Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Network Issue Fix: Unable to Play on Cellular Network - If you See Any Problems, please post here.



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    heruheru511heruheru511 Posts: 164 ★★
    Its getting worse after today maintenance is done. I was in arena and the red connection icon appear every 10 minutes.
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    TheTalentsTheTalents Posts: 2,254 ★★★★★
    I didn't see this post until just now and my game has been working great since yesterday. But that has happened a couple times in the past the latest update will be the test if this will last.
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    Scopeotoe987Scopeotoe987 Posts: 1,550 ★★★★★
    So many issues when I try to hit auto fight and play arena, mainly connection problems. IOS
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    Panda99_Panda99_ Posts: 6
    edited April 2021
    R u sure u fixed all?

    Where is my nick fury s persistent charge. Can u explain. Everytime I fight his LMD gets destroyed before his first fight.check it.and still hav network issues. After opening crystals it stucked there for 10 mins until I closed the game.
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    elmj001elmj001 Posts: 20
    I’m lucky if I get 2 fights before crashing/ shutting down. Worse than ever!!
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    НеАйсНеАйс Posts: 9
    began before technical work, and continues to this day.
    it used to be, but rarely.
    at the same time - android I play through the mobile network - it's normal, and IOS - through wifi constantly throws it out before the fight.
    I ask, at least, to do as it was. Thank you
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    Rikerson09Rikerson09 Posts: 66
    Still unable to get into the game. Can we get a solution?
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    MarioImpactMarioImpact Posts: 7
    Since you did that, games keep crashing every 1-2 fights on my ipad (on wifi with latest ios)
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    PunchlinePunchline Posts: 9
    game keeps crashing over and over and over. since yesterday cant even get 3 fights in
    there're many posts on the forums right now describing this issue.
    Kabam you didnt fix the game please undo whatever it is you did. jesus.
    not only did your ''fix' didnt help most of the cellular data based users but it also ruins wi-fi users.
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    The_Sentry06The_Sentry06 Posts: 7,783 ★★★★★
    Panda99_ said:

    R u sure u fixed all?

    Where is my nick fury s persistent charge. Can u explain. Everytime I fight his LMD gets destroyed before his first fight.check it.and still hav network issues. After opening crystals it stucked there for 10 mins until I closed the game.

    The persistent charges bug is not relevant to this.
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    Rikerson09Rikerson09 Posts: 66
    Now I'm able to enter the game and play normally.
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    Avenger_A1Avenger_A1 Posts: 294
    edited April 2021
    This just happened in AQ map 5. Stuck on the loading screen for seven minutes (which is why I can't attach the video), and then Nick Fury loses 50% health. Utterly ridiculous!

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    _PacMan_PacMan Posts: 1
    Невозможно играть в заданиях союза!!! Сколько можно уже три дня. И не каких изменений
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    AzeAze Posts: 11
    I have two devices, and my older device on wifi now crashes every 2-3 fights. IOS 12.5.2, iphone 5S on wifi. Newer iPhone seems fine on wifi or cell.
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    mc5mc5 Posts: 3
    When I enter AQ and war many times it doesn't make me fight. It makes me go out and lose 50% of life. Also in the abyss and the labyrinth it takes forever to charge the fight. Same problem both if I am connected in wifi, both with the cellular data network
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    Rikerson09Rikerson09 Posts: 66
    Now I can't login again. After being able to at 6:00am and 9:am
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    M_n_MM_n_M Posts: 20
    Game is completely unplayable on my iPhone 6s all latest updates downloaded.
    It keeps completely freezing mid fight and takes forever to load fights I’m running on wifi which is working fully
    I have a video but can’t seem to upload it to here
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    Fernando98Fernando98 Posts: 2
    I can't play any fights without the app closing out of nowhere. I already had problems in AQ and missions in general. I have an iPhone 6 with all the latest updates. Fix that problem, it's really annoying!
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    I havent had any problems logging in until last night now the game wont go past the loading screen and I cannot play the game. I use WiFi and ive turned it off and on again. Ive reinstalled the app reset my phone and done everything I could and still cannot play.
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    Knuckles67_Knuckles67_ Posts: 2
    I also play on an iPad..... well attempt to, the constant crashing is ridiculous, I’ve spend thousands of pounds on this game and now I’m unable to complete more than a few minutes of game play before I’m staring at my home screen. Please fix this problem Kabam.
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    Rikerson09Rikerson09 Posts: 66
    So are we gonna get an update? It's been 3 days people are losing out on rewards and progression. Even some people have been dealing with this longer than 3 days.
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    elmj001elmj001 Posts: 20
    1 minute of playtime at the most, then my iPad homescreen. This is ridiculous! Thanx Kabam!
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    elmj001 said:

    1 minute of playtime at the most, then my iPad homescreen. This is ridiculous! Thanx Kabam!

    Same, but with my iPhone 6
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    Santa_PsycheSanta_Psyche Posts: 150
    @kabam, the game crashes every 5 mins, can't get my incursions done at this rate .It's been this way since the maintenance , not like it wasn't before but it was better then than now. Hope you come up with a solution SOON.
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    deadheatdeadheat Posts: 20

    I havent had any problems logging in until last night now the game wont go past the loading screen and I cannot play the game. I use WiFi and ive turned it off and on again. Ive reinstalled the app reset my phone and done everything I could and still cannot play.

    I have encountered exact same issue.
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    KingSamDaManKingSamDaMan Posts: 88
    I use IPad Air and since yesterday I cannot get in more than 3 fights without the game crashing on me
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    Rikerson09Rikerson09 Posts: 66

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