Doctor Strange. Really wanted ihulk but would have been happy with a plenty of others in that pool. With only a few meh champs in there of course I pulled one.
Duped dr strange on alt acc so hoping for an overhaul like he deserves.
Pulled p99 on baby acc. Is my second tech 5* behind g99 so hopefully can add something to the roster and it will be cool to explore a champ I’ve not touched before.
...led me to a basic 6* and a new to me Ghulk. So it was a gamma+science kind of night.
Dr. Zola
Plus a max sig crystal 🤣
Duped dr strange on alt acc so hoping for an overhaul like he deserves.
Pulled p99 on baby acc. Is my second tech 5* behind g99 so hopefully can add something to the roster and it will be cool to explore a champ I’ve not touched before.
I’m sooooooooo happy.