Yes, both unduped. Actually, you are right. But I'm leaning towards Gwen, as she has complete unblockable evade, and slow debuff and enervate, straight out of the box
Because they’re both unduped I’d do Gwen. Not knowing anything about your account or where you’re at in the game content I’d add that many 5* champs are out there that could be better options.
I'd wait for Mr Fantastic buff to go live.. maybe he has improved significantly.. improved attack and his ability to benefit not only your attack team but also your alliance mates.. just like Magneto House of X..
You won’t have any regrets taking up SG. Mr. F will improve but if you didn’t already use him he’s not gonna become a must add. They’re both utility champs imo, and she has more going on as a champ u actually fight with. Only caveat is it’s best if you can run SG w Venom or Sym Sup for damage boost synergy.
Nevertheless, I vote SpiderGwen at least at this moment