What is there to be excited about anymore?

As this game has advanced over time the rewards have not. War has become a watered down pile of garbage that actually matches the rewards now. Aq I’ll admit is about spot on reward wise. Arena is a joke now tho, phc shards and a pittance of units is trash. Phcs give garbage 2*’s which give garbage 3* shards. Eq is tidious and boring. Act 5.2 was the hardest content yet and the rewards for the effort and resources put in were a joke. You announce we’ll be getting more 5* shards and t2a for ranking and advancing but it came with an unseen disclaimer that’d you’d need $$$ or glory. This months calendar is a joke. An old ass dr voodoo and a t4b. Yeah I get they’re for free and doing nothing but it’s certainly nothing to get me motivated either. You passed right over yondu as a monthly calendar prize, I’m sure that’s by design since he’s a desired champ. 6*’s as the carrot on the end of the stick aren’t going to be enough. You’re moving the sticks on the game, it would be in your best interests to make sure it’s worth our time to invest to see if we can get to the goal line. I seriously hope a drop in the shards needed to open a 5* is forthcoming. As it is I’ve become incredibly bored and am dropping out of my ally and will play at my own pace. I’ll have to see if there’s change before I dedicate so much time for a bunch of 2* phc pulls and a once every other week grandmaster crystal. I also know the trolls with feast on this post, meh. You either are heavily invested in this game that you’re deluding yourself or you’re super hardcore so more power to ya
Before I finally said "Uncle" and cut back all aspects of playing, I had every champ with the exception of the new champs released 3-4 months prior. Every 4* crystal opening seemed to be DPX who was at level 99 a long time ago.
Then, the talk about 6* champs came (when it cost $10 in credits to heal up a 5* champ in AQ/AW) and I declared that I'm cutting way back.
I cut back from grinding out all arena milestones, normal, heroic and master modes to just AQ/AW because the rewards just aren't there. If there was a way I wouldn't have to hijack my whole week to gain t4cs at a rate that could keep up with the emergence of the 6* champ, maybe I wouldn't have lost interest. When I was at my peak playing time, I couldn't get enough t4cs and t4bs to get my champs level up for new content. Just playing AW/AQ, I seem to be ranking up just as many champs as I did grinding like a lunatic.
When 5* champs came out, I had a hefty fleet of 4* champs and expected the 5* crystal cost to drop before 6* champs were even on the horizon. If it takes me a month to earn enough 5* shards to open a regular crystal, are my 6* champs coming every 4-6 months? That's pissing in my face and telling me it's raining.
Kabam have always talked of concentric circles of gameplay, you expand out as you progress and so you do more and more cos you need to progress, that has floundered with AW and 6*s.
Two polar opposite changes, one making it easy, one making it hard, but both destroting any care I have for what champs I currently or will own at 4*.
AW : It was the driving force for wanting brand new champs in the game. With a bit of skill and any old ranked up champs AQ and Questing can be done. Get someone big enough and their sheer size does the heavy lifting. But AW was different, I didnt like it but it served a purpose. So mind-bendingly hard that without exactly the right champs for the right paths, or the specific ranked up defenders for each node and you were toast. It was all about striving for super elusive perfection. Now however, its just any old champ will do, same as most questing. Yes, good that the game isnt beholden to having just 1 champ (Dr Stange pre v12.0 nerf for instance), it does make it balanced, but it makes it boring as hell when i care not a jot what I get from my crystals, all I care about is cats to rank them up which are very carefully drip fed into the game to control pacing.
6stars : So there is a fundamental issue with this game, the whole throw away what you worked so freakin hard for and start all over again. It happened with 5*s a tiny bit, but way more with the promise of 6*s. Why the hell am I interested in ranking up my 4*s with my precious cats when they'd be blown to pieces by 6*s in the not too distant future. I spent years getting my happy little 4*s, and apparently Im not allowed to rank them up to rank 6 or 7 or 8, I have to bin them and get 5*s and 6*s all over again, what was the point of that? Zero progression, all based on luck all over again. The ultimate in demoralizing waste of time.
I should be allowed to rank up my 4*s, I invested in them, why cant I take them to rank 6 (an equivalent rank 4 5*) if I have the cats and forfeit all their awakened dupe levels I earn a rank up. Ie make my character better, but have to dupe them all over again, so once again I care about my crystal popping rather than starting from scratch all over again.
Just an idea that I could still love my champs I tried so hard to get.
I too am feeling a little aimless in this game, Im just biding my time collecting more 4*s just to get 5*s just to bin them in the future, I just dont get what I'm aiming for, and worst of all it was all fine until a few months ago and kabam decided to change it all by indeed moving the goal posts.
Progression is indeed required, but progression, not destruction of the ethos of a game people have invested 2 years of their life in.
Dunno what arena you're talking anout... and 6* will take months to get, even after they're released...
