AQ compensation [Merged Threads]



  • PlantesanPlantesan Member Posts: 335 ★★
    Qacob said:

    For once I'm completely with kabam on this one. Everyone missed out on AQ, so yes it is completely fair as no one is getting an advantage over each other. If 50% of alliances had AQ and the other 50% didn't then that would be a different story. But everyone got the same rewards for doing absolutely nothing, so please stop whining and whinging, the world isnt about to end.

    So we can’t criticize them about it, when other solutions were provided? At this point I could care less about the rewards, it is what it is unfortunately. I’m curious if it would’ve been that much more of a pain in the ass to resend previous weeks rewards...compared to some people’ suggestion of delaying aq by a **** day (shorten the cooldown of the next cycle of something, idk 🤷‍♂️)
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  • ZeezoosZeezoos Member Posts: 219 ★★
    I’m not here to defend Kabam, but there is a lot of over-reaction on this thread. Did I expect we’d get a repeat of the rewards we got from the previous round of AQ, yeah I did. But I think Miike’s response makes sense and can understand why they didn’t do that.

    It’s one week of missed opportunity and we all got something for doing nothing. I don’t need most of the stuff but it’s still nice and I enjoyed the week off.

    I’m sure it feels bad if you had your sights set on using the rewards from this weeks aq for something, but the next round will start soon enough and everyone will be back to normal.
  • Joker1976Joker1976 Member Posts: 895 ★★★★
    Would’ve gladly rather put the time into a AQ cycle,..cause that’s all it would’ve cost me. Instead I’m missing 1k in glory / 30 k in battle chips / and rank rewards that includes t4 cc / t2 alpha and t5 basic,..So the only way to see this is as a loss.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,824 ★★★★★

    MattMan said:

    Slap in the face. Cheap cheap cheap.

    So how much effort in AQ did you have to do this past week to get this?
    That's not the issue though, is it? Had I been given a choice to do AQ and receive my normal rewards or do nothing and receive half... I would have chosen to do AQ. That's the issue. The choice was removed from us. Due to an error on their part, not ours.

    Bottom line:
    Company advertises a weekly AQ event for it's players.
    Company fails to execute it properly, so severely that their only recourse is to cancel an entire week long cycle.
    Players lose half of their weekly rewards for the game mode (if playing at a high level) due to something beyond their control.
    Then, to add insult to injury, players who do AQ at lowers levels are rewarded *greater* than they normally earn.

    I'm sorry, but the first word that comes to mind is lazy... Instead of actually compensating differently for each level, they just send out a blanket "one size fits all" comp. Leaving some overcompensated and others under compensated. I'm frankly shocked that amidst all the dissatisfaction that's circulating among the players concerning bugs and game performance, they'd actually roll this out and expect anything, but more dissatisfaction.
    If Kabam had a choice, they would have run AQ. They obviously tried but it didn't work. People still couldn't login anyway during that time as well. If they could have reliably pushed it back they probably would have but there was a lot of stuff going on at the time.

    "Company advertises a weekly AQ event" is a pretty weak point honestly. We all know that, yes, there is an AQ cycle that runs, everything is subject to change at any moment. What if Kabam decides to stop doing AQ forever? What's your argument then? I mean come on, we'll still be having AQ, it's not going anywhere. We got time off and got some stuff during that time off. How many of these people complaining are opening the map crystals anyway? Really all you probably are missing is 2k glory and a T5CC 10% crystal. I think the community just wants to stay mad. They're like The Hulk.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Most of us would have rather played AQ, but we got some rewards and spent zero tickets. I'm OK with it.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,491 Guardian
    Ebony_Naw said:

    lmao at the disagrees. Yeah it sucks we didnt get our normal aq rewards, with aq i get a lot more glory and stuff as well.

    However, we got somethhing totlally free for no effort. We would rather put in the effort, but THAT WAS NOT AN OPTION. Getting free stuff for doing zero effort is good.


    Stay home for the week and relax. It has to be a week that I choose and not one you choose, and I don't really care about how convenient it is or is not for you. Also, I'll only give you about 35% of your weekly salary to do it.

    Enjoy the break!
    This is probably not the best of all times to leverage this particular analogy.
  • KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,891 ★★★★★
    My weekly rewards are usually something like 1700 glory and map 4&3 crystals. This is heaven, since I wasn't affected by the bug at all.

    However I understand that some find it low. I just think it's important for all voices to beheard, approving and disapproving alike.
  • TbonneTbonne Member Posts: 48

    Hi everybody, thank you for the feedback.

