Arena needs changes ....highest cut off...non life...non money ...



  • A_Noob_Is1A_Noob_Is1 Member Posts: 762 ★★
    The arenas are incredibly boring and a terrible design, but they aren't going to change them. You aren't really playing against other players. You are doing pseudo-competitive grinding against players who have way too much free time. People with real lives and responsibilities can't go for the more desired champions. Instead, we have to try for the low tier champions because no one really wants them. They are "throw away" champions only useful for more arena grinding. It's an unsatisfying cycle that has no end goal.

    yep. Arena in a nutshell. And yet they wanna say getinthepool and all this other stuff
  • Imac7065Imac7065 Member Posts: 365
    I_am_Groot wrote: »
    Imac7065 wrote: »
    Vision_41 wrote: »
    Well, Kabam did make Summoner Trials for 1 and 2 stars only, and the 2 and 3 stars only and the 3 and 4 stars only which is pretty fair game if you try hard enough. Maybe use up all the champs you have in the 4 and 5 star arena and see what you get.

    I wouldn't mind a feature 2* being added to the summoner trials.. that would help low tier players

    Summoner Trial should be at least the 3* Basic.

    Many people claim the new format is better than the old one. That is right but "Summoner Trials" is worse.
    In the old format a newbie could use his 2*s for the 3* Featured!. Today 2*s don't give you the 3*F, not the 3*B, just give you shards. Sad, when I was newbie I got every 3*F.

    I dunno about "worse" you can get 5-6 PHC, 50 units, and ton of gold and BC from an arena u can max pretty quick.
  • bm3eppsbm3epps Member Posts: 1,172 ★★★
    I never do featured because I know I would never make the Top 800..I only do basic and more often than not finish in the 1-10%..this time around though basic should be more than the featured with Ice Man being the basic
  • I_am_GrootI_am_Groot Member Posts: 646 ★★
    Imac7065 wrote: »
    I_am_Groot wrote: »
    Imac7065 wrote: »
    Vision_41 wrote: »
    Well, Kabam did make Summoner Trials for 1 and 2 stars only, and the 2 and 3 stars only and the 3 and 4 stars only which is pretty fair game if you try hard enough. Maybe use up all the champs you have in the 4 and 5 star arena and see what you get.

    I wouldn't mind a feature 2* being added to the summoner trials.. that would help low tier players

    Summoner Trial should be at least the 3* Basic.

    Many people claim the new format is better than the old one. That is right but "Summoner Trials" is worse.
    In the old format a newbie could use his 2*s for the 3* Featured!. Today 2*s don't give you the 3*F, not the 3*B, just give you shards. Sad, when I was newbie I got every 3*F.

    I dunno about "worse" you can get 5-6 PHC, 50 units, and ton of gold and BC from an arena u can max pretty quick.
    I think anyone would trade those 4 (¼) PHCs for the sure 3* Feature. Specially newbies.
    Gold and Battle Chips are and were earned in any arena anyway, you cannot talk like it's a current advantage.
  • TheForgottenTheForgotten Member Posts: 2
    There are ways to make arena better without making it easy. Personally a simple update to the milestones would be a starter. And honestly i would much rather see the last milestone be the basic/featured champ. Now by no means do i want it mean the levels of the current milestones, but as much data as there is out there, Kabam could easily see the average cutoff for champs and set the milestone at or a little above that level. At least give me a shooting point. While there are lots of predictions out there and you can overshoot that to make sure you get them, i think most people who do arena would agree that it really sucks to put in millions and millions of points and just fall short. It does take a lot of time, pushing through the boredom, to get to where you think you are in good shape. Example would be like 3 million milestone for basic for the champ, and 15 million for featured. Or since they rotate it from an old champ to a new champ, you can change the last milestone depending on if it was a new or old champ. I think more people would actually do arena if it wasn't such a guessing game.
  • LocoMotivesLocoMotives Member Posts: 1,200 ★★★
    I would think there will be a 5* feature arena soon for Uncollected, which will lower the cutoffs for 4* feature to some degree. I don’t expect more changes than this, you know how Kabam likes to take a “wait and see” approach.
  • The1_NuclearOnionThe1_NuclearOnion Member Posts: 908 ★★★
    Dropfaith wrote: »
    Interesting reading the posts by @DNA3000 advice; who generally seems to know what he's talking about.

    I don't have the grasp on MCOC stats that DNA does, so I'm expecting (and very happy) to have a bit of critical analysis/predictions on a couple of my thoughts:

    1) 10% does seem too many people to get the feature; but what about just slightly increasing the rewards in the Featured arena so the top 1% (or even 0.5%) got a basic version of the Featured champion?

    2) Alternately, introduce a consolation prize for the top 1% (or even 10%): a Featured crystal that works like the monthly login crystal; with a guaranteed 3* and rare 4* basic version of the Featured champion. This would at least let the top tier expand their rosters with new characters, even if they didn't get the 4*.

    3) What if being Uncollected put you in a new arena bracket? Beginner, intermediate, veteran, Uncollected? This would take a lot of high-scoring players into their own arena (and out of mine!); and Kabam could increase the cut off in that arena to the top 10% without massively affecting the pool; as most of those guys are grinding daily anyway.

    4) Alternately, an extra (separate) Uncollected arena, possibly for 5* Featured; although that still leaves these end-game players free to out-compete less advanced players for the 4* Featured arena, so won't do much for the cut-offs. But would Kabam want to give so many 5* characters away? If not, why not make this arena a week long; or even two weeks long, to go with the Uncollected calendar.

    I could see options 1 and 2 (in isolation) actually raising the cut-offs; but on the plus side, probably increasing player satisfaction; which is good too. Heaven knows, the community needs a bit of that! Put options 2 and 3 together, perhaps, and we're starting to see the potential for some real impact on the arenas. Not sure about option 4, but let's face it there's got to be a 5* arena some time. And it might pull some of the top tier away from the 4* Featured arena.

    I'll now hand over for these ideas to be forensically dissected (or alternatively; they might just be chewed up and spit out...)

    3 is selfish you can't compete so you want the people who can to have to do more and you less..
    It's a.contest you don't win champions by moving the actual winners to a different league..

    That hardly makes you a winner

    Actually that is what the Olympics does I'm pretty sure. You can't be a professional and compete in the Olympics. There's at least a little something to what he's saying.
    Also, little league and major league do not compete against each other yet there are winners at both ends.
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