should robots have willpower?

ThugsmurfThugsmurf Member Posts: 85
edited October 2017 in Suggestions and Requests
well i know that and thank you but since willpower affects him shouldnt it affect machines like vision that have personalities and an AI , couldnt they experience willpower? Also if not can it be buffed to a reasonable amount

should robots have willpower? 14 votes

willpower for robots
bhuv9191JozielPNYellsomeTheMageHunterTarlungsAnonymous346ShaheerFIazDonyb 8 votes
better willpower
Alfa_PigeondangerbludoctordoomAlCapone2727WabobaEdisonLaw 6 votes


  • Dave_the_destroyerDave_the_destroyer Member Posts: 981 ★★
    so no option to vote for no willpower for robots?
  • Anonymous346Anonymous346 Member Posts: 661 ★★★
    willpower for robots
    If there was a version of willpower specifically for robots...
    Or something part of the same mastery but for robots like how x-23 gains extra crit against bleed immune champs
  • TimrosTimros Member Posts: 267
    Robots should "bleed"...anyone here know what hydrolics are? Many robots in the real world are powered by them.
  • SungjSungj Member Posts: 2,117 ★★★★★
    Why should they have willpower? If we follow your logic, robots should also be able to bleed and be poisoned?

    Not exactly, he's saying that robots like Vision have a consciousness so he must have some degree of willpower. The fact his AI is self aware doesn't change his body composition so he will still be bleed/poison immune
  • TarlungsTarlungs Member Posts: 113
    willpower for robots
    I think that if they can degenerate they should be able to benefit from willpower.
  • Mirk_varMirk_var Member Posts: 85
    Willpower is useless if you are able to play thor Game..
  • na_na_ Member Posts: 55
    Just add another mastery called "overclocking" for robots to regen. lol
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