Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Network Issue Fix: Unable to Play on Cellular Network - If you See Any Problems, please post here.



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    ArshavinArshavin Posts: 26
    Like everyone said above. Game crashed every 1-2 fights after the maintance
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    sb_21_1_Jrsb_21_1_Jr Posts: 4
    On my Redmi Note 7 Pro, It takes 30 seconds for the Jabari Panther loading screen to disappear and move to my selected option. The planet shows for 1 minute then my required content pops up. The start loading screen is present for 5 minutes after coming to Home.
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    NiceIndianNiceIndian Posts: 12
    Anytime I go in a fight the screens goes black and sometimes it happens when I go into crystals etc.
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    ThereticTheretic Posts: 69
    Kabam will you at least acknowledge you created a new problem with this fix, I just had 7 crashes in a row in AQ before just giving up
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    Pandorica333Pandorica333 Posts: 64
    Pandorica333 Game name.

    iPhone 7 can’t play on WiFi or Data, crashes every other minute. Took 5 crashes to finish one fight and seems like it’s getting worse.
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    Rikerson09Rikerson09 Posts: 66
    Theretic said:

    Kabam will you at least acknowledge you created a new problem with this fix, I just had 7 crashes in a row in AQ before just giving up

    Honestly, though It's been a week and we still haven't even gotten an update on this situation.
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    Rikerson09Rikerson09 Posts: 66
    Any updates? Had this problem been affecting a CCP member a fix would've came out quickly.
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    PunchlinePunchline Posts: 9
    Kabam just playing Pretend like usual. putting up this post pretending like they care. they probably expected that everything was gonna be fine or whatever. meanwhile they didnt fix anything. but they do read this and take the time to remove posts they dont like. .
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    PunchlinePunchline Posts: 9
    this post needs to be put back as an announcement.
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    Rikerson09Rikerson09 Posts: 66
    Punchline said:

    Kabam just playing Pretend like usual. putting up this post pretending like they care. they probably expected that everything was gonna be fine or whatever. meanwhile they didnt fix anything. but they do read this and take the time to remove posts they dont like. .

    Seriously, they tell us to post any problems but then keep us in the dark about what's happening to fix this. Imo revert the 'fix' they did. If that's even possible for them to do.
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    PunchlinePunchline Posts: 9
    Kabam literally unpinned this post trying to hide it. and didnt answer any of us.
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    PunchlinePunchline Posts: 9
    they even removed post that i posted in here. still didnt get a single answer.
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    Rikerson09Rikerson09 Posts: 66
    Still can't get in, what's happening to resolve this?
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