    A little insight:

    This is a universal package that was delivered to all Summoners in an Alliance, and was our way of apologizing for the issues that we had last weekend that caused us not to have AQ for this series. I see a lot of people referencing previous compensation packages for AQ that are based on the previous series performance but aren't taking into account that those are usually given when there is an issue partway through the series or causes Alliances to put in as much effort as they usually do and not be able to perform as well as they should.

    Historically, if there is a series of AQ that is skipped, but is planned, there is no compensation because nobody has to play that week. In this case, there was no series but it was unplanned, so we decided that we would like to give a gift to all players as our way of saying sorry for the issues and thanks for your patience. This is not the same situation as we mentioned before, and the packages are not the same as the kind of packages we would give if Players had been giving their all but were unable to perform as well as they would if there were issues.

    But once again, thank you for your feedback. We will keep it in mind when deciding on how to deal with future instances like this.

    This is no any way any compensation for anyone that runs map6 and above . It should of been a copy of the aq rewards from the week before
    Thanks f
  • TbonneTbonne Member Posts: 48
    Thanks but please try again
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 37,005 ★★★★★
    Not to be that guy, but I usually end up in that role anyway....but they compensated for a missed week. Technically, you only get what you actually earn in AQ. Not what you *could* have earned. No one played very long so no one earned nearly as much as they gave.
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  • GhostboytjieGhostboytjie Member Posts: 2,600 ★★★★★
    Kinda agree with @GroundedWisdom

    Im a endgame player and I feel like it was a decent package
  • Texas_11Texas_11 Member Posts: 2,646 ★★★★★
    UberBone said:

    Texas_11 said:

    I for one am not going to complain about compensation that was completely free. The only criticism there really should be is that map 7 players missed out on an additional 30 tickets if im not mistaken.

    I for one really liked the break, and im sure everyone else didnt really miss AQ. Its not all the glory or the rewards, but last i checked it was also f r e e.

    Time off for an entire week was nice
    But you get “time off” from a job ... that YOU get paid for :/

    I obviously am a rare example of someone that Plays the game,daily, for FUN. I pay for that fun too ... if i was to pick one feeling to describe a missing week of AQ , “grateful” would not be it! :)
    Well if you want to go there. In this case think about this situation as if you were a 1099/ Independent contractor.

    Each week of AQ you are not obligated to participate, if you do , you are more or less guaranteed a certain amount of reward. If for some reason an ally mate doesn’t finish his path you don’t earn those rewards.

    In theory , you are an independent contractor who got paid for doing nothing. You are your own business, so you don’t get paid for” “ time off”

    I’m glad you find the game fun, and sorry to break it to you, but you have to do AQ to survive in this game.
  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★

    UberBone said:

    ....there is no compensation because nobody has to play that week....

    This is a game, not a chore .... we don’t play AQ because we “have” to, we play it because we enjoy it.

    You’re reasoning seems backwards to me
    Actually, 99% of players play it because they have to. I've never seen anyone until now saying they enjoyed AQ.
    Hold up, I really enjoy alliance quest. Not map 5, I enjoy map 6 and 7. I would do map 7 every day if I could.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,491 Guardian

    Unfortunately yes I already tried that. Now they’ll want me to open a ticket by answering a bunch of questions that will take time for me to look up. Only to be answered by some bot that won’t help me unless I open a second ticket. Over the last 5 years I’ve spent thousands on this game but I despise this company‘s service more than ever.

    Rather than reaching out to a vip customer to help them, they’ll just delete this post. Why don’t they see that good customer service will earn them more money ? Ugh I’m done with this game

    Imagine if, as a VIP customer who has spent thousands on this game, customer support allowed me to open a ticket under your game account and make account changes, because they don't ask me questions that only you would know the answers to.
  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★
    Op quits the game and still demands to be serviced 😂

    Oh my...the world now a days huh.
  • RU11011RU11011 Member Posts: 880 ★★★★

    High tier Ali’s are not happy
    Mid Tier Ali’s are happy
    Low Tier Ali’s are very happy

    I ran my first AQ in four months. A single map 4, not even completed. I really didn't deserve this compensation.
  • Texas_11Texas_11 Member Posts: 2,646 ★★★★★
    UberBone said:

    Texas_11 said:

    UberBone said:

    Texas_11 said:

    I for one am not going to complain about compensation that was completely free. The only criticism there really should be is that map 7 players missed out on an additional 30 tickets if im not mistaken.

