Act 7 Chapter 2: Upset the Meta!



  • PulyamanPulyaman Member Posts: 2,365 ★★★★★

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    TRONG94 said:

    Just ignore those trolls, guys. It is not their opinions that Kabam wants to hear from. Kabam needs to collect opinions from majority of player base, not from the ones who always sound like repetitive glitches whenever community gives constructive criticisms. If Kabam really cares to read those trolls's feedbacks, the game hasn't seen such great changes for the last year.

    Even though I know I'm one of the people you're talking about, you realize the other side of that coin it's always the same people that you claim is giving "constructive feedback" right? I haven't seen any actual constructive feedback about rewards. A few suggestions to bump up 6* shards and T5CC but that's it. It's been rewards are trash, rewards suck, Kabam sucks, blah blah blah. But it's the same people who always complain about the rewards in every piece of content that's released. But hey I get it, you need someone to play the troll card on, just can't be yourselves.
    How do you figure you are the troll. I don't think you are a troll but you come off as real arrogant sometimes. But, I agree with you on most points. In this case, I think they need to give some 6 star shards and the 25% T5cc could be made a nexus for completion. I get that you have played in the beta and the difficulty has not increased that much from 7.1, but progressive content needs progressive rewards.

    Consider that this is one of the major way for FTP to get good rewards other than spending units on offers. I think the exploration rewards are fine as it is. They seemed to have taken R4 materials as a major rewards which I don't agree with at all. They might as well hoard this and give it at 7.2 completion because it seems like it will take that long to get the first R4 for people who paid for those doubloons.
    I think what a lot of people miss is that act 7 isn't the progressive content people want. Act 6 was supposed to be progressive and Act 7 was to follow. After Kabam backtracking and nerfing Act 6 and reducing the difficulty of Act 7, it's no longer considered endgame content. We've seen tons of people struggled doing their run through Act 6, breeze through act 7 without much issue. More and more "low end Cav players" are beating Act 7 easier than taking on Act 6.

    So I think people are placing Act 7 in the endgame content column when it isn't. I'm not objecting to bumping the rewards, I'm just suggesting that they are fine for what Act 7 is supposed to be. Act 6 was the progressive content but Kabam has made it very clear that story content will never be that sort of thing going forward. That's why we're getting things like Summer of Pain and Carinas Challenges.
    If what you are saying is 7.2 completion is exactly the same difficulty as 7.1, then I agree that 7.2 completion rewards needs to be the same. But, it is not. I won't comment on the nodes, because unless we know what champs are going to be placed in which node, the descriptions are simply that and it us not useful to speculate. The gwenmaster boss is going to be more difficult than 6.1 bosses since grandmaster is a difficult boss which needs some good skill to get down. Given all that, how can you say that the rewards staying same is OK? Even if act 7.2 is not endgame content as you say, it is still more difficult than 7.1, which warrants better rewards that 7.1.
    Because Act 7 isn't going to be the main vehicle for endgame rewards. We see that we Carinas challenges. There's more 6* shards in one of the challenges than there is in the entire 7.2 chapter. Endgame rewards will come with these types of challenges, summer of pain or Abyss 2.0 when it comes out. Story content will no longer be a place where endgame players go to get those rewards. Kabam has committed to making story content fun, not hard. There is a slight bump in difficulty and a slight bump in rewards.

    When the spring cleaning event came out and we saw the R4 mats, people WANTED 7.2 to have those rewards. They are the rarest resource in the game right now. 7.2 is offering up resources that no other content has right now. That in itself is a increase in rewards.

    I get it, you want more than whats there. Maybe Kabam takes this into consideration and bumps it up. Maybe they don't. I'm just saying that the community can't have it both ways in having fun and easy content with loads of high end rewards. The community wanted easier content, they are getting the rewards for that content. That's all I'm saying. Bigger and better rewards will come with the actual difficult content.
    That sounds like punishing the players for revolting against act 6 which makes no sense. No player wants to skip content because playing the game that way makes little sense. People were and are skipping act 6 which was one of the reasons it was toned down. The backlash for the original beta was the reason for the change in the difficulty. If the data really supported that majority of the people were clearing act 6, I am sure Kabam would not have touched that at all.
    Even when you responded, you did not give a reason why the completion rewards remained the same when the difficulty is definitely going to increase from 7.1. What is endgame resource anyway? If you say it is R4 materials, no one is asking for more of that, you can check the thread yourself. People want more shards in completion, with that I agree. I don't want more T5cc, but it would be good to get a t5cc nexus in the completion reward. There is no bump in the completion rewards, only in the exploration rewards which is the main gripe here.
  • PulyamanPulyaman Member Posts: 2,365 ★★★★★

    I'm sorry, but to ignore T3A and T6B in place of T5CC makes absolutely no sense to me whatsoever. They're introducing it into the game and just because people aren't going to R4 in one Chapter, some people say they don't want it at all. I believe the term for that is tantrum.

