BP nerf part 2

Nightkiller7312Nightkiller7312 Member Posts: 269 ★★
edited May 2021 in Suggestions and Requests
Since thread went so down i wanna talk about it again
The nerf i mean isnt about his buff. His buff was good and he is much better in his current state. But he lacks damage for his playstyle.when you risk for something you expect a high outcome from it but BP is not the case. They told us he will melt away champs with bleeds and we didnt see this happen anywhere. I dont want pre-buff at all, this new version is all good and many people like it. But they need to add more damage to him so he can be more useful for cav and tb players. The solution is simple. Just undo the changes they have done to synergies or add fury buff in black panther might or critical bleed. Everyone will be happy in this case. ( i mostly insist on returning synergies)
Post edited by Kabam Zibiit on


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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,966 ★★★★★
    Learn to use him a different way.
  • edited May 2021
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  • PulyamanPulyaman Member Posts: 2,365 ★★★★★

    Pulyaman said:

    slacker said:

    Pls get some help.

    I dont get what you mean but my point is clear. we had the same argue about htd and now nobody even uses him. They say BP buff is good and i agree. But is he useful? Yes he is more useful then pre-buff BP but it still gonna sit on bench because he lacks the damage he need. They took his synergies away which could provide the damage he needed and we want that back. why people disagreeing with something they dont understand?
    I gave the same explanation previously too. So here it goes. The champion reworks are not only about upgrading an old champions attack and utilities, if that was the case Kanak could easily add 100% attack and give some sort of immunity and be done with it. It's about bringing the champion to the current meta. For example, most science champa have some sort of evade mechanics, BP is a skill champ that is supposed to counter this, but he has no utility to do that. Now he can gain true strike which can do that. Skill champs are also supposed to shrug off debuffs, he has gained that. The trade off for gaining those abilities is some damage. For someone new to the game, pulling a 4 star BP is going to be more useful now than before his buff, which I believe is the main reason for these reworks. Established rosters will not see any significant impact because of these reworks unless they are magneto level, which will happen may be once a year.
    So what was the purpose of his buff if he gonna use synergies again?he has no place in current meta because of his low bleed damage and the damage he deals i didnt ask for a magento lvl buff or for pre-buff BP all i asked is giving us back his synergies so he can be useful for more players as well. why you guys are disagreeing with getting those synergies back?
    He does not need synergies to be good, that was the point of the buff. He has better damage as a solo champ after the buff, He has AAR in his kit which will be useful in the current meta. I don't think damage has ever been a meta, people can correct me if I am wrong. Damage in a champ is useful, but reliable utility is the main game nowadays.

    Pulyaman said:

    slacker said:

    Pls get some help.

    I dont get what you mean but my point is clear. we had the same argue about htd and now nobody even uses him. They say BP buff is good and i agree. But is he useful? Yes he is more useful then pre-buff BP but it still gonna sit on bench because he lacks the damage he need. They took his synergies away which could provide the damage he needed and we want that back. why people disagreeing with something they dont understand?
    I gave the same explanation previously too. So here it goes. The champion reworks are not only about upgrading an old champions attack and utilities, if that was the case Kanak could easily add 100% attack and give some sort of immunity and be done with it. It's about bringing the champion to the current meta. For example, most science champa have some sort of evade mechanics, BP is a skill champ that is supposed to counter this, but he has no utility to do that. Now he can gain true strike which can do that. Skill champs are also supposed to shrug off debuffs, he has gained that. The trade off for gaining those abilities is some damage. For someone new to the game, pulling a 4 star BP is going to be more useful now than before his buff, which I believe is the main reason for these reworks. Established rosters will not see any significant impact because of these reworks unless they are magneto level, which will happen may be once a year.
    And if they are only buffing them for uncollected and lower players. This means they are trashing cav and tb players. They buff champs in anyway they want then they say"we dont care that you cant use it, we trade his damage for a piece of utility that cant make up to the damage we take from you" and instead of having each other's back, you guys are defending them. That trade off was soooo unneccassry and that's the reason we are upset. Why they cant buff a champ without taking away a piece of him? Giving back those synergies is not a big deal that are disliking and moking me because i want a useful champ for my roster. Because i still have a chance to pull him from a crystal. Iso? No thanks i want something useful
    Cav and TB players should have a decent roster already. And it's not like they cannot use BP now, they could have better champs for a particular utility. To be honest, I was happy with BP even pre-buff, but I did not use him anywhere. He had some great bleed damage when you build a bunch of bleeds and fire off an sp3. But, all those will not be useful after you clear act 5. Act 6 requires champs to have something more than damage, so I am happy with what they have done with BP. Could they have kept his damage? Sure. They chose to remove it for reasons known to them, and I am not that upset to call this rework a trash just because he lost some damage.

    You need to stop this us vs them debate. People are trying to make you understand why a rework will not always fall in player's favor. Also, internet is not a nice place in general and don't take things seriously when you get mocked and disagreed.
  • PulyamanPulyaman Member Posts: 2,365 ★★★★★

    Look dude, I get what you're saying, I totally do. You just want the old Synergies back, and that's perfectly fine. The thing is, most of the Buffs are intended for growing players, not for ones with fully developed rosters, and these Buffs can still be used in certain places. Take Howard, for example- he's not going to be on an Endgame player's team, but he's going to be super useful for Uncollected and below. Besides, if you come across a node which requires a number of Buffs (like Buffed Up or Buffet) then he'll find a place atleast for that path.

