Gather Round Folks...



  • FluffyPigMonsterFluffyPigMonster Member Posts: 2,069 ★★★★★
    edited June 2021

    Instead of a Loki buff since he can already cheese stuff, I'd love to see a mcu accurate Loki

    I wouldn’t mind this except I don’t like making a new version and then never acknowledging the older one again:

    CapIW ——> CapWW2 and OG
    Captain Marvel Movie ——> Captain Marvel Classic
    BWDO ——> OG BW
    Iron Man IW ——> OG Iron Man
    Hulk Immortal ——> OG Hulk

    And so forth.

  • RockypantherxRockypantherx Member Posts: 3,922 ★★★★★
    Alright, so I am back with two new buff concepts, and definitely not by complete coincidence they both fall in the month of America Chavez's release. We have OG Cap and Cap WW2 up next. I discovered it's pretty difficult to buff essentially the same character twice, so I hope you'll forgive me for some of the shoehorned pieces of WW2's kit. With these two buffs I wanted to focus on what Vega calls 'Champion Flow'. How well does each ability mesh with all the other abilities? Are things accessible and are they effective? I don't know how well I succeeded but I've certianly tried to make these kits fit together better than maybe my other ones have in the past. So without further ado:

    Captain America (Classic):
    The theory behind this buff is to make Captain America the ultimate Block utility champ. As he should be. He has other stuff such as petrifies, which should be nice, and I’ve amped up his damage fairly substantially. To me, Captain America is more than the Super Soldier serum. It’s also about the skill of the man behind the shield. Therefore, a lot of his abilities are utilizing the players skill to get the most out of him, and a lot of his damage is taking traditional skill class damage concepts, and transferring them into debuffs. Crits and Physical Damage. Overall, I wanted him to be a great champ for newer players, as well as giving him relevance even at the very top. He has a niche and he’ll fill it.

    Base Stats:

    HP: 31398
    Attack: 2301
    Crit Rate: 23%
    Crit Damage: 180%
    Armour: 20%
    Block Proficiency: 76.4%

    No changes here, Cap’s base stats are all average except for his excellent Block Proficiency


    Cap’s enhanced metabolism renders him immune to Fatigue and Exhaustion debuffs. He can do this all day.

    Additionally, Poison effects deal 50% less damage, their healing reduction is 30% less effective, and they are shrugged off 40% quicker

    Mmm, suicide friendliness


    50% chance that a Block is a Perfect Block, reducing all damage to 0

    Captain America is able to Block Unblockable Attacks and Parry non-contact attacks

    Captain America cannot be inflicted with Critical Hits through block

    Additionally, the opponent suffer -100% Ability Accuracy when striking into Captain America’s block

    Folks, meet the best blocking champ in the game. I feel comfortable enough giving him all of this due to the fact that Blocking isn’t a general utility that you need, it’s just going to be very nice to have in a lot of situations.

    Well-Timed Blocks:

    100% on a well-timed block to inflict a Stun Debuff lasting 1 second

    100% when performing a well-timed block against an opponent’s Special Attack to inflict a Petrify debuff, reducing opponent’s Regeneration and Ability Power Rate by 75% for 10 seconds.

    Here we find our first skill installment. I have to give credit to MetalHead831 over on Reddit for the inspiration of incorporating Parrying specials into his kit, it’s an excellent idea for the character. This ability, combined with all his block enhancements, should give him a safe way to combat Mystic champs and all their passive power gain, as well as dealing with some regen champs and nodes

    Medium Attacks:

    Cap’s first medium attack has a 100% chance to place a Fragility Debuff on the opponent for 20 seconds, increasing Cap’s Critical Damage Rating by 300 and decreasing the opponents block proficiency by 50%. The potency of this Fragility Debuff is doubled if the Medium Attack was an intercept.