    No one said they don't want it. What we are saying is, giving them in the exploration rewards does not mean you can skimp on the completion rewards. Even T5cc was introduced in fragments and we understand the concept of forming catalysts over time. But, very few rosters are actually ready for R4 cats now and there is actually no content to use them on now(may be abyss, but even that is being cleared with R3 and 5/65). You need to understand the argument before calling it whatever you want.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,975 ★★★★★
    TyEdge said:

    I'm sorry, but to ignore T3A and T6B in place of T5CC makes absolutely no sense to me whatsoever. They're introducing it into the game and just because people aren't going to R4 in one Chapter, some people say they don't want it at all. I believe the term for that is tantrum.

    You know what the difference is between a million dollars and a billion dollars? About a billion dollars.

    You’re acting like Kabam is giving us a million dollars. The reality is that we’re still way, way closer to nothing at all than we are to actually having a billion dollars (a rank 4 champ). There isn’t a person alive for whom these scraps will get a r4 champ in the next several months, and it’s a huge bummer in the context of whether you want to expend resources 100%ing it. You’re better off waiting until you have more 6-stars, including 6r3, because this doesn’t get you meaningfully closer to a 6r4
    No you're not better off with NO R4 Mats than with SOME. That's just ridiculous.
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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,975 ★★★★★
    You can hold whatever prejudice in a discussion you like. That doesn't take away from the actual value of what is being given. I never said they were fantastic. I said it was the rarest Ranking Material in the game. I also said throwing it back in their faces was a tantrum.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,975 ★★★★★
    There's no logical way to argue against that. T5CC and 6* Shards are much more available than T3A and T6B. That's just a fact.
  • PulyamanPulyaman Member Posts: 2,365 ★★★★★

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    TRONG94 said:

    Just ignore those trolls, guys. It is not their opinions that Kabam wants to hear from. Kabam needs to collect opinions from majority of player base, not from the ones who always sound like repetitive glitches whenever community gives constructive criticisms. If Kabam really cares to read those trolls's feedbacks, the game hasn't seen such great changes for the last year.

    Even though I know I'm one of the people you're talking about, you realize the other side of that coin it's always the same people that you claim is giving "constructive feedback" right? I haven't seen any actual constructive feedback about rewards. A few suggestions to bump up 6* shards and T5CC but that's it. It's been rewards are trash, rewards suck, Kabam sucks, blah blah blah. But it's the same people who always complain about the rewards in every piece of content that's released. But hey I get it, you need someone to play the troll card on, just can't be yourselves.
    How do you figure you are the troll. I don't think you are a troll but you come off as real arrogant sometimes. But, I agree with you on most points. In this case, I think they need to give some 6 star shards and the 25% T5cc could be made a nexus for completion. I get that you have played in the beta and the difficulty has not increased that much from 7.1, but progressive content needs progressive rewards.

    Consider that this is one of the major way for FTP to get good rewards other than spending units on offers. I think the exploration rewards are fine as it is. They seemed to have taken R4 materials as a major rewards which I don't agree with at all. They might as well hoard this and give it at 7.2 completion because it seems like it will take that long to get the first R4 for people who paid for those doubloons.
    I think what a lot of people miss is that act 7 isn't the progressive content people want. Act 6 was supposed to be progressive and Act 7 was to follow. After Kabam backtracking and nerfing Act 6 and reducing the difficulty of Act 7, it's no longer considered endgame content. We've seen tons of people struggled doing their run through Act 6, breeze through act 7 without much issue. More and more "low end Cav players" are beating Act 7 easier than taking on Act 6.

    So I think people are placing Act 7 in the endgame content column when it isn't. I'm not objecting to bumping the rewards, I'm just suggesting that they are fine for what Act 7 is supposed to be. Act 6 was the progressive content but Kabam has made it very clear that story content will never be that sort of thing going forward. That's why we're getting things like Summer of Pain and Carinas Challenges.
    If what you are saying is 7.2 completion is exactly the same difficulty as 7.1, then I agree that 7.2 completion rewards needs to be the same. But, it is not. I won't comment on the nodes, because unless we know what champs are going to be placed in which node, the descriptions are simply that and it us not useful to speculate. The gwenmaster boss is going to be more difficult than 6.1 bosses since grandmaster is a difficult boss which needs some good skill to get down. Given all that, how can you say that the rewards staying same is OK? Even if act 7.2 is not endgame content as you say, it is still more difficult than 7.1, which warrants better rewards that 7.1.
    Because Act 7 isn't going to be the main vehicle for endgame rewards. We see that we Carinas challenges. There's more 6* shards in one of the challenges than there is in the entire 7.2 chapter. Endgame rewards will come with these types of challenges, summer of pain or Abyss 2.0 when it comes out. Story content will no longer be a place where endgame players go to get those rewards. Kabam has committed to making story content fun, not hard. There is a slight bump in difficulty and a slight bump in rewards.

