What’s the game plan, Kabam?

CuteshelfCuteshelf Member Posts: 747 ★★★
edited October 2017 in General Discussion
Can you give us an update to your current plans?
What do you have in store for war, AQ timers, 5* shards, R5 5*, under tuned champions, AQ timers, useless 2-3-4* champions, and the general downhill attitude of summoners?

I’m asking because at least half of my alliance are quitting and I am wondering whether it’s worth continuing.

I’d like to believe that things are going to be improve, but every update creates more bugs, no updates to crappy champions and reduces overall happiness of summoners.


  • Nathan_Webster91Nathan_Webster91 Member Posts: 42
    See that’s how I should have come across on forums but kascasm has gone way too far
  • CuteshelfCuteshelf Member Posts: 747 ★★★
    I said AQ timers twice... accident?
  • RaaRaa Member Posts: 318 ★★
    They're just gonna say that they're looking into all of this and have plans or are figuring out plans but can't say too much at this time. Hopefully we get a different response.
  • Nathan_Webster91Nathan_Webster91 Member Posts: 42
    I want a reason to keep playing too each day that passes with no word on how you are going to fix your game is making dislike the game the company and even marvel you are giving marvel a bad name I’m sure if Bill Roseman was to know what you keep doing to your fellow players he would give you the quick boot
  • CuteshelfCuteshelf Member Posts: 747 ★★★
    I want a reason to keep playing too each day that passes with no word on how you are going to fix your game is making dislike the game the company and even marvel you are giving marvel a bad name I’m sure if Bill Roseman was to know what you keep doing to your fellow players he would give you the quick boot

    Who is bill roseman?
  • Nathan_Webster91Nathan_Webster91 Member Posts: 42
    Your totally right but saying as you mentioned doesn’t cut it they keep doing it and nothing is changing just constantly getting worse and worse I’m at a point where I don’t even want the game on my phone the game used to be fun now it’s jist causing me stress because how they treat the players
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 37,120 ★★★★★
    Well, the Timers aren't being changed permanently. At least based on what's been stated many times. It's designed for 1-Hour Timers. War is still being monitored for any needed revisions. Although I don't think Diversity is going anywhere. The Resources to Max a 5* are coming. I am not aware of how they will be introduced. 5* Shards are present in the game. While they may become more available, I doubt it will be in the capacity to generate 6*s for everyone. The 2*, 3*, and 4* Versions aren't likely going anywhere because the game accomodates all levels of growth. I have no information on upcoming revisions of Champs. As for the bugs, they have been working on them and will continue to do so. That's pretty much all I can answer from the information provided here.
  • VandalSavageVandalSavage Member Posts: 267 ★★
    Cuteshelf wrote: »
    I want a reason to keep playing too each day that passes with no word on how you are going to fix your game is making dislike the game the company and even marvel you are giving marvel a bad name I’m sure if Bill Roseman was to know what you keep doing to your fellow players he would give you the quick boot

    Who is bill roseman?


  • CuteshelfCuteshelf Member Posts: 747 ★★★
    Well, the Timers aren't being changed permanently. At least based on what's been stated many times. It's designed for 1-Hour Timers. War is still being monitored for any needed revisions. Although I don't think Diversity is going anywhere. The Resources to Max a 5* are coming. I am not aware of how they will be introduced. 5* Shards are present in the game. While they may become more available, I doubt it will be in the capacity to generate 6*s for everyone. The 2*, 3*, and 4* Versions aren't likely going anywhere because the game accomodates all levels of growth. I have no information on upcoming revisions of Champs. As for the bugs, they have been working on them and will continue to do so. That's pretty much all I can answer from the information provided here.

    Look mate... I realise you are Kabams #1 fan, but I’m really looking for an official Kabam response.
    I’m not interested I heresay. Your input is really worth zero.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 37,120 ★★★★★
    The Forum is here for Players to interact as well as the staff. My input is based on responses here, as most of the issues brought up have been discussed already. You can find them if you search Threads.
  • CuteshelfCuteshelf Member Posts: 747 ★★★
    I realise. But you take it upon yourself to respond on kabams behalf, without the proper information that I requested,
    It’s clear that Kabam have realized they need to address many issues, I was just wondering what’s planned so I can act accordingly.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 37,120 ★★★★★
    I did not respond on Kabam's behalf. I provided answers based on Threads in existence. Compiling a list of questions which are already present in the Forum is not likely to get a listed response because they're already being discussed. Your issues are:
    1. War - There is a Thread open for discussion. They've responded that they're monitoring the changes and trying to get it to where it needs to be.
    2. AQ Timers - Already been discussed many times. They're not changing on a permanent basis.
    3. 5* Shards - They have stated that they will be made more available. There are ways they have. More may be coming.
    4. Under-Tuned Champions - There is no specific changes to share yet. When they revise Champs, they let us know.
    5. "Useless" 2-3-4* Champions - You may consider them useless, but the game houses all levels of Players. They're not going to do away with them completely.
    6. The General Downhill Attitude of Summoners - I can't comment on that. They probably can't either. Obviously they want everyone to enjoy the game.
    7. Constant Bugs - They are working to resolve them and will continue to do so. Just as they've done all along. Not likely that they're going to stop trying to improve it as long as it's in existence.

    I'm not sure what response you're expecting, but the information is already here.
  • CuteshelfCuteshelf Member Posts: 747 ★★★
    @GroundedWisdom yep so nothing to add. Thanks for commenting. Please move along and let someone who can do so.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 37,120 ★★★★★
    There is nothing to add.
  • CuteshelfCuteshelf Member Posts: 747 ★★★
    There is nothing to add.

    But yet, you continually do.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 37,120 ★★★★★
    I pointed out the answers to the questions you asked. Which can be found by searching the Forum.
  • RaaRaa Member Posts: 318 ★★
    gohard123 wrote: »
    LOL so the post is directed at KABAM and you answered with this
    That's pretty much all I can answer from the information provided here.

    But you didnt respond on their behalf.
    I did not respond on Kabam's behalf


    I don't know anyone who doesn't work for a company but does so much PR for them. He/She must either be looking for a job or a purpose.
  • CuteshelfCuteshelf Member Posts: 747 ★★★
    Let’s just get back to the initial matter. Kabam, do you have anything to add? It would be nice for the community to know what plans you have incoming before we quit.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 37,120 ★★★★★
    gohard123 wrote: »
    LOL so the post is directed at KABAM and you answered with this
    That's pretty much all I can answer from the information provided here.

    But you didnt respond on their behalf.
    I did not respond on Kabam's behalf


    Correct. I, being myself, answered the questions based on Threads that are already existing. I am not a representative of Kabam. Nor is Kabam an entity that responds to questions. Reiterating information already discussed is one of the things Players do for each other here. When we post something, it is not one-way communication with the staff. People can comment as well. Given the fact that there is no more information to provide, that is all that can be said.
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