BP nerf part 2

Since thread went so down i wanna talk about it again
The nerf i mean isnt about his buff. His buff was good and he is much better in his current state. But he lacks damage for his playstyle.when you risk for something you expect a high outcome from it but BP is not the case. They told us he will melt away champs with bleeds and we didnt see this happen anywhere. I dont want pre-buff at all, this new version is all good and many people like it. But they need to add more damage to him so he can be more useful for cav and tb players. The solution is simple. Just undo the changes they have done to synergies or add fury buff in black panther might or critical bleed. Everyone will be happy in this case. ( i mostly insist on returning synergies)
The nerf i mean isnt about his buff. His buff was good and he is much better in his current state. But he lacks damage for his playstyle.when you risk for something you expect a high outcome from it but BP is not the case. They told us he will melt away champs with bleeds and we didnt see this happen anywhere. I dont want pre-buff at all, this new version is all good and many people like it. But they need to add more damage to him so he can be more useful for cav and tb players. The solution is simple. Just undo the changes they have done to synergies or add fury buff in black panther might or critical bleed. Everyone will be happy in this case. ( i mostly insist on returning synergies)
Post edited by Kabam Zibiit on
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You need to stop this us vs them debate. People are trying to make you understand why a rework will not always fall in player's favor. Also, internet is not a nice place in general and don't take things seriously when you get mocked and disagreed.
pre buff "we need OG BP buffed"
post buff "BP nerfed part 2"
Come on people, when are you gonna be contented with anything? Why always cry?
Sometimes the kit is good, sometimes not.
Just because the champs kit does not fit your playstyle then you say it's a nerf?
Come on it's YOUR SKILL that needs a buff then! YOUR SKILL! or kabam needs to nerf the A.I. you are fighting in the game?
Stop crying for Bast's sake!
The champs is at a good point of his MCOC career, now, why say it's a nerf?
So kabam will revert it back like The Hood?
Not every champs needs to be game breaking to have some use!
People also seem to think that just because they have an opinion that they're automatically entitled to be correct and that their opinion is never wrong.
People calling someone who was buffed "nerfed" because they lack the means to be good with the particular playstyle needed to achieve the damage they want, really need to stop posting on the forum and spend more time in the game learning how to do more advanced techniques so they can quit complaining about stupid things.
Aye listen im an advocate for this cause, but like I said there’s no winning this unfortunately.
His synergies are gonna stay as is unfortunately. Might as well enjoy him for what he is.
Its definitely a bummer to me because the synergies are really pointless for him
And the synergies you actually wanna use for him are…
Sabertooth(30% offensive combat power rate)
Storm and KM are really the most important ones and lets put the scenario you do no have Apoc, well then its not as fun to have storm on the team because she wont be dealing as much as she would if she were a Horseman.
You also need to ideal situation where the AI is cooperating with you, if that happens then you’re keeping Panthers Might active pretty much the ENTIRE fight.
Edit: This actually isn’t true haha, what I meant what, if you are real good with intercepting you can keep it active for the fight
Again the amount of bleeds he gets are not nearly as potent as I imagined.
Because AGAIN he could reach the same level of bleed damage with less bleeds.
I like him now, I do i love the aggressive playstyle
I really just miss the synergies
I'd say that's a successful buff, and a lot of others are saying that too. In your opinion that isn't so, and fair enough, believe whatever you want- but know you're very much in the minority and it is unlikely to change.
BP has so much more to his kit now. A lot of very useful utility. True strike, Purify, AAR. Immune to stun from Auto block( very useful in WAR or arena or nodes where parry mastery is activated).
He is a champion that requires a fair bit of skill to master.
He also feels a lot better to play.
Also every buff is not designed for end game players but is more for players who acquire the champion in the future. Chances are most end game players have already got a pretty stacked roster so these buffs won't necessarily have any impact on their roster.