    When the spring cleaning event came out and we saw the R4 mats, people WANTED 7.2 to have those rewards. They are the rarest resource in the game right now. 7.2 is offering up resources that no other content has right now. That in itself is a increase in rewards.

    I get it, you want more than whats there. Maybe Kabam takes this into consideration and bumps it up. Maybe they don't. I'm just saying that the community can't have it both ways in having fun and easy content with loads of high end rewards. The community wanted easier content, they are getting the rewards for that content. That's all I'm saying. Bigger and better rewards will come with the actual difficult content.
    That sounds like punishing the players for revolting against act 6 which makes no sense. No player wants to skip content because playing the game that way makes little sense. People were and are skipping act 6 which was one of the reasons it was toned down. The backlash for the original beta was the reason for the change in the difficulty. If the data really supported that majority of the people were clearing act 6, I am sure Kabam would not have touched that at all.
    Even when you responded, you did not give a reason why the completion rewards remained the same when the difficulty is definitely going to increase from 7.1. What is endgame resource anyway? If you say it is R4 materials, no one is asking for more of that, you can check the thread yourself. People want more shards in completion, with that I agree. I don't want more T5cc, but it would be good to get a t5cc nexus in the completion reward. There is no bump in the completion rewards, only in the exploration rewards which is the main gripe here.
    You are completely missing the point. Act 6 was changed because there is a growing number of newer players that were blazing through Act 5 and when they get to Act 6, it's too hard because their rosters aren't developed. Kabam bent to the will of the community and it's not the first time. They changed Summoner Showdown because "it was too hard for the rewards". Act 7 beta path wise wasn't that hard, it was several of the bosses that made that whole first beta an absolute disaster. I was there for that one as well. People are still skipping exploring Act 6 because they want to get to TB as fast as they can and that's why many struggle still with Act 6 and Cavalier difficulty. They want to be in the same spot as someone who's spent almost 7 years playing this game but can't see to realize that's impossible unless you have unlimited funds. Even then, you run out of rank up resources.

    I gave a reason why, 7.2 isn't the step up that everyone thinks it is. Kabam obviously doesn't think it is either.

    I even imagine if they originally came out with slightly higher rewards, we'd still be here having this conversation. We went through this with 7.1 as well 6 months ago. But i'm truly done with this whole thing. Probably taking a break from these forums for awhile. Finally broke my spirt. Love the game but y'all just won't be happy with anything they do. There are definite times where it's really appropriate to be upset with Kabam but this community just goes overboard too often.
    There are times that the community goes overboard, this is not one of those times. It's a basic expectation for the players that the rewards and difficulty will increase from one chapter to the next. It may not be a huge jump, but it is an increase which warrants an increase in rewards appropriately. You are one of the people who was saying that the increase in difficulty warrants a jump in rewards, well you judge if completing 7.1 is easier that completing 7.2 and then tell me if the reward increase is required or not.

    Sometimes, the way Kabam things may not be right. They thought arena change would be a QOL update, we saw how that turned out. So, excuse me if I don't think the devs always get it right. They do get it right some times, and miss it other times, this is a miss.

    Even seasoned players advocated for the change in act 6. It was a very big roadblock which did not allow players to progress. We know that just because a lot of people ask for something, Kabam does not cave. Case in point was 12.0. The devs have the data and they decide based on that too. I am sure the community was a factor, but not the only one. I agree with the summoner showdown case though. Even I was against that nerf.

    You also need to pick and choose what battles to fight. Increasing the 6 star shards and changing the T5cc to nexus for completion alone is not going to destroy the game.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,788 ★★★★★
    edited May 2021
    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    TRONG94 said:

    Just ignore those trolls, guys. It is not their opinions that Kabam wants to hear from. Kabam needs to collect opinions from majority of player base, not from the ones who always sound like repetitive glitches whenever community gives constructive criticisms. If Kabam really cares to read those trolls's feedbacks, the game hasn't seen such great changes for the last year.

    Even though I know I'm one of the people you're talking about, you realize the other side of that coin it's always the same people that you claim is giving "constructive feedback" right? I haven't seen any actual constructive feedback about rewards. A few suggestions to bump up 6* shards and T5CC but that's it. It's been rewards are trash, rewards suck, Kabam sucks, blah blah blah. But it's the same people who always complain about the rewards in every piece of content that's released. But hey I get it, you need someone to play the troll card on, just can't be yourselves.
    How do you figure you are the troll. I don't think you are a troll but you come off as real arrogant sometimes. But, I agree with you on most points. In this case, I think they need to give some 6 star shards and the 25% T5cc could be made a nexus for completion. I get that you have played in the beta and the difficulty has not increased that much from 7.1, but progressive content needs progressive rewards.

