Who Do I Vote For??

DarkLord8470DarkLord8470 Member Posts: 105
Convince me community! Get me on a team here! I have them all so I have no clue who would be my pick.

Who Do I Vote For?? 118 votes

Joe Fixit
Duo_KulioYoMovesNewman0067Scopeotoe987OGAvengerEtherionGodPricelessDanish005Sparx265Thanks_D19TrashPanda12king_ov_scrubsKanonnAGENT_A7K 14 votes
Ms. Marvel (KK)
ChovnerHammerbro_64JumpthesharkddomLegionnaireavenge_123 6 votes
Jane Foster
Maverick75ExHavokWerewrymSpurgeon14Thefire13Malreck04Raichu626Khanna13Dart1981ragnarok_947MiStaLovaGarrettNUvoginBerjibsIronGladiator22FabwiziLovekJohnyBoyBsweezy0821TheBair123 22 votes
Agent Venom
Alfa_PigeonTimone147TheVyrusSiddhantKwatraRepto23Battle_GreninjaFluffyPigMonsterzeezee57AleorDeaconbooscka2536MasterpuffDestroy4589QuantumEmperorXVsherin_66Hemanth123manikantaDraconic_12 17 votes
BitterSteelnameplasDarkrider05KennadodamianohmSimbalakaRbk19Austin555555MoosetiptronicJuggerNotBatman_SinsOfAFatherDenzel116charmkevverWozzy101Captain_Pug30ILLUSION8Ksp_2099Thoye3Jaymix79Renaxqq 33 votes
LeNoirFaineantfmussapXxicylovexXJBC89TKS87BuckyBruhPrimeSaviour_27EgretM4RockypantherxZeezoosKRANꓘEwell65SSS69Maxwell24ShoNuff29Doctor_Strange19SwarmOfRavensTrashyPandaXguard77MuffinBrainScrubhan 26 votes


  • YoMovesYoMoves Member Posts: 1,286 ★★★★
    Joe Fixit
    Jumpin' Joe Flash needs the help so much. He was literally the worst in the game for the longest time.

    Remember the days of Willpower?
  • bruhmomento69bruhmomento69 Member Posts: 157
    btw joe fixit is a exclusive 5*
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  • Killer354Killer354 Member Posts: 130
    Can someone tag me when someone actually wants a kamala khan buff
  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    Ms. Marvel (KK)
    @Killer354 shes the only one I have a 6* of
  • DarkLord8470DarkLord8470 Member Posts: 105
    @Killer354 well there ya go ^ someone wants it lol
  • MrInsanityMrInsanity Member Posts: 1,539 ★★★★
    Just vote whoever you have a 6*/5* of
    Choose what would be best for the meta of the game and its community
  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    edited April 2021
    Ms. Marvel (KK)

    Just vote whoever you have a 6*/5* of
    Choose what would be best for the meta of the game and its community

    My meta is what champs I have. I couldn’t care less about how you play the game; I fly solo so the best option for me is to push buffs for champs I do not have farther back so I get them before they are buffed and I get champs that I do have buffed as soon as I can. “What the community wants” is an echo chamber and the way to get a true representation of the community is basing it on self-motivation.
  • ẞlооdẞlооd Member Posts: 2,005 ★★★★
    I would say either do research and testing on each champ, and decide for yourself who you think needs it most, or just pick your favorite character. That's how it usually plays out for me.

    Don't worry about what the forum community wants.
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  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    YoMoves said:

    Jumpin' Joe Flash needs the help so much. He was literally the worst in the game for the longest time.

    Remember the days of Willpower?

    That's what made me start selling my 4*. His SP1 would send anyone from almost dead back to full health. He was like a damn doctor lol. But the hatred I developed for Fixit is unabated. Team Guilly 100%
  • IronGladiator22IronGladiator22 Member Posts: 1,733 ★★★★
    Jane Foster
    Not joe fixit because he is exclusive as a 5*, not Guillotine because she is by far the best out of all of these. Not agent venom because there has been so many skill buffs recently, not Ant-man because let’s be honest, the quantum trinity dosnt need to be better, and because any man is bound to become an even more annoying defender. Ms marvel will probably be annoying as a defender too. My votes on Thor JF. My second choice would probably be Kamala khan
  • IronGladiator22IronGladiator22 Member Posts: 1,733 ★★★★
    Jane Foster

    even if this dosent effect us now the top end of skill is lacking having more possible options for r3 is always a good choice

    My man. Mole man, Kingpin, Falcon, crossbones are all r3able after their buffs. Their has been so many skill buffs recently. Add on characters that are already t3able like NF, Aegon, Stealthy, Killmonger, BWDO, etc
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    One of the six ... ?
  • MrInsanityMrInsanity Member Posts: 1,539 ★★★★

    Just vote whoever you have a 6*/5* of
    Choose what would be best for the meta of the game and its community

    My meta is what champs I have. I couldn’t care less about how you play the game; I fly solo so the best option for me is to push buffs for champs I do not have farther back so I get them before they are buffed and I get champs that I do have buffed as soon as I can. “What the community wants” is an echo chamber and the way to get a true representation of the community is basing it on self-motivation.
    Sorry dude I was just joking with something that sounded serious
  • Austin555555Austin555555 Member Posts: 3,051 ★★★★★
    Antman. Damage output is bad. Same with DOT, and barely has any utility whatsoever
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