Mister Sinister can solo abyss fights

GoddessIliasGoddessIlias Member Posts: 706 ★★★★
It has been done. The omega mutant noodle is now an abyssal omega mutant noodle. Played awful the last 25%, but I got the solo. I estimate this method would probably work for Medusa, Omega Red, Aegon, the Champion, and modok, although I haven’t tested it on any of them yet. Enjoy the video, although you probably won’t. It’s boring as hell.



  • GoddessIliasGoddessIlias Member Posts: 706 ★★★★
    Hoitado said:

    1% Health lol

    Yeah I played horrible lol. Should have been out with about 25% with optimal play but meh
  • metalman695metalman695 Member Posts: 109
    How does this work?
  • Mobile_P0tat0Mobile_P0tat0 Member Posts: 966 ★★★★
    Abyss collector solo when?
  • ChaosMax1012ChaosMax1012 Member Posts: 3,199 ★★★★★
    MS OP
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★

    How does this work?

    When sinister holds his heavy damaging debuffs, stun, concussion, and power leech debuffs are paused. Pretty fun stuff against RoL Wolverine in particular
  • FluffyPigMonsterFluffyPigMonster Member Posts: 2,069 ★★★★★


    I want a sinister but with all the mutants I have getting him now would be a waste

    I love Sinister. If his damage scaled somehow he’d be OP. I have a 5* R5 200. I have a duped 6* R1 but he’ll stay there behind Magneto, Omega, Namor, Apocalypse and Prof X who will all get ranked before him unless there’s a need.
  • AssumedNameAssumedName Member Posts: 583 ★★★
    edited May 2021
    Sinister content! YES. Been vouching for this guy for ages now. Made threads and everything. Glad to see some appreciation. Only got the 5* tho. Shame he benefits highly from high sig or else I’d be tempted to r3 him as 6*.

    His act 6 usefulness is underrated.

    Edit: small tip - you can actually hit your heavy into the parry stun just before sp3. Just a little extra damage.
  • edited May 2021
    This content has been removed.
  • The_Sentry06The_Sentry06 Member Posts: 7,804 ★★★★★
    Bruh 4* She-Hulk takes him down faster. Still tho, impressive solo.
  • KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,885 ★★★★★
    If they increased his attack values, he would be a really good champ. I love playing him, but it takes ages to take down anything
  • GNASTYGNASTY Member Posts: 348 ★★
    edited May 2021
    Yep. He needs a kit/value update/rework.

    What Kabam needs to do is increase his signature ability values. They could double or (honestly not unreasonably) triple all the values of base stat value increase per genetic persistent charge, and (maybe) take away the 3 max/class restriction. Simply that alone would fix him.

    Shoot, currently, each cosmic fight at max sig only gives him an extra whopping (sarcastic) 30% increase, maxed out at +90%. Compare that to someone like Stryfe who can ramp up to a maximum of +400%. Tripling those values would basically get him close to that number fully ramped up, assuming each class was still capped at 3.

    I would love to see his values updated. My favorite dude. Don’t get to use him much because his damage is just lacking. Ramp up is also just so unpractical in end game story mode given the low damage and high health pools.
  • GoddessIliasGoddessIlias Member Posts: 706 ★★★★

    Sinister content! YES. Been vouching for this guy for ages now. Made threads and everything. Glad to see some appreciation. Only got the 5* tho. Shame he benefits highly from high sig or else I’d be tempted to r3 him as 6*.

    His act 6 usefulness is underrated.

    Edit: small tip - you can actually hit your heavy into the parry stun just before sp3. Just a little extra damage.

    Late response but that wastes abyssal charges, and I needed every single one for the solo. Good idea though
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