    Consider that this is one of the major way for FTP to get good rewards other than spending units on offers. I think the exploration rewards are fine as it is. They seemed to have taken R4 materials as a major rewards which I don't agree with at all. They might as well hoard this and give it at 7.2 completion because it seems like it will take that long to get the first R4 for people who paid for those doubloons.
    I think what a lot of people miss is that act 7 isn't the progressive content people want. Act 6 was supposed to be progressive and Act 7 was to follow. After Kabam backtracking and nerfing Act 6 and reducing the difficulty of Act 7, it's no longer considered endgame content. We've seen tons of people struggled doing their run through Act 6, breeze through act 7 without much issue. More and more "low end Cav players" are beating Act 7 easier than taking on Act 6.

    So I think people are placing Act 7 in the endgame content column when it isn't. I'm not objecting to bumping the rewards, I'm just suggesting that they are fine for what Act 7 is supposed to be. Act 6 was the progressive content but Kabam has made it very clear that story content will never be that sort of thing going forward. That's why we're getting things like Summer of Pain and Carinas Challenges.
    If what you are saying is 7.2 completion is exactly the same difficulty as 7.1, then I agree that 7.2 completion rewards needs to be the same. But, it is not. I won't comment on the nodes, because unless we know what champs are going to be placed in which node, the descriptions are simply that and it us not useful to speculate. The gwenmaster boss is going to be more difficult than 6.1 bosses since grandmaster is a difficult boss which needs some good skill to get down. Given all that, how can you say that the rewards staying same is OK? Even if act 7.2 is not endgame content as you say, it is still more difficult than 7.1, which warrants better rewards that 7.1.
    Because Act 7 isn't going to be the main vehicle for endgame rewards. We see that we Carinas challenges. There's more 6* shards in one of the challenges than there is in the entire 7.2 chapter. Endgame rewards will come with these types of challenges, summer of pain or Abyss 2.0 when it comes out. Story content will no longer be a place where endgame players go to get those rewards. Kabam has committed to making story content fun, not hard. There is a slight bump in difficulty and a slight bump in rewards.

    When the spring cleaning event came out and we saw the R4 mats, people WANTED 7.2 to have those rewards. They are the rarest resource in the game right now. 7.2 is offering up resources that no other content has right now. That in itself is a increase in rewards.

    I get it, you want more than whats there. Maybe Kabam takes this into consideration and bumps it up. Maybe they don't. I'm just saying that the community can't have it both ways in having fun and easy content with loads of high end rewards. The community wanted easier content, they are getting the rewards for that content. That's all I'm saying. Bigger and better rewards will come with the actual difficult content.
    That sounds like punishing the players for revolting against act 6 which makes no sense. No player wants to skip content because playing the game that way makes little sense. People were and are skipping act 6 which was one of the reasons it was toned down. The backlash for the original beta was the reason for the change in the difficulty. If the data really supported that majority of the people were clearing act 6, I am sure Kabam would not have touched that at all.
    Even when you responded, you did not give a reason why the completion rewards remained the same when the difficulty is definitely going to increase from 7.1. What is endgame resource anyway? If you say it is R4 materials, no one is asking for more of that, you can check the thread yourself. People want more shards in completion, with that I agree. I don't want more T5cc, but it would be good to get a t5cc nexus in the completion reward. There is no bump in the completion rewards, only in the exploration rewards which is the main gripe here.
    You are completely missing the point. Act 6 was changed because there is a growing number of newer players that were blazing through Act 5 and when they get to Act 6, it's too hard because their rosters aren't developed. Kabam bent to the will of the community and it's not the first time. They changed Summoner Showdown because "it was too hard for the rewards". Act 7 beta path wise wasn't that hard, it was several of the bosses that made that whole first beta an absolute disaster. I was there for that one as well. People are still skipping exploring Act 6 because they want to get to TB as fast as they can and that's why many struggle still with Act 6 and Cavalier difficulty. They want to be in the same spot as someone who's spent almost 7 years playing this game but can't see to realize that's impossible unless you have unlimited funds. Even then, you run out of rank up resources.

    I gave a reason why, 7.2 isn't the step up that everyone thinks it is. Kabam obviously doesn't think it is either.

    I even imagine if they originally came out with slightly higher rewards, we'd still be here having this conversation. We went through this with 7.1 as well 6 months ago. But i'm truly done with this whole thing. Probably taking a break from these forums for awhile. Finally broke my spirt. Love the game but y'all just won't be happy with anything they do. There are definite times where it's really appropriate to be upset with Kabam but this community just goes overboard too often.
    There are times that the community goes overboard, this is not one of those times.
    Since you are completely glazing over everything that i've said and trying to redirect to something I didn't, this is the last thing I'm going to say on it. Again, I personally don't care if they stay the same or if they increase it. I am only ever trying to point out why they are what they are.

