Please learn from this

Please, never do a month like this one where it’s weighted towards one class. It’s barely begun and I’m already bored to death of using my skill champs. I have plenty of variety available, but this is already making me want to claw my eyeballs out
We have events with solo objectives like this at least twice a year, it's not the end of the world. If anything, it's giving a class an opportunity to shine.
In a month that's not only giving us a really great new skill champion, we also have the new and improved black panther classic as well as everyone's favorite one-armed Army and a bunch of other Champs that get a chance to shine and get you free stuff.
It's not even impossible to do. I needed to grind out for science catalysts and I was able to kill two birds with one stone and knock out all of the science objectives in less than 45 minutes.
You're not going to always get the same thing every month. Everyone keeps demanding for another mutant Treasure Island but it doesn't work like that, we all have to be patient.
Let's be honest, if they did mutant Treasure Island over and over again, it doesn't matter how many free items you earn, eventually you're going to be sick and tired of it and demand something different. That is the nature of things that is the nature of how it's always been everybody wants something different.
Anything earned from that certainly isn't free, and while they often get a bunch of unearned praise, they just as often get a bunch of unearned hate. Tubin' ain't easy.
A mod might remove this for being OT, but I'm not a fan of seeing earnest effort belittled, regardless of how I feel about 'em. Sorry if the slight wasn't intended, just felt the need to state this.
Besides that, I felt like the rest of my initial comment still stayed on topic and offered reasonable alternatives as opposed to complaining about how they can't knock it out in 20 seconds because all of a sudden they're now tired of skill Champs..
Whatever happens, that is the will of the mods and I won't hold it against them for doing their job. But to be honest, somebody needed to point out that this really isn't hard and we have a month..