    People are probably disagreeing with you because you're saying that he's not very good, when he most certainly is. His raw damage output in Panther's Might is really good when he Crits, and the huge number of Bleeds eat away at the opponent. He's just something else entirely with pre-buff Synergies.

    Tl;dr- People aren't disagreeing because you want Synergies, people are disagreeing because they're tired of a Champ being judged only on Synergies, especially if that Champ was unusable previously without a whole host of Synergies.
    I hope this clears some stuff up :-)

    As i said his buff is good and i'm not judging him from synergies. He is good on his own now and much better then his pre-buff state. His damage as you said is ok and decent. But my point is for this kind of playstyle when there is high risk, there should be high reward as well, and this damage isnt rewarding enough. All he needs rn is his synergies back and that's all. I'm not forcing anyone to use synergies. I'm sure those synergies will have a hugh effect on him that gonna make him so much better in his current state
    I agree with your point about risk/reward ratio for intercepting. I made the same point in the original thread. I have not played with him post-buff to know if his damage is worth it. But, if people do feel if the reward is not worth the risk, I am not sure restoring his synergy is the way to go. Every champ needs to have a solid base kit with synergies enhancing said abilities. That is something I am hoping the devs will look into moving forward and do a tune up if they feel the numbers are too low.
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    Theres already a thread for this. You know that
  • Wu_Bangerz23Wu_Bangerz23 Member Posts: 1,086 ★★★
    Look at it this way too.....tomorrow , come cav eq when you can a fury for every debuff that drops off he'll have his ten in about 8 seconds ....he's a piece to your 30 man rotation.
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  • Wu_Bangerz23Wu_Bangerz23 Member Posts: 1,086 ★★★
    And the whole intercepting thing ....I have gotten 10 fold better at intercepting with EVERYONE because of this buff. It forced me to apply it more often
  • Negative_100Negative_100 Member Posts: 1,650 ★★★★
    Well the bleeds melt them away because you can put so much on the opponent and also his crits and specials do a lot.
  • NewlinstheoryNewlinstheory Member Posts: 1,012 ★★★★
    edited May 2021
    OoOoOo another one?
    Aye listen im an advocate for this cause, but like I said there’s no winning this unfortunately.
    His synergies are gonna stay as is unfortunately. Might as well enjoy him for what he is.
    Its definitely a bummer to me because the synergies are really pointless for him

    And the synergies you actually wanna use for him are…
    Sabertooth(30% offensive combat power rate)
    Storm and KM are really the most important ones and lets put the scenario you do no have Apoc, well then its not as fun to have storm on the team because she wont be dealing as much as she would if she were a Horseman.

    You also need to ideal situation where the AI is cooperating with you, if that happens then you’re keeping Panthers Might active pretty much the ENTIRE fight.
    Edit: This actually isn’t true haha, what I meant what, if you are real good with intercepting you can keep it active for the fight

    Again the amount of bleeds he gets are not nearly as potent as I imagined.

    Because AGAIN he could reach the same level of bleed damage with less bleeds.

    I like him now, I do i love the aggressive playstyle
    I really just miss the synergies

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  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★

    I've seen many people talking about that i'm saying i expected this buff to be magneto lvl. I'm sure non of them read my post and didnt get my point. As i said and will said this buff is good and better then pre-butf BP. But then he lacks damage for this playstyle. I tried him in act 6, played him very well and even intercepted with special. 6 star rank 1 and the last hit of his sp2 is 11k with synergies. I dont want him to revert back to something worse. All i ask for is a bit tune up for damage/giving back those synergies. Stop commenting on my post before you even read it

    He has pretty comparable damage to before, and now you don't need to bring a very specific team for him. Plus he has nice new utility that gives him similar AAR to the likes of Magneto, and a nice situational shrug off. He's not shot up to the top, but he's definitely usable now. I'm sorry he's not usable to you, but we all have to face situations where the buff isn't aimed at where we are in the game. This buff isn't going to make him the best champion, but he is more usable now than he was before, and Kabam have repeatedly said that is their aim- it's on you to listen to them and accept BP buff as it is.

    I'd say that's a successful buff, and a lot of others are saying that too. In your opinion that isn't so, and fair enough, believe whatever you want- but know you're very much in the minority and it is unlikely to change.
  • Bidzy7Bidzy7 Member Posts: 369 ★★★
    You seem to be looking at this through a very narrow point of view by just looking at his raw damage.

    BP has so much more to his kit now. A lot of very useful utility. True strike, Purify, AAR. Immune to stun from Auto block( very useful in WAR or arena or nodes where parry mastery is activated).

    He is a champion that requires a fair bit of skill to master.

    He also feels a lot better to play.

    Also every buff is not designed for end game players but is more for players who acquire the champion in the future. Chances are most end game players have already got a pretty stacked roster so these buffs won't necessarily have any impact on their roster.
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