    With Cap’s perfect block chance increasing his Parry Stun duration, the aim of the game is to land as many of your first mediums attacks as possible. The intercept bonus is to make up for stun immune matchups, but also to give those skilled players who do not necessarily need to rely on parry some extra goodies

    Special Attacks:

    Upon activation, inflict a Trauma Debuff on the opponent for 7 seconds, causing Cap’s hits to deal an extra 30% of the damage dealt as physical damage. The potency of this Trauma Debuff is increased by 100% for each Fragility on the opponent when it was activated

    Special Attack 1:

    Inflict a Stun on the opponent for 2 seconds

    Refresh any active personal Pertify Debuffs on the opponent

    Your utility Special Attack for situations where you really need to keep your Petrify debuffs up. In a standard matchup, it should be very beneficial to loop this from your SP2 to get a massive Trauma debuff up

    Special Attack 2:

    Inflict a Stun on the opponent for 4 seconds

    The first hit of this attack pauses the duration of all personal Fragility and Trauma Debuffs for 10 seconds

    The second hit of this attack places a Petrify Debuff on the opponent, reducing Regeneration and Ability Power Gain Rate by 100% for 15 seconds

    Your bread and butter special attack. The pausing of your damage debuffs should allow you to whale on your opponent for a bit after this special, and if you can make it to your SP1 in time, you can stack some very, very good damage here. Also gives you access to a petrify if you’re struggling to land those parries during your opponent’s specials

    Special Attack 3:

    Inflict a Stun on the opponent for 7 seconds

    This attack places an indefinite Weakness Debuff on the opponent, reducing their Attack Rating by 40%

    Not really part of his core loop, but could be a good fight finisher, and the Weakness will just make him take less damage on blocks that aren’t perfect


    While Captain America is alive, all #Hero teammates gain the following bonuses:

    +700 Block Proficiency

    +293.18 Critical Rating

    +440.35 Critical Damage Rating

    If Captain America is Dead, all #Hero and #Villain champions gain +20% attack

    These bonuses are doubled for #Avenger champions

    Captain America is going to be some nice support when on your team for Heroes and sometimes villains, but I wanted to keep Mr. Fantastic as the Science Support champ. I do envision that all the OG avengers would work well together, so this would be part 1 of that I guess

    Signature Ability:

    When below 20% health, Cap gains a flat +50% chance that a Block will be a Perfect Block

    Cap’s Petrify Debuffs gain a flat +(1-25)% potency

    Built to be stupid good on a 20% revive, as well as making some of his utility just that bit more effective

    Captain America (WW2):
    Question. How do you make literally the same character different while keeping some internal consistency? Well, that’s what I grappled with when coming up with some rough ideas for Cap WW2 and Cap Classic. Eventually, I settled on Classic Cap being more experienced. A better fighter and a better leader. But Cap WW2 is more of a Brawler-type champ, he fights dirtier, less consistently, but that should be balanced with a higher payoff. As well as some really stretching the lore to justify some abilities

    Base Stats:

    HP: 39922
    Attack: 2414
    Crit Rate: 28%
    Crit Damage: 190%
    Armour: 20%
    Block Proficiency: 76.4%

    I’ve given Cap WW2’s Base Stats a bit of an improvement. He’s younger, and therefore naturally stronger. That’s how that works. Definitely. Shush.


    Cap’s enhanced metabolism renders him immune to Fatigue and Exhaustion debuffs. He can do this all day.

    Additionally, Poison effects deal 90% less damage and Cap will Purify 1 Poison Debuff every 5 seconds

    Cap’s inexperience renders him unable to gain buffs, instead placing one of his personal Trauma Debuffs on the opponent each time a Buff would be triggered (Stretching more than Mr. Fantastic, I know.)

    Different champion, same spirited fighter.