    I for one really liked the break, and im sure everyone else didnt really miss AQ. Its not all the glory or the rewards, but last i checked it was also f r e e.

    Time off for an entire week was nice
    But you get “time off” from a job ... that YOU get paid for :/

    I obviously am a rare example of someone that Plays the game,daily, for FUN. I pay for that fun too ... if i was to pick one feeling to describe a missing week of AQ , “grateful” would not be it! :)
    Well if you want to go there. In this case think about this situation as if you were a 1099/ Independent contractor.

    Each week of AQ you are not obligated to participate, if you do , you are more or less guaranteed a certain amount of reward. If for some reason an ally mate doesn’t finish his path you don’t earn those rewards.

    In theory , you are an independent contractor who got paid for doing nothing. You are your own business, so you don’t get paid for” “ time off”

    I’m glad you find the game fun, and sorry to break it to you, but you have to do AQ to survive in this game.
    I am not either of those things ... i am a paying customer.

    You started off by missing my point, typed a lot... and ended up no nearer. You didn't break anything to me.
    AQ doesn’t cost anything but tickets and we got those back. “Paying customer” me too and I was happy with the break or “time off” , not sure what map you play , but everyone I know has been chilling.
  • Texas_11Texas_11 Member Posts: 2,646 ★★★★★

    UberBone said:

    Texas_11 said:

    UberBone said:

    Texas_11 said:

    I for one am not going to complain about compensation that was completely free. The only criticism there really should be is that map 7 players missed out on an additional 30 tickets if im not mistaken.

    I for one really liked the break, and im sure everyone else didnt really miss AQ. Its not all the glory or the rewards, but last i checked it was also f r e e.

    Time off for an entire week was nice
    But you get “time off” from a job ... that YOU get paid for :/

    I obviously am a rare example of someone that Plays the game,daily, for FUN. I pay for that fun too ... if i was to pick one feeling to describe a missing week of AQ , “grateful” would not be it! :)
    Well if you want to go there. In this case think about this situation as if you were a 1099/ Independent contractor.

    Each week of AQ you are not obligated to participate, if you do , you are more or less guaranteed a certain amount of reward. If for some reason an ally mate doesn’t finish his path you don’t earn those rewards.

    In theory , you are an independent contractor who got paid for doing nothing. You are your own business, so you don’t get paid for” “ time off”

    I’m glad you find the game fun, and sorry to break it to you, but you have to do AQ to survive in this game.
    I am not either of those things ... i am a paying customer.

    You started off by missing my point, typed a lot... and ended up no nearer. You didn't break anything to me.
    No, actually you're just a donator. You don't own your account or anything in your account.
    ^^ crazy how people feel they need to call themselves a paying customer when AQ has nothing to do with money. It’s irrelevant. I could see if you invested in tickets and we didn’t get those back. Everything else has been compensated fairly we got paid to do nothing.
  • Texas_11Texas_11 Member Posts: 2,646 ★★★★★
    Searmenis said:

    I just don’t get the point that you would have gotten more if you did normal AQ.
    Ummmm...ok? You didn't. You literally did nothing.
    Kabam run special events from time to time (boss rush, champion challenge). They also offer rewards but aren't run all the time. Do we go crying to Kabam saying that we would have gotten more reward if ran it? Do we ask for compensation on those? No because we didn't anything.

    No, but we do ask compensation for hundreds of bugs here and there (persistent charges missing frequently this month causing us resources and for some, money), compensation we never get, and here s the one chance they can say "we re sorry and we value your efforts and understanding" and they blow it. Again.
    If they had bug compensation in this package you would be complaining that they blew it by combining all the compensation into one.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,824 ★★★★★
    Searmenis said:

    I just don’t get the point that you would have gotten more if you did normal AQ.
    Ummmm...ok? You didn't. You literally did nothing.
    Kabam run special events from time to time (boss rush, champion challenge). They also offer rewards but aren't run all the time. Do we go crying to Kabam saying that we would have gotten more reward if ran it? Do we ask for compensation on those? No because we didn't anything.

    No, but we do ask compensation for hundreds of bugs here and there (persistent charges missing frequently this month causing us resources and for some, money), compensation we never get, and here s the one chance they can say "we re sorry and we value your efforts and understanding" and they blow it. Again.
    I fail to see how persistent charges are costing you resources. NF is the only one who most people are using and it's easily fixed if you're paying attention. If you see the charges are missing, don't start the fight. Restart the game until they come back and they will. It's only costing you because you aren't paying attention.
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