BP nerf part 2



  • Bidzy7Bidzy7 Member Posts: 369 ★★★

    Bidzy7 said:

    You seem to be looking at this through a very narrow point of view by just looking at his raw damage.

    BP has so much more to his kit now. A lot of very useful utility. True strike, Purify, AAR. Immune to stun from Auto block( very useful in WAR or arena or nodes where parry mastery is activated).

    He is a champion that requires a fair bit of skill to master.

    He also feels a lot better to play.

    Also every buff is not designed for end game players but is more for players who acquire the champion in the future. Chances are most end game players have already got a pretty stacked roster so these buffs won't necessarily have any impact on their roster.

    I'm cav. I'm currently on 6.3.1 and my roster isnt stacked. I was hoping for this buff since my main playstyle is intercepting. You're talking like we wont see this champion anymore in the pool so no worries. What if i pull another 6 star black panther? Will i have different feelings then before? A buff should be something that will be useful for everyone not for uc or lower players only. As i said this means they are trashing cav and tb players and not every cav has stacked roster
    who said we won't see this champion in the pool anymore. But generally speaking buffs and updates don't suddenly make champions the must have champions for all players. Newer players will generally get better use out of the updates then older/end game players.

    Your acting like he has not been given any utility and isn't useful.

    With the buff he can now do the following which he couldn't before

    -Take on paths that apply a bleed or poison at beginning of the fight for 100% of your health.
    - Can counter Voids de-buffs without needing to time the combo to hit 10
    - can counter Mr Fantastic's debuffs
    - can counter Dark Tide debuff from Air walker
    - debuffs like power sting, power lock, weakness, fatigue, long distance relationship, petrify, heal block, armor break can all be purified. But if you didn't want to purify them because you maybe want willpower heal you can choose not to purify.
    - all the DoT debuffs also can be purified
    - Can counter evade champs and auto block champs with KM synergy
    - Can't be stunned when auto blocked
    - reduces opponents AAR so abilities and Nodes don't trigger. So could counter say Magic's Limbo ability for example
    - Can handle crit me if you can node more reliably with the precision passive you can gain which gives you 1500 extra crit rating
    - Can be used for the Cav skill nodes now, either via AAR or KM synergy.

    so how is he not a useful champ ?

    Like i said you seem to be only looking at his damage output and ignoring all this utility he has.
  • SyndicatedSyndicated Member Posts: 715 ★★★★

    We had good buffs that made the champion much better. It was not magneto lvl but they could do much better. Why? Because they didnt remove anything from them but instead adding to it(kingpin, mole man, crossbones). BP could be the same but it's not and nobody agrees because they think being better for a buff is enough but what about being useful???. The point of a buff should be making a champ better and make him useful, for EVERYONE of course not for new players or progressing players only. And it doesnt need to be MAGNETO lvl to be useful for everyone as there are examples for it

    Da ****? He can purify Debuffs, a lot of damage, a LOT of bleed damage, he will be a beast for players that can't beat act 6 bosses and paths, he is now an option, Before was a meme

    This is a nosense discussion tbh

  • SyndicatedSyndicated Member Posts: 715 ★★★★

    Bidzy7 said:

    You seem to be looking at this through a very narrow point of view by just looking at his raw damage.

    BP has so much more to his kit now. A lot of very useful utility. True strike, Purify, AAR. Immune to stun from Auto block( very useful in WAR or arena or nodes where parry mastery is activated).

    He is a champion that requires a fair bit of skill to master.

    He also feels a lot better to play.

    Also every buff is not designed for end game players but is more for players who acquire the champion in the future. Chances are most end game players have already got a pretty stacked roster so these buffs won't necessarily have any impact on their roster.

    I'm cav. I'm currently on 6.3.1 and my roster isnt stacked. I was hoping for this buff since my main playstyle is intercepting. You're talking like we wont see this champion anymore in the pool so no worries. What if i pull another 6 star black panther? Will i have different feelings then before? A buff should be something that will be useful for everyone not for uc or lower players only. As i said this means they are trashing cav and tb players and not every cav has stacked roster
    I am Thronebreaker, and i approve the Buff, i will use it to Explore Act 6, before the buff that was impossible to make with that BP
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  • Kabam ZanzibarKabam Zanzibar Moderator Posts: 647
    Please take this discussion to the other thread and please be constructive and civil in the process.
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