I actually never expected that. I expected something new to arrive before 5* champions became easier to get, because that is how all MMOs work. You don't make the top thing easy to get, ever. You make a new top thing, and when the old top thing is no longer the top thing, you make it easier to get. There is always a top thing to get, and it is always hard to get. That's just how collection type games work. That's how all of them work. That's how they *have* to work.
In fact, I posted repeatedly in response to people asking for 5* champions to get easier to acquire to be careful what they ask for, because the only way they would get easier to acquire is if something else came along that was going to replace them as the pursuit goal for the game, meaning something better and harder to get.
Fact is, it is far easier to get 5* champions now than it was before. It is probably more than twice as easy, and it will no doubt get easier over time. That doesn't mean it will be easy for everyone to get, or at least as easy as they want them to get. But they are a lot easier to get. And 6* champions haven't even arrived yet. But the notion that the game was going to make it very easy to get 5* champions and let everyone "catch up" first, and then add 6* champions later, was a fantasy.
I can understand if that creates a circumstance that some people don't enjoy. But my advice is don't go looking for a replacement game that doesn't do this. If you think you've found one, you are setting yourself up for a lot of avoidable pain. These kinds of games are good for certain kinds of players. Hardcore players that enjoy pursuing very hard goals. Casual players that don't need to have the best stuff and are willing to accept a slower progress rate also can enjoy these games because even if they fall behind a lot the game's reward system will keep jacking up the lower level rewards to help them move at least closer to the middle. But players that need completeness, that need to feel like they can "complete" something and then move on to the next thing, tend to burn out on these kinds of games. That's not because they cheat the playerbase, they simply offer something that those players do not want.
Why do you believe you'd get more mastery points if the devs increased the level cap?
That's not a rhetorical question. Players seem to think that asking for more levels is a sneaky way to force the devs to allow players to earn more things that are limited by the level cap, as if there's some law that says they must give those things away. If you can't convince the devs to allow players to earn more mastery points, there's no point in asking for a higher level cap.
Devs raise level caps when they need to have more levels for something. Sometimes it is to award certain high level things they want to gate with progress levels. Sometimes it is to gate the players into more content segments. But the need to award things comes first, and the levels come second. If there's no need for the gates, there's no need for more levels.
There are some games that level you "level" without leveling. Which is to say, it takes a certain amount of XP to level at level 60 (for example), but when you level you get some small amount of rewards (usually very small) and your level resets to 60. So you can basically ring the bell over and over again, and it is used to give players at the level cap some small reward for earning XP that otherwise doesn't benefit them at all.
Never, ever does it allow them to violate constrained resources like mastery points.
It was obvious. But apparently my post wasn't obvious enough. My question was why you think they *would* continue to award mastery points if they acceded to player requests to increase the level cap. Not could or should, but would. You didn't ask for mastery points. You asked for the level cap to be increased because, and I quote, it would "allow us to acquire more masteries." Why do you think a level cap increase would allow us to do that?
To put it another way, leveling is not the only way to acquire mastery points. We get one for full exploration of Act 4. The devs can give us mastery points whenever they want. The fact that the level cap exists doesn't somehow limit the devs. If they wanted us to be able to earn more mastery points they could have added them to, say, full completion of 5.1. The fact they don't implies they don't want us to acquire more mastery points at this time. So why do you think adding levels would somehow force them to do something they apparently do not want to do?
Suffice it to say, data speaks for itself. Look at some of the strongest, oldest games and see somd very common themes..
Kabam fundamentally broke AW for reasons that are far beyond my understanding. Perhaps if the devs joined a Blizzard 'boot camp', they may learn a thing or two about player retentions and acquisition..
Just my $0.02...
As to why they would, it would allow for more masteries to be chosen, which in turn means more masteries unlocked, which in turn means more units spent on cores and resets. It would be another potential source of revenue for them.
Another reason why would be to encourage people to continue to play a game that has seen much of its player base hit the ceiling.
It would benefit players and company.
WoW raises the level cap for very specific reasons. First of all, the levels in WoW (and in most other PC MMOs of a similar nature) are not just progress markers, they are also content gates. Meaning: you need to be this tall to ride the ride gates. You can't play level 40 content until you are level 40; you can't play level 60 content until you are level 60.
There are logistical and design reasons for segmenting the player population in an MMO that makes sense for WoW but not for a game like MCOC. Player density in shared zones, for example. WoW raises the level cap when a sufficiently high density of players reach the cap and the designers want to expand the end game to spread them out again. They also use the levels to gate into end game content. And they use levels to create new opportunities for end game resource treadmilling: forcing players to upgrade or replace level-locked gear, for example.
None of the reasons why a game like WoW increases the level cap are generally applicable to MCOC. It certainly isn't a player retention strategy specifically, although it can help in the long term for some players. It was seen as much of a bad thing the first couple times WoW increased the level cap for the same reasons MCOC players are currently complaining about the introduction of 6* champions. In fact, MCOC levels aren't really analogous to WoW levels in terms of the game design. 6* champions are more analogous to WoW level cap increases, because they have similar impacts on the end game in their respective games (and generate similar complaints among the top tier players).