only comment on what is confirmed and released.
But if you say it was not permanent because (insert legal trick here) then you're saying Kabam was deliberately tricking/scamming us.
Are they the first 6*s wave?. Was it confirmed?.
It obviously wasn't very clear, but in context when I read X is happening now and Y will be happening in the future, I do not assume that X is also going to be happening in the future. That is how those two things were worded:
But you also mention context and context is important. That quote comes from the FAQ that follows the actual announcement post. The announcement post says this:
They specifically say that 5* shards "have already" started to show up and "we'll be increasing" the availability of 4-star champions. They are clearly distinguishing what they are doing now from what they will be doing in the future with actual tense. "Have been" and "will be" doing. If they were going to be offering 5* shards in every calendar, they almost certainly would have said so, because there's no reason to hide that kind of good news.
The FAQ answer is very obviously a summary of this paragraph when read in the context of the actual announcement.
They will never be more available as f2p. We all should have realized this when they said it would still require 10k shards per 5*. If anything, that should have been reduced to 5k shards. Never will it be "more available" unless youre willing to pay for them. And with the pathetic drop rate of decent champs, no way would I spend money on them.
If they were going to be offering 5* shards JUST in that calendar, they almost certainly would have said so.
Because there's no reason to hide that kind of tricked news in a thread answering to worries for permanents changes.
(no reason except a deliberate scam, and it seem it's what you're thinking/saying).
They did say so. You seem to be saying that if I say something is happening now, it is my responsibility to explicitly state if it won't be happening in the future. If I say something is happening now, and you assume it will continue to happen in the future, I'm being deceptive unless I explicitly warn you that what's happening now will not continue into the future.
That's an obligation I do not accept. I certainly don't write or speak that way. As in I don't write or speak that way now, although I am making no explicit promise that this will not change in the future and no warranty regarding my writing or speech patterns is being offered or should be inferred. Not valid in Delaware.
@I_am_Groot No, that’s my pure speculation based off my personal experience with this game