Top tier fog of war

In the top tier (tier 5 and up) in AW introduce a fog of war. The suggestion is to hide all nodes (except the boss who is always visible) based on section. Hide all nodes beyond 22. When node 22 goes down show all nodes up to and including 39, 46 and 47. Once any of those 3 go down make visible all the remaining nodes.
I would suggest the following improvements,
Tier 3 - Keep current setup with all nodes shown (since there is a jump in difficulty for the nodes from Tier 4 to 3 already)
Tier 2 - Hide all defenders in Section 2 and 3 of the AW Map.
Tier 1 - Hide ALL defenders on the AW Map except the Boss.
Since there's no difference in the nodes from Tiers 1-3, excluding defender ranks, having hidden nodes will increase the challenge of AW for the higher Tiers.