    60% chance for any Block to be a Perfect Block

    Captain America is able to Block Unblockable Attacks and the opponent suffer -200% Ability Accuracy when striking Captain America’s block

    100% on a well-timed block to inflict a Stun Debuff lasting 1 second

    This Cap doesn’t have all the bells and whistles the other cap does, but he has a higher base Perfect Block chance, and instead of just reducing offensive ability accuracy by 100% while they’re striking him, it is now 200%, making it more effective against Ability accuracy reducing scenarios, but it is also all ability accuracy, meaning you can utilize eating some blocked hits to cancel all sorts of other abilities.

    Basic Attacks:

    40% chance on Basic attacks to place a Trauma Debuff on the opponent for 5 seconds, causing Cap’s attacks to deal an extra 10% of the damage dealt as a burst of physical damage, and lowering the opponent’s block proficiency by 50%. These debuffs fall off one at a time. Max Stack: 10

    Your main objective in every fight is building these up to get some massive, consistent damage. Plus they play into his special attacks to give some more damage or more utility

    Special Attacks:

    Pause the duration of all personal Trauma Debuffs on the opponent for the duration of Cap’s Special Attacks

    Special Attack 1:

    The final hit has a 100% chance to place a Slow Debuff on the opponent for 10 seconds, reducing Unstoppable and Evade Ability Accuracy by 100%, and preventing the effects of Unstoppable. Slow won’t trigger against natural Class Advantage

    The duration of this Slow Debuff is increased by 0.5 seconds for each Trauma Debuff on the Opponent

    I’ll admit, the duration on this doesn’t start great, but it’s fairly easily accessible, and its duration can go pretty high, meaning you’ll be outputting a god bit of damage while shutting down evade and unstoppable for the remainder of the fight

    Special Attack 2:

    The final hit has a 100% chance to place a Bleed Debuff on the opponent, dealing 6517.8 Direct Damage over 10 seconds. While this Bleed is active, Cap has a 50% chance on Basic Hits to deal a burst of 1207 Instant Bleed Damage

    100% chance to gain a Passive Fury on activation of this Special Attack for 10 seconds, granting 241.4 Attack per Trauma Debuff on the opponent

    Pure damage special attack. I expect your damage to go a bit nuts after this, but I think it’s a fair trade-off for sacrificing your SP1 utility. Besides, players need a reason to use him over other options for his passive utility, and I expect this damage to be it

    Special Attack 3:

    100% to stun the opponent for 5 seconds

    Convert all active Trauma Debuffs into an indefinite Trauma Passive, causing all of Cap’s attacks to deal a burst of 7.5% of the damage dealt as Physical Damage, and reducing the opponent’s Block Proficiency by 75%. Each Trauma converted during this attack increases the potency of Physical Damage dealt by 100%. This Passive Trauma can only stack once and counts as 10 Trauma Debuffs for all of Cap’s other abilities

    In most matchups, you don’t want to go for this Special Attack. Even if you convert 10 Trauma Debuffs you get a -50% Physical Damage penalty. The benefits? It’s a permanent Passive. So you don’t need to worry about upkeep 10 Debuffs in some scenarios. Niche use but I expect it may come in handy occasionally

    Signature Ability:

    Incoming Passive Damage effects have -100% Ability Accuracy while the opponent is under the effects of (10-1) Trauma Effects

    Gain (1-20%) Perfect Block Chance while opponents are under the effects of a Buff

    I’m not a fan of champs that need High sig, especially in the sig hungry Science Class. So this sig ability is just a nice bonus that will give you a good return for your sigs, but may also have some applications at a low sig. If I were implementing this the first part of the sig would scale extremely well at a low sig to make this actually somewhat viable in the 6* meta

  • MrInsanityMrInsanity Member Posts: 1,539 ★★★★
    Bruh captain america is busted
  • QacobQacob Member Posts: 2,252 ★★★★★

    Alright, so I am back with two new buff concepts, and definitely not by complete coincidence they both fall in the month of America Chavez's release. We have OG Cap and Cap WW2 up next. I discovered it's pretty difficult to buff essentially the same character twice, so I hope you'll forgive me for some of the shoehorned pieces of WW2's kit. With these two buffs I wanted to focus on what Vega calls 'Champion Flow'. How well does each ability mesh with all the other abilities? Are things accessible and are they effective? I don't know how well I succeeded but I've certianly tried to make these kits fit together better than maybe my other ones have in the past. So without further ado:

    Captain America (Classic):

    The theory behind this buff is to make Captain America the ultimate Block utility champ. As he should be. He has other stuff such as petrifies, which should be nice, and I’ve amped up his damage fairly substantially. To me, Captain America is more than the Super Soldier serum. It’s also about the skill of the man behind the shield. Therefore, a lot of his abilities are utilizing the players skill to get the most out of him, and a lot of his damage is taking traditional skill class damage concepts, and transferring them into debuffs. Crits and Physical Damage. Overall, I wanted him to be a great champ for newer players, as well as giving him relevance even at the very top. He has a niche and he’ll fill it.

    Base Stats:

    HP: 31398
    Attack: 2301
    Crit Rate: 23%
    Crit Damage: 180%
    Armour: 20%
    Block Proficiency: 76.4%

    No changes here, Cap’s base stats are all average except for his excellent Block Proficiency


    Cap’s enhanced metabolism renders him immune to Fatigue and Exhaustion debuffs. He can do this all day.

    Additionally, Poison effects deal 50% less damage, their healing reduction is 30% less effective, and they are shrugged off 40% quicker

    Mmm, suicide friendliness


    50% chance that a Block is a Perfect Block, reducing all damage to 0

    Captain America is able to Block Unblockable Attacks and Parry non-contact attacks

    Captain America cannot be inflicted with Critical Hits through block

    Additionally, the opponent suffer -100% Ability Accuracy when striking into Captain America’s block

    Folks, meet the best blocking champ in the game. I feel comfortable enough giving him all of this due to the fact that Blocking isn’t a general utility that you need, it’s just going to be very nice to have in a lot of situations.

    Well-Timed Blocks:

    100% on a well-timed block to inflict a Stun Debuff lasting 1 second

    100% when performing a well-timed block against an opponent’s Special Attack to inflict a Petrify debuff, reducing opponent’s Regeneration and Ability Power Rate by 75% for 10 seconds.

    Here we find our first skill installment. I have to give credit to MetalHead831 over on Reddit for the inspiration of incorporating Parrying specials into his kit, it’s an excellent idea for the character. This ability, combined with all his block enhancements, should give him a safe way to combat Mystic champs and all their passive power gain, as well as dealing with some regen champs and nodes

    Medium Attacks:

    Cap’s first medium attack has a 100% chance to place a Fragility Debuff on the opponent for 20 seconds, increasing Cap’s Critical Damage Rating by 300 and decreasing the opponents block proficiency by 50%. The potency of this Fragility Debuff is doubled if the Medium Attack was an intercept.

    With Cap’s perfect block chance increasing his Parry Stun duration, the aim of the game is to land as many of your first mediums attacks as possible. The intercept bonus is to make up for stun immune matchups, but also to give those skilled players who do not necessarily need to rely on parry some extra goodies

    Special Attacks:

    Upon activation, inflict a Trauma Debuff on the opponent for 7 seconds, causing Cap’s hits to deal an extra 30% of the damage dealt as physical damage. The potency of this Trauma Debuff is increased by 100% for each Fragility on the opponent when it was activated

    Special Attack 1:

    Inflict a Stun on the opponent for 2 seconds

    Refresh any active personal Pertify Debuffs on the opponent

    Your utility Special Attack for situations where you really need to keep your Petrify debuffs up. In a standard matchup, it should be very beneficial to loop this from your SP2 to get a massive Trauma debuff up

    Special Attack 2:

    Inflict a Stun on the opponent for 4 seconds

    The first hit of this attack pauses the duration of all personal Fragility and Trauma Debuffs for 10 seconds

    The second hit of this attack places a Petrify Debuff on the opponent, reducing Regeneration and Ability Power Gain Rate by 100% for 15 seconds

