Do uncollected event quests rewards need a buff?

Kirat2003Kirat2003 Member Posts: 27
I think uncollected event quest rewards need a buff

Do uncollected event quests rewards need a buff? 47 votes

Crine60jdrum663TristanadramelchKirat2003ShadowstrikeLogan00JuggerNotMaratoxNetbreakerMaxwell24JohnyBoyhadzoThe_grim3ILoveDrDoomSonofdathomirDemonic_embraceFear_of_Clowns2099groundedmaster20005Samoorchi 20 votes
LeNoirFaineantCyborgNinja135IKONRookiieDr_Z01dbergJollyHawkCosmicGuardianMasterpuffIronGladiator22SpideyFunkoBlôdletterSalve_maker05 12 votes
They are alright
Furious_Fighter1CupidRaichu626_I_kenadroidTheInfintyCharlie21540ThePredator1001 8 votes
I don't care
_Kill_Switch_Ik08TheBair123ScrubhanPuttPuttChaosMax1012Jonoadeloye 7 votes


  • ShadowstrikeShadowstrike Member Posts: 3,122 ★★★★★
    Energy cost is always going to be a thing regardless of the content. I understand that it shouldn't be easy within one full bar of energy but at the same time it shouldn't be be 400 either. Regarding the rewards from event Quest, they could always be increased slightly but if you want to keep it within reason we can always do a moderate bump every 8 months so that way it still keep the interest of everyday players as well as coincides with any Evolutions throughout the game itself.
  • MasterpuffMasterpuff Member Posts: 6,478 ★★★★★
    kenadroid said:

    I wish they'd rather reduce energy use in chapter 1

    I agree with this.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    They nerfed uncollected. Why would they buff the rewards? I would like to see reduced energy though.
  • ChaosMax1012ChaosMax1012 Member Posts: 3,197 ★★★★★
    I don't care
    Preferably no. Why make UC look even more like CAV lol. But doesn’t really affect me since i usually explore CAV EQ and skip UC
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