Rogue overhaul

Rogue overhaul
All stats and ability's are based on a rank 5 4 star
One per quest rogue can activate her Prefight. When applied the next champion to enter the fight except rogue gains 50% more attack at the cost of 0.7% of max health being drained each second. This ability will persist through the quest.
This debuff is passive and cannot give any champion Regen.
This will be similar to apocalypses abiltys to make horsemen this one however comes at a cost do to the ease of gaining it.
All debuffs have there duration reduce by 70% and +5% per buff on rogue up to 95%
Basic hits
Any physical damage that would dealt is instead turned into degen damage dealing 152 damage for each buff on rogue
This is a very tricky ability as rogue will need buffs to be good. With out buffs rogue has very low damage
While charging Heavy
While charging the heavy rogue absorbs the enemy's life and powers pausing the duration for the time and extending the duration of all buffs on rogue by 1 second per every second the heavy is held.
While near the enemy
All buffs are paused on rogue.
The area this will affect is the same as omega reds
Replicate 5 of the opponents active buffs except for unstoppable and passive buffs for 5 seconds
The 2nd hit heals rogue for 100% of damage dealt
This attack takes 9% of the enemys current power.
Extend the duration of buffs by 2 seconds per hit.
100% chance to steal 27% of the enemys current power
Activate 1 buff per type active
When attacking into the enemy there is a 10-20% chance to inflict a physic buff for 5 seconds. These buffs give no effects but count as buff
With rogue
All champs gain 7% more attack
Family with Nightcrawler and unknown
All champs gain 7% more health
Night crawler
The first 3 times Nightcrawler would evade he has a 100% chance to and gains a cruelty granting 45% more crit damage each time he evades.
1% chance to evade per buff on rogue when this happens rogue can not be hit for 1 second after. This can not occurr during a welltimed block.
Memory's absorbed
With Ms marvel
Ms marvel sp2 inflicts a armor break for 20 seconds reducing armor by 1300. This is refreshed by a heavy.
Rogue goes unstoppable during specials and for 2 seconds after
With gambit
All champs gain 5% more power gain
Rogue each hit on a special has a 33% chance to be unlockable
Regen 0.04 health every second per kinetic charge active
Power reformed
With professor x
Professor x
All prowess buffs gain 5 seconds more duration
All gained buffs are 20% more powerful
All stats and ability's are based on a rank 5 4 star
One per quest rogue can activate her Prefight. When applied the next champion to enter the fight except rogue gains 50% more attack at the cost of 0.7% of max health being drained each second. This ability will persist through the quest.
This debuff is passive and cannot give any champion Regen.
This will be similar to apocalypses abiltys to make horsemen this one however comes at a cost do to the ease of gaining it.
All debuffs have there duration reduce by 70% and +5% per buff on rogue up to 95%
Basic hits
Any physical damage that would dealt is instead turned into degen damage dealing 152 damage for each buff on rogue
This is a very tricky ability as rogue will need buffs to be good. With out buffs rogue has very low damage
While charging Heavy
While charging the heavy rogue absorbs the enemy's life and powers pausing the duration for the time and extending the duration of all buffs on rogue by 1 second per every second the heavy is held.
While near the enemy
All buffs are paused on rogue.
The area this will affect is the same as omega reds
Replicate 5 of the opponents active buffs except for unstoppable and passive buffs for 5 seconds
The 2nd hit heals rogue for 100% of damage dealt
This attack takes 9% of the enemys current power.
Extend the duration of buffs by 2 seconds per hit.
100% chance to steal 27% of the enemys current power
Activate 1 buff per type active
When attacking into the enemy there is a 10-20% chance to inflict a physic buff for 5 seconds. These buffs give no effects but count as buff
With rogue
All champs gain 7% more attack
Family with Nightcrawler and unknown
All champs gain 7% more health
Night crawler
The first 3 times Nightcrawler would evade he has a 100% chance to and gains a cruelty granting 45% more crit damage each time he evades.
1% chance to evade per buff on rogue when this happens rogue can not be hit for 1 second after. This can not occurr during a welltimed block.
Memory's absorbed
With Ms marvel
Ms marvel sp2 inflicts a armor break for 20 seconds reducing armor by 1300. This is refreshed by a heavy.
Rogue goes unstoppable during specials and for 2 seconds after
With gambit
All champs gain 5% more power gain
Rogue each hit on a special has a 33% chance to be unlockable
Regen 0.04 health every second per kinetic charge active
Power reformed
With professor x
Professor x
All prowess buffs gain 5 seconds more duration
All gained buffs are 20% more powerful
They could even change it to be refreshed any time she is struck by contact attacks, without that being game-breaking. It shouldn't make any difference if she's touching the opponent, or being touched by them, after all. And it'd be easily countered just by backing off for a few seconds (there are enough other champs you just have to back off from after all, because of abilities like Unstoppable, Unblockable, Falter, Invisibility, Proximity Damage or Damage Reflection, after all)
But I'd think that a better solution would be a Sig-related extension; similar to her chance to Crit on Specials. That would make it up to 40% longer, without fundamentally changing the mechanics.