    Your bread and butter special attack. The pausing of your damage debuffs should allow you to whale on your opponent for a bit after this special, and if you can make it to your SP1 in time, you can stack some very, very good damage here. Also gives you access to a petrify if you’re struggling to land those parries during your opponent’s specials

    Special Attack 3:

    Inflict a Stun on the opponent for 7 seconds

    This attack places an indefinite Weakness Debuff on the opponent, reducing their Attack Rating by 40%

    Not really part of his core loop, but could be a good fight finisher, and the Weakness will just make him take less damage on blocks that aren’t perfect


    While Captain America is alive, all #Hero teammates gain the following bonuses:

    +700 Block Proficiency

    +293.18 Critical Rating

    +440.35 Critical Damage Rating

    If Captain America is Dead, all #Hero and #Villain champions gain +20% attack

    These bonuses are doubled for #Avenger champions

    Captain America is going to be some nice support when on your team for Heroes and sometimes villains, but I wanted to keep Mr. Fantastic as the Science Support champ. I do envision that all the OG avengers would work well together, so this would be part 1 of that I guess

    Signature Ability:

    When below 20% health, Cap gains a flat +50% chance that a Block will be a Perfect Block

    Cap’s Petrify Debuffs gain a flat +(1-25)% potency

    Built to be stupid good on a 20% revive, as well as making some of his utility just that bit more effective

    Captain America (WW2):
    Question. How do you make literally the same character different while keeping some internal consistency? Well, that’s what I grappled with when coming up with some rough ideas for Cap WW2 and Cap Classic. Eventually, I settled on Classic Cap being more experienced. A better fighter and a better leader. But Cap WW2 is more of a Brawler-type champ, he fights dirtier, less consistently, but that should be balanced with a higher payoff. As well as some really stretching the lore to justify some abilities

    Base Stats:

    HP: 39922
    Attack: 2414
    Crit Rate: 28%
    Crit Damage: 190%
    Armour: 20%
    Block Proficiency: 76.4%

    I’ve given Cap WW2’s Base Stats a bit of an improvement. He’s younger, and therefore naturally stronger. That’s how that works. Definitely. Shush.


    Cap’s enhanced metabolism renders him immune to Fatigue and Exhaustion debuffs. He can do this all day.

    Additionally, Poison effects deal 90% less damage and Cap will Purify 1 Poison Debuff every 5 seconds

    Cap’s inexperience renders him unable to gain buffs, instead placing one of his personal Trauma Debuffs on the opponent each time a Buff would be triggered (Stretching more than Mr. Fantastic, I know.)

    Different champion, same spirited fighter.


    60% chance for any Block to be a Perfect Block

    Captain America is able to Block Unblockable Attacks and the opponent suffer -200% Ability Accuracy when striking Captain America’s block

    100% on a well-timed block to inflict a Stun Debuff lasting 1 second

    This Cap doesn’t have all the bells and whistles the other cap does, but he has a higher base Perfect Block chance, and instead of just reducing offensive ability accuracy by 100% while they’re striking him, it is now 200%, making it more effective against Ability accuracy reducing scenarios, but it is also all ability accuracy, meaning you can utilize eating some blocked hits to cancel all sorts of other abilities.

    Basic Attacks:

    40% chance on Basic attacks to place a Trauma Debuff on the opponent for 5 seconds, causing Cap’s attacks to deal an extra 10% of the damage dealt as a burst of physical damage, and lowering the opponent’s block proficiency by 50%. These debuffs fall off one at a time. Max Stack: 10

    Your main objective in every fight is building these up to get some massive, consistent damage. Plus they play into his special attacks to give some more damage or more utility

    Special Attacks:

    Pause the duration of all personal Trauma Debuffs on the opponent for the duration of Cap’s Special Attacks

    Special Attack 1:

    The final hit has a 100% chance to place a Slow Debuff on the opponent for 10 seconds, reducing Unstoppable and Evade Ability Accuracy by 100%, and preventing the effects of Unstoppable. Slow won’t trigger against natural Class Advantage

    The duration of this Slow Debuff is increased by 0.5 seconds for each Trauma Debuff on the Opponent

    I’ll admit, the duration on this doesn’t start great, but it’s fairly easily accessible, and its duration can go pretty high, meaning you’ll be outputting a god bit of damage while shutting down evade and unstoppable for the remainder of the fight

    Special Attack 2:

    The final hit has a 100% chance to place a Bleed Debuff on the opponent, dealing 6517.8 Direct Damage over 10 seconds. While this Bleed is active, Cap has a 50% chance on Basic Hits to deal a burst of 1207 Instant Bleed Damage

    100% chance to gain a Passive Fury on activation of this Special Attack for 10 seconds, granting 241.4 Attack per Trauma Debuff on the opponent

    Pure damage special attack. I expect your damage to go a bit nuts after this, but I think it’s a fair trade-off for sacrificing your SP1 utility. Besides, players need a reason to use him over other options for his passive utility, and I expect this damage to be it

    Special Attack 3:

    100% to stun the opponent for 5 seconds

    Convert all active Trauma Debuffs into an indefinite Trauma Passive, causing all of Cap’s attacks to deal a burst of 7.5% of the damage dealt as Physical Damage, and reducing the opponent’s Block Proficiency by 75%. Each Trauma converted during this attack increases the potency of Physical Damage dealt by 100%. This Passive Trauma can only stack once and counts as 10 Trauma Debuffs for all of Cap’s other abilities

    In most matchups, you don’t want to go for this Special Attack. Even if you convert 10 Trauma Debuffs you get a -50% Physical Damage penalty. The benefits? It’s a permanent Passive. So you don’t need to worry about upkeep 10 Debuffs in some scenarios. Niche use but I expect it may come in handy occasionally

    Signature Ability:

    Incoming Passive Damage effects have -100% Ability Accuracy while the opponent is under the effects of (10-1) Trauma Effects

    Gain (1-20%) Perfect Block Chance while opponents are under the effects of a Buff

    I’m not a fan of champs that need High sig, especially in the sig hungry Science Class. So this sig ability is just a nice bonus that will give you a good return for your sigs, but may also have some applications at a low sig. If I were implementing this the first part of the sig would scale extremely well at a low sig to make this actually somewhat viable in the 6* meta

    Damn that looks awesome. Take notes kabam, take notes.
  • RockypantherxRockypantherx Member Posts: 3,922 ★★★★★
    Well, I pulled a 6* Sentry the other day. So I immediately started brainstorming ideas of how to buff him to make the pull hurt a little less (I coincidentally pulled 6* Void a few days earlier from a nexus I got from a free calendar cav).

    Ah, Sentry. The man with the power of a million fluffy pillows. Where the best thing he can do is turn into Void. It’s a sad state of affairs for such a powerful character really. With this buff, I aim to make Sentry the god he should be. That’s no joke, I am rocketing him straight to near the top of the Science class. But I also wanted to make him the inverse of Void. While Void places 3 kind of Debuffs on the opponent, then places his mega passive on them, Sentry is about building his buffs then obliterating the opponent with his once per fight SP3 power boost. I aimed to make sure they didn’t step on each other’s toes too, so they have almost unique utility sets, both designed to counter those Mystics among others.

