NF, falcon, Moleman, venom and Quake make that fight pretty normal. I would say this month is slightly more challenging on the bosses, but overall, there are still some options for counters and nothing to crazy to worry about if you have a decent roster. I know people don't always like quake (her play style or can't play her), but she always is amazing for this kind of content. I think a slow debuff champ would work here too.
Try Cavalier. Either way Falcon in lock on mode made Spider-Man more than manageable in any difficulty.
I messed up and edited it. I keep forgetting there Cavalier now. I beat UC super easy but that Cav. JESUS.
The difficulty is still way under what it should be.
What would be a fitting difficulty, according to you? Im curious
Take away the helpful globals that make it a cakewalk every month. Leave nodes like Spider-Man in. These are the nodes that make you explore your roster more instead of just using Venom for every spiderverse character.
More nodes that make you think about the fight vs mashing buttons.
Try Cavalier. Either way Falcon in lock on mode made Spider-Man more than manageable in any difficulty.
I messed up and edited it. I keep forgetting there Cavalier now. I beat UC super easy but that Cav. JESUS.
The difficulty is still way under what it should be.
What would be a fitting difficulty, according to you? Im curious
Take away the helpful globals that make it a cakewalk every month. Leave nodes like Spider-Man in. These are the nodes that make you explore your roster more instead of just using Venom for every spiderverse character.
More nodes that make you think about the fight vs mashing buttons.
So you want more strategy and thinking to deal with some enemies instead of simply "button mashing"? It's somewhat tricky to use Venom against that Spiderman due to buff nullification nodes
I’ve also done it with a 4*, it’s about learning the fight and figuring out how to play the node.
I'm a hillbilly with a stick sort of player. I just usually run in and start hitting things until they die. Works most times. This sucker is giving me fits though lol
Try Cavalier. Either way Falcon in lock on mode made Spider-Man more than manageable in any difficulty.
I messed up and edited it. I keep forgetting there Cavalier now. I beat UC super easy but that Cav. JESUS.
The difficulty is still way under what it should be.
What would be a fitting difficulty, according to you? Im curious
Take away the helpful globals that make it a cakewalk every month. Leave nodes like Spider-Man in. These are the nodes that make you explore your roster more instead of just using Venom for every spiderverse character.
More nodes that make you think about the fight vs mashing buttons.
So you want more strategy and thinking to deal with some enemies instead of simply "button mashing"? It's somewhat tricky to use Venom against that Spiderman due to buff nullification nodes
You can currently use Venom on that node. In fact you can literally use any champion for that node. If you read the nodes for Bullet Time, you can see how to beat that fight without having to use a evade counter.
But yes, I want more strategy in the difficulties. Cavalier difficulty isn't hard currently as they give you so much help from the Global nodes.
Try Cavalier. Either way Falcon in lock on mode made Spider-Man more than manageable in any difficulty.
I messed up and edited it. I keep forgetting there Cavalier now. I beat UC super easy but that Cav. JESUS.
The difficulty is still way under what it should be.
What would be a fitting difficulty, according to you? Im curious
He doesn't know. He's just here forum thumping as if he's the best mcoc player.
If you knew anything about me, you'd know that I've never claimed to the best player. Ever. In fact, I'd say I'm the definition of a very average player.
Try Cavalier. Either way Falcon in lock on mode made Spider-Man more than manageable in any difficulty.
I messed up and edited it. I keep forgetting there Cavalier now. I beat UC super easy but that Cav. JESUS.
The difficulty is still way under what it should be.
What would be a fitting difficulty, according to you? Im curious
He doesn't know. He's just here forum thumping as if he's the best mcoc player.
If you knew anything about me, you'd know that I've never claimed to the best player. Ever. In fact, I'd say I'm the definition of a very average player.
Try Cavalier. Either way Falcon in lock on mode made Spider-Man more than manageable in any difficulty.
I messed up and edited it. I keep forgetting there Cavalier now. I beat UC super easy but that Cav. JESUS.
The difficulty is still way under what it should be.
What would be a fitting difficulty, according to you? Im curious
He doesn't know. He's just here forum thumping as if he's the best mcoc player.
If you knew anything about me, you'd know that I've never claimed to the best player. Ever. In fact, I'd say I'm the definition of a very average player.
use Falcon
I’ve also done it with a 4*, it’s about learning the fight and figuring out how to play the node.
More nodes that make you think about the fight vs mashing buttons.
It's somewhat tricky to use Venom against that Spiderman due to buff nullification nodes
But yes, I want more strategy in the difficulties. Cavalier difficulty isn't hard currently as they give you so much help from the Global nodes.