For Mr. F, I feel like if you like him now, you will like him even more. If you don't currently use him or like him, this won't make you decide to suddenly like using him.
I have an unduped 6* OG BP and he seems good on paper. Mr.Fantastic is not that impressive to me (don't bash me, it's just what I feel), but we got to wait till we see the gameplay before deciding anything.
I have Mr.F and Vulture as 6 stars unduped. I am a little optimistic about the vulture buff. Not so sure about Mr.F. I did not use him all that much. But, I will test him a little and see how it goes.
Ok you guys are talking about this update but I don’t see it anywhere and BP profile hasn’t changed yet so where are you guys getting this info on his update? Please tell me so I can compare my screen shots of him now and his updates
There are champions like Karnak, Diablo and Hawkeye for whom updates would suffice and Mister Fantastic got buffed?
Mr.Fantastic is not that impressive to me (don't bash me, it's just what I feel), but we got to wait till we see the gameplay before deciding anything.
What's wrong with that.