Variant 7 Bugs

LifesGambitLifesGambit Member Posts: 13
This variant has a ton of bugs. Alot of champs ability accuracy isn't scaling correctly if at all. A perfect example is Scarlet witch. With 5 Heros and a sig lvl of 100 she should have like a 120% chance to apply buffs n debuffs on crits but she doesn't, if she did she would be OP for sure. This is one example of a ton of these ability accuracy bugs. Also Nick Fury has no decoy, he has no persistence charge at all. He begins to decay as soon as you start although this exist in some other areas and could be unrelated. Another is Luke Cage not being recognized as a Hero even though he has the tag. With the Champion synergy, ability accuracy uplift from heroes, science wrath, and extra damage from heroes, Luke Cage should be absolutely insane. He is not, he is awful because his damage is less than 1k per hit with several exhaustion on the defender. I am only speculating but I believe he is not being recognized as a #Hero and suffering -95% damage reduction. What I've mentioned here barely scratches the surface, but these are the ones that had the most affect on my run.
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