What are the chances...

...to pull Nightcrawler 3 times in a row from a top champ crystal?
Seriously this really makes me want to quit. 3 times 15k shards wasted for a champ with almost no use. What a "top crystal"...
Seriously this really makes me want to quit. 3 times 15k shards wasted for a champ with almost no use. What a "top crystal"...
But ouch OP, 3 in a row? Damn
The opeing just made me open a 10k 6* crystal instead of a 15k 6* (wanted Stryfe) and awakened my 6* Elsa Bloodstone. Guess 10k crystals are the way to go.
Personally I'd be happy pulling NC from a 10k.
But as is said before, RNG is everything
Which was 20-ish years ago.
Well, you certainly beat the odds -- but I've seen more impressive rolls, like triple+ champs from the basic crystals.