    Additionally, Sentry is a champ that is going to be decently powerful if you just play him like a vanilla champ. But I wanted to give him a rotation that if executed perfectly, will have a payoff worthy of the name Sentry

    Base Stats:
    Health: 31398
    Attack: 2414
    Crit Rate: 18%
    Crit Damage: 180%
    Block Proficiency: 76.3%
    Physical Resistance: 600
    Energy Resistance: 1200

    Sentry is extremely durable in the comics, in fact he’s able to heal himself from practically death. Unfortunately, that would be a bit OP in this game, especially in combination with the rest of Sentry’s toolkit, so instead I’ve given him a ton of sustainability, as you can see here in his base stats, and later on


    Take -200% damage from all Incinerate and Degeneration effects

    If Sentry were to activate a Buff, he instead gains a Passive Buff with the same effects, potency and duration

    Sentry takes 50% less damage from the Recoil Mastery

    How to be Buff Immune without being Buff Immune. Sentry will never interact with buff punishing nodes while still gaining all the benefits. In addition, he is the first simple Degen counter. Spider-Ham and Mr Negative have to work to have this, and while they can work, it can sometimes feel clunky. I also don’t think either were intended to fall at the top of the class, whereas that is where I am aiming

    Power of a Million Exploding Suns:

    Sentry begins the fight with a Dormant Buff, starting with Fury.

    Every 12 seconds, Sentry will activate his current Dormant Buff and cycle to the next one in the below order:

    Fury: +4828 Attack

    Precision: +1000 Critical Rating

    Cruelty: +1500 Critical Damage Rating and Sentry’s attacks have a 100% chance to remove Unstoppable effects from the opponent

    These buffs last indefinitely and do not stack

    For each Unique Buff Sentry has active, he regenerates 52.33 health per second

    When defending on the final node of a Quest, or fighting against the final node of a Quest, Sentry starts the fight with each Buff active

    Each time Sentry is inflicted with a Bleed debuff or is struck with a Critical Hit, one Buff is removed

    Sentry’s Bread and Butter. Gain your buffs, gain damage, utility, and sustainability. This is the mirror image to Void’s debuffs and their effects. Kind of. Notice the Final node line. I’ve built Sentry to be a boss killer, to really step up to the plate where it matters

    Heavy Attacks:

    Heavy Attacks can be held for an extended duration, up to 5 seconds

    Every 1.5 seconds while charging a Heavy Attack, Sentry cycles his current Dormant Buff to the next one in the cycle that is not always active

    Pause all Debuffs on the opponent and all Power Gain effects on Sentry while charging a Heavy Attack

    Heavy attacks are an integral part to Sentry’s rotation. Their first use is to switch which Dormant Buff you have, so if you need a certain piece of utility first, you can get it, a common issue raised around Void. The second use is to fully utilise the effects of your Special attacks

    Special Attack 1:

    The first hit creates a non-stacking Power Gain Buff, granting 100% of a bar of power over 4 seconds. Cooldown: 10 seconds. If the opponent is suffering from a Wither Debuff, the potency of this Power Gain is increased by 50%

    The final 3 hits each place an Incinerate Debuff on the opponent, dealing 301.75 Energy damage over 6 seconds

    This attack is the second key to your rotation. Your Incinerates are going to be beefed up by the Fury, and you’ll want to charge your heavy attack at the earliest opportunity after this attack ends to pause the incinerates and your power gain. Pull it off perfectly, and this attack will shoot you straight to your SP2

    Special Attack 2:

    The first hit of this attack places a Wither Debuff on the opponent, reducing their Ability Power Rate by 105% for 20 seconds

    The final hit of this attack places an Armour Break on the opponent, reducing their Armour Rating by 200 for 12 seconds. This Debuff cannot be paused, instead it will reapply itself every 1 second when it would be paused

    This is, for the most part, your damage special attack. The Wither is another core part of your loop in longer fights, and the reapplying Armour Break should be excellent for stripping the opponent's armour once you have it up. Once your Wither is up, race to an SP1, and shoot to your SP3

    Special Attack 3:

    This Attack can only be used once per fight

    Sentry channels the power of the Void, allowing him to temporarily double his current buffs for 20 seconds with the same potency

    Invert all buffs on the opponent into a matching debuff of equal potency for 20 seconds

    Your big payoff special attack. It can only be used once per fight but the damage boost off of it should be enough to finish off most regular health pools, as well