    This first sentence is completely way off base. If this was a isolated instance, I'd completely agree with you but it's not. It's every, single, time something is announced, the rewards aren't worth it. Uncollected difficulty, Cav difficultly, all of act 6, 7.1, abyss, Carinas challenges, etc.. There hasn't been a single instance where Kabam has announced new content from MEQs to permeant content where the community overwhelmingly agreed that the rewards were worth it. We just saw it with Variant 7.

    This is what the community does. They want more. If given more, they want more on top of that. No one's ever going to happy about it. Again, I'm done. Don't want any part of it any more.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,975 ★★★★★
    Pulyaman said:

    There's no logical way to argue against that. T5CC and 6* Shards are much more available than T3A and T6B. That's just a fact.

    Do you actually have a valid reason as to why the completion rewards were not increased? What you are arguing is that since they gave r4 material in the exploration rewards, they don't need to increase the completion rewards. What we are saying is, it's great that you have given R4 materials, that does not mean you can skimp out on the completion rewards.
    The comment that people would rather they not include the R4 Mats and add more of the other is what I was responding to.
  • PulyamanPulyaman Member Posts: 2,365 ★★★★★

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    TRONG94 said:

    Just ignore those trolls, guys. It is not their opinions that Kabam wants to hear from. Kabam needs to collect opinions from majority of player base, not from the ones who always sound like repetitive glitches whenever community gives constructive criticisms. If Kabam really cares to read those trolls's feedbacks, the game hasn't seen such great changes for the last year.

    Even though I know I'm one of the people you're talking about, you realize the other side of that coin it's always the same people that you claim is giving "constructive feedback" right? I haven't seen any actual constructive feedback about rewards. A few suggestions to bump up 6* shards and T5CC but that's it. It's been rewards are trash, rewards suck, Kabam sucks, blah blah blah. But it's the same people who always complain about the rewards in every piece of content that's released. But hey I get it, you need someone to play the troll card on, just can't be yourselves.
    How do you figure you are the troll. I don't think you are a troll but you come off as real arrogant sometimes. But, I agree with you on most points. In this case, I think they need to give some 6 star shards and the 25% T5cc could be made a nexus for completion. I get that you have played in the beta and the difficulty has not increased that much from 7.1, but progressive content needs progressive rewards.

    Consider that this is one of the major way for FTP to get good rewards other than spending units on offers. I think the exploration rewards are fine as it is. They seemed to have taken R4 materials as a major rewards which I don't agree with at all. They might as well hoard this and give it at 7.2 completion because it seems like it will take that long to get the first R4 for people who paid for those doubloons.
    I think what a lot of people miss is that act 7 isn't the progressive content people want. Act 6 was supposed to be progressive and Act 7 was to follow. After Kabam backtracking and nerfing Act 6 and reducing the difficulty of Act 7, it's no longer considered endgame content. We've seen tons of people struggled doing their run through Act 6, breeze through act 7 without much issue. More and more "low end Cav players" are beating Act 7 easier than taking on Act 6.

    So I think people are placing Act 7 in the endgame content column when it isn't. I'm not objecting to bumping the rewards, I'm just suggesting that they are fine for what Act 7 is supposed to be. Act 6 was the progressive content but Kabam has made it very clear that story content will never be that sort of thing going forward. That's why we're getting things like Summer of Pain and Carinas Challenges.
    If what you are saying is 7.2 completion is exactly the same difficulty as 7.1, then I agree that 7.2 completion rewards needs to be the same. But, it is not. I won't comment on the nodes, because unless we know what champs are going to be placed in which node, the descriptions are simply that and it us not useful to speculate. The gwenmaster boss is going to be more difficult than 6.1 bosses since grandmaster is a difficult boss which needs some good skill to get down. Given all that, how can you say that the rewards staying same is OK? Even if act 7.2 is not endgame content as you say, it is still more difficult than 7.1, which warrants better rewards that 7.1.
    Because Act 7 isn't going to be the main vehicle for endgame rewards. We see that we Carinas challenges. There's more 6* shards in one of the challenges than there is in the entire 7.2 chapter. Endgame rewards will come with these types of challenges, summer of pain or Abyss 2.0 when it comes out. Story content will no longer be a place where endgame players go to get those rewards. Kabam has committed to making story content fun, not hard. There is a slight bump in difficulty and a slight bump in rewards.

    When the spring cleaning event came out and we saw the R4 mats, people WANTED 7.2 to have those rewards. They are the rarest resource in the game right now. 7.2 is offering up resources that no other content has right now. That in itself is a increase in rewards.

