Is Aegon still worth R5+AG+199sig?

JAsummonarJAsummonar Member Posts: 171
edited May 2021 in Strategy and Tips
Hi all, I have seen some end game content videos using Aegon where the fights are longer and he gets time to reach his real potential.

My question is with introduction of a champion like stryfe who is really good unawakened and can be obtained in 6* version is 5* Aegon still worth 5/65 + AG + full sigs (I have all these materials) or it’s worth waiting for someone like Stryfe in 6* version?
Also what other places are there where 5* fully maxed up Aegon would be useful?

Please comment. Thanks


  • Will3808Will3808 Member Posts: 3,955 ★★★★★
    He’s definitely still worth it. I know this is only an example but I like aegon way more than stryfe and I also think he’s way more useful even though he ramps up slower than stryfe.
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  • Gr8TonyStarkGr8TonyStark Member Posts: 1,029 ★★★
    He is my act6 mvp. Handles fights like butter. Still lol and aol king and also pretty useful in incursions. Rampup is not a problem for 6.3,4 content as you will reach 200 hits anyways. Sig 200 is good but works at 130 to 150 as well. Also he has more utility when ramped up. So definitely worth the investment
  • pseudosanepseudosane Member, Guardian Posts: 4,074 Guardian
    60-80 sig is imo enough. but r5 worthy for sure.
  • JAsummonarJAsummonar Member Posts: 171
    Ebony_Naw said:

    Yes he is. What you need to keep in mind is that the easy path of Abyss requires almost no versatility of any particular champ, do being able to clear with someone like sabretooth, cable, or stryfe still doesn't mean they're as useful as Aegon for other paths or act 6 content, or even future ramp up content.

    If you're not happy about using so many sig stones, you can still get him to where he keeps 50% or so of his combo and make him serviceable. Not ideal, but people do it. It took me a while to pull him, and I had an AG, sig stones and some rank up gems ready to go for him and took him up immediately. Personally, he's worth the full investment and I've never looked back.

    I was in the same boat and was waiting to get him as 5* since long, fortunately pulled him just a few days back from hand to hand battle cav crystal. I already took him to R4 immediately but thought of checking with the forum members before using all resources I have saved on him.. thanks to you and all others who responded.. it really helps 👍🏻
  • MauledMauled Member, Guardian Posts: 3,957 Guardian
    He’s a monster, especially if he’s max sig. he doesn’t need 999 combo to be good. From 100, or 150 he’s got access to a huge amount of utility and good damage. I still regularly use him in AW to good effect and he was obviously my MVP in AoL. Didn’t get the dupe until after I had finished up with Act 6.
  • manveertherealmanveerthereal Member Posts: 1,363 ★★★

    60-80 sig is imo enough. but r5 worthy for sure.

    atleast sig 100-120
  • Darksniper240Darksniper240 Member Posts: 222 ★★★
    @JAsummonar Just pulled him from my first 5 star hand to hand combat crystal as well and hes going to hang out till the event is finished. I would say make sure to not use your AG on him until this months event is over. You have a pretty good chance to dupe him from the several extra crystals we are likely to get. Might be able to save the gem if you naturally dupe him this month. Just a thought.
  • JAsummonarJAsummonar Member Posts: 171
    @Darksniper240 good point. I had the same thought and hence waiting till I get the last caviller Crystal from the calendar.. I feel there are very less chances to dupe him but nothing wrong in waiting for a few days😊
  • BerjibsBerjibs Member Posts: 1,541 ★★★★
    At 100 combo which in a lot of cases is one fight, he’s basically immune to any debuff so long as you hit the opponent, even through block. If you can’t find a use for that in act 6 etc you’ve got a banging roster already.
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