    I get it, you want more than whats there. Maybe Kabam takes this into consideration and bumps it up. Maybe they don't. I'm just saying that the community can't have it both ways in having fun and easy content with loads of high end rewards. The community wanted easier content, they are getting the rewards for that content. That's all I'm saying. Bigger and better rewards will come with the actual difficult content.
    That sounds like punishing the players for revolting against act 6 which makes no sense. No player wants to skip content because playing the game that way makes little sense. People were and are skipping act 6 which was one of the reasons it was toned down. The backlash for the original beta was the reason for the change in the difficulty. If the data really supported that majority of the people were clearing act 6, I am sure Kabam would not have touched that at all.
    Even when you responded, you did not give a reason why the completion rewards remained the same when the difficulty is definitely going to increase from 7.1. What is endgame resource anyway? If you say it is R4 materials, no one is asking for more of that, you can check the thread yourself. People want more shards in completion, with that I agree. I don't want more T5cc, but it would be good to get a t5cc nexus in the completion reward. There is no bump in the completion rewards, only in the exploration rewards which is the main gripe here.
    You are completely missing the point. Act 6 was changed because there is a growing number of newer players that were blazing through Act 5 and when they get to Act 6, it's too hard because their rosters aren't developed. Kabam bent to the will of the community and it's not the first time. They changed Summoner Showdown because "it was too hard for the rewards". Act 7 beta path wise wasn't that hard, it was several of the bosses that made that whole first beta an absolute disaster. I was there for that one as well. People are still skipping exploring Act 6 because they want to get to TB as fast as they can and that's why many struggle still with Act 6 and Cavalier difficulty. They want to be in the same spot as someone who's spent almost 7 years playing this game but can't see to realize that's impossible unless you have unlimited funds. Even then, you run out of rank up resources.

    I gave a reason why, 7.2 isn't the step up that everyone thinks it is. Kabam obviously doesn't think it is either.

    I even imagine if they originally came out with slightly higher rewards, we'd still be here having this conversation. We went through this with 7.1 as well 6 months ago. But i'm truly done with this whole thing. Probably taking a break from these forums for awhile. Finally broke my spirt. Love the game but y'all just won't be happy with anything they do. There are definite times where it's really appropriate to be upset with Kabam but this community just goes overboard too often.
    There are times that the community goes overboard, this is not one of those times.
    Since you are completely glazing over everything that i've said and trying to redirect to something I didn't, this is the last thing I'm going to say on it. Again, I personally don't care if they stay the same or if they increase it. I am only ever trying to point out why they are what they are.

    This first sentence is completely way off base. If this was a isolated instance, I'd completely agree with you but it's not. It's every, single, time something is announced, the rewards aren't worth it. Uncollected difficulty, Cav difficultly, all of act 6, 7.1, abyss, Carinas challenges, etc.. There hasn't been a single instance where Kabam has announced new content from MEQs to permeant content where the community overwhelmingly agreed that the rewards were worth it. We just saw it with Variant 7.

    This is what the community does. They want more. If given more, they want more on top of that. No one's ever going to happy about it. Again, I'm done. Don't want any part of it any more.
    That's fine. You have your opinion. I think this time, it does not sit right with me that the rewards have not been increased and I have stated multiple times why that is.
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  • OGAvengerOGAvenger Member Posts: 1,195 ★★★★★
    Any updates to this since most of the player base are quite disappointed with these rewards? Either a “we’re discussing it” or a “this is what we feel matches the difficulty of this next chapter”??

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  • DarkGuardianDarkGuardian Member Posts: 205 ★★
    TRONG94 said:

    OGAvenger said:

    Any updates to this since most of the player base are quite disappointed with these rewards? Either a “we’re discussing it” or a “this is what we feel matches the difficulty of this next chapter”??


    It wont be as easy as 7.1 I bet since we have Gwenmaster. She is going to have a long list of abilities. I'd like to see if we have to fight her 6 times or she defends boss node together with 2 others in 7.2.6.
    If i remember correctly in the 7.2 beta videos, there was only one boss at the 7.2.6 quest icon, but that may change
  • Saad_AhmadSaad_Ahmad Member Posts: 3
    Realistic Suggestions for 7.2 Completion rewards:

    * 50% T5cc or 25 % Selector
    * 15 k 6 Star Shards
    * 6* Rank 1-2 Generic Rank up gem
    * 20 6* Signature Stone


  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,172 ★★★★★

    Realistic Suggestions for 7.2 Completion rewards:

    * 50% T5cc or 25 % Selector
    * 15 k 6 Star Shards
    * 6* Rank 1-2 Generic Rank up gem
    * 20 6* Signature Stone


    Those t5 quantities aren’t realistic IMO. It’s too easy to reach TB with those. I did expect more, so I was hoping for 25+10, then 25+10 for exploration plus 25+10 selectors.
  • MCOCHazzaMCOCHazza Member Posts: 914 ★★★★
    Most people are talking about the rewards. I think the rewards are good. But I wanna talk about the actual content we’re playing.

    I wasn’t really ‘tuned in’ on the beta, so I’m basically jumping into completely new and fresh content without any clues as to what some of the paths may be. Personally I’m really excited. If it’s anything like 7.1 (which was a blast) then I’m super excited!

    I only really care about rewards if the content I’m doing is a bit old/recurring or is really challenging. Or if I’m really seeking a certain reward. But for act 7, so far it’s neither of those things. Therefore, my priorities of there being insane rewards are not as high. I just wanna enjoy the content and have fun with it.

    I’ll probably end up exploring it like 7.1.
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  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,254 ★★★★★

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    TRONG94 said:

    Just ignore those trolls, guys. It is not their opinions that Kabam wants to hear from. Kabam needs to collect opinions from majority of player base, not from the ones who always sound like repetitive glitches whenever community gives constructive criticisms. If Kabam really cares to read those trolls's feedbacks, the game hasn't seen such great changes for the last year.

    Even though I know I'm one of the people you're talking about, you realize the other side of that coin it's always the same people that you claim is giving "constructive feedback" right? I haven't seen any actual constructive feedback about rewards. A few suggestions to bump up 6* shards and T5CC but that's it. It's been rewards are trash, rewards suck, Kabam sucks, blah blah blah. But it's the same people who always complain about the rewards in every piece of content that's released. But hey I get it, you need someone to play the troll card on, just can't be yourselves.
    How do you figure you are the troll. I don't think you are a troll but you come off as real arrogant sometimes. But, I agree with you on most points. In this case, I think they need to give some 6 star shards and the 25% T5cc could be made a nexus for completion. I get that you have played in the beta and the difficulty has not increased that much from 7.1, but progressive content needs progressive rewards.

    Consider that this is one of the major way for FTP to get good rewards other than spending units on offers. I think the exploration rewards are fine as it is. They seemed to have taken R4 materials as a major rewards which I don't agree with at all. They might as well hoard this and give it at 7.2 completion because it seems like it will take that long to get the first R4 for people who paid for those doubloons.
    I think what a lot of people miss is that act 7 isn't the progressive content people want. Act 6 was supposed to be progressive and Act 7 was to follow. After Kabam backtracking and nerfing Act 6 and reducing the difficulty of Act 7, it's no longer considered endgame content. We've seen tons of people struggled doing their run through Act 6, breeze through act 7 without much issue. More and more "low end Cav players" are beating Act 7 easier than taking on Act 6.

    So I think people are placing Act 7 in the endgame content column when it isn't. I'm not objecting to bumping the rewards, I'm just suggesting that they are fine for what Act 7 is supposed to be. Act 6 was the progressive content but Kabam has made it very clear that story content will never be that sort of thing going forward. That's why we're getting things like Summer of Pain and Carinas Challenges.
    If what you are saying is 7.2 completion is exactly the same difficulty as 7.1, then I agree that 7.2 completion rewards needs to be the same. But, it is not. I won't comment on the nodes, because unless we know what champs are going to be placed in which node, the descriptions are simply that and it us not useful to speculate. The gwenmaster boss is going to be more difficult than 6.1 bosses since grandmaster is a difficult boss which needs some good skill to get down. Given all that, how can you say that the rewards staying same is OK? Even if act 7.2 is not endgame content as you say, it is still more difficult than 7.1, which warrants better rewards that 7.1.
    Because Act 7 isn't going to be the main vehicle for endgame rewards. We see that we Carinas challenges. There's more 6* shards in one of the challenges than there is in the entire 7.2 chapter. Endgame rewards will come with these types of challenges, summer of pain or Abyss 2.0 when it comes out. Story content will no longer be a place where endgame players go to get those rewards. Kabam has committed to making story content fun, not hard. There is a slight bump in difficulty and a slight bump in rewards.

    When the spring cleaning event came out and we saw the R4 mats, people WANTED 7.2 to have those rewards. They are the rarest resource in the game right now. 7.2 is offering up resources that no other content has right now. That in itself is a increase in rewards.

    I get it, you want more than whats there. Maybe Kabam takes this into consideration and bumps it up. Maybe they don't. I'm just saying that the community can't have it both ways in having fun and easy content with loads of high end rewards. The community wanted easier content, they are getting the rewards for that content. That's all I'm saying. Bigger and better rewards will come with the actual difficult content.
    That sounds like punishing the players for revolting against act 6 which makes no sense. No player wants to skip content because playing the game that way makes little sense. People were and are skipping act 6 which was one of the reasons it was toned down. The backlash for the original beta was the reason for the change in the difficulty. If the data really supported that majority of the people were clearing act 6, I am sure Kabam would not have touched that at all.
    Even when you responded, you did not give a reason why the completion rewards remained the same when the difficulty is definitely going to increase from 7.1. What is endgame resource anyway? If you say it is R4 materials, no one is asking for more of that, you can check the thread yourself. People want more shards in completion, with that I agree. I don't want more T5cc, but it would be good to get a t5cc nexus in the completion reward. There is no bump in the completion rewards, only in the exploration rewards which is the main gripe here.
    You are completely missing the point. Act 6 was changed because there is a growing number of newer players that were blazing through Act 5 and when they get to Act 6, it's too hard because their rosters aren't developed. Kabam bent to the will of the community and it's not the first time. They changed Summoner Showdown because "it was too hard for the rewards". Act 7 beta path wise wasn't that hard, it was several of the bosses that made that whole first beta an absolute disaster. I was there for that one as well. People are still skipping exploring Act 6 because they want to get to TB as fast as they can and that's why many struggle still with Act 6 and Cavalier difficulty. They want to be in the same spot as someone who's spent almost 7 years playing this game but can't see to realize that's impossible unless you have unlimited funds. Even then, you run out of rank up resources.

    I gave a reason why, 7.2 isn't the step up that everyone thinks it is. Kabam obviously doesn't think it is either.

    I even imagine if they originally came out with slightly higher rewards, we'd still be here having this conversation. We went through this with 7.1 as well 6 months ago. But i'm truly done with this whole thing. Probably taking a break from these forums for awhile. Finally broke my spirt. Love the game but y'all just won't be happy with anything they do. There are definite times where it's really appropriate to be upset with Kabam but this community just goes overboard too often.
    There are times that the community goes overboard, this is not one of those times.
    Since you are completely glazing over everything that i've said and trying to redirect to something I didn't, this is the last thing I'm going to say on it. Again, I personally don't care if they stay the same or if they increase it. I am only ever trying to point out why they are what they are.

    This first sentence is completely way off base. If this was a isolated instance, I'd completely agree with you but it's not. It's every, single, time something is announced, the rewards aren't worth it. Uncollected difficulty, Cav difficultly, all of act 6, 7.1, abyss, Carinas challenges, etc.. There hasn't been a single instance where Kabam has announced new content from MEQs to permeant content where the community overwhelmingly agreed that the rewards were worth it. We just saw it with Variant 7.

    This is what the community does. They want more. If given more, they want more on top of that. No one's ever going to happy about it. Again, I'm done. Don't want any part of it any more.
    I think everyone was in agreement with the carina challenge rewards and that is the latest piece of content to drop.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,975 ★★★★★
    Newaries said:

    some people got the 7.2 beta trial

    and after the official release of 7.2, is it exactly the same as the beta version and that is in my opinion a form of injustice

    The intention of a Beta is to gather feedback. While most times, this will mean changes, that's not always the case. It depends on the type of Beta, what feedback they're gathering, and how that aligns with goals.
  • ElwindElwind Member Posts: 405 ★★★
    I'm tired of Kabam ignoring players' wishes.
    They bring Act 7 Chapter 2 and brand new Gwenmaster boss (probably difficult boss) As it is known, as the difficulty increases, the rewards should increase.But rewards are same as 7.1 ? How is this possible ?
    Is it too hard to add a few more rewards to keep your players happy ?
  • OGAvengerOGAvenger Member Posts: 1,195 ★★★★★
    Just don’t understand why there isn’t any update on it at all, change or no change. There are tons of people disappointed in the rewards (not just on the forums) but even your own CCP members and influential mcoc YouTubers. Just look at the initial post! The 7.2 information post got a bunch of “likes” and “awesomes” then the rewards post got a ton of disagrees.

    Even if the rewards are “fine as is” and won’t be changed you should be able to provide a rationale as to why that is.
  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,172 ★★★★★
    OGAvenger said:

    Just don’t understand why there isn’t any update on it at all, change or no change. There are tons of people disappointed in the rewards (not just on the forums) but even your own CCP members and influential mcoc YouTubers. Just look at the initial post! The 7.2 information post got a bunch of “likes” and “awesomes” then the rewards post got a ton of disagrees.

    Even if the rewards are “fine as is” and won’t be changed you should be able to provide a rationale as to why that is.

    This last part is well stated. I don’t expect to be Scrooge McDucking my way through every event, and I’ve had a more positive view than most of low-effort/low-reward events like last month.

    Especially knowing the meta is progressing, set the rewards maybe 20% higher to avoid things like this. It could’ve been done with a slight path rewards boost or the other rewards.
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    Are we getting a Gwenmaster preview from the CCP or The Dork? Or just wait until Act 7.2 is live to see it?
  • Xva23Xva23 Member Posts: 500 ★★★
    Honestly, the reason I don't like the 7.2 rewards is cause we are getting a custom boss, who is likely to be very challenging, so I'd expect a 50% t5cc crystal/ selector, or a class nexus, but if the boss is easy, Im not gonna complain about the rewards
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    Xva23 said:

    Honestly, the reason I don't like the 7.2 rewards is cause we are getting a custom boss, who is likely to be very challenging, so I'd expect a 50% t5cc crystal/ selector, or a class nexus, but if the boss is easy, Im not gonna complain about the rewards

    I just wish the additional exploration rewards were not rank 4 materials but more rank 3 resources (like the extra 25 percentrandom T5cc they added). I do not care about taking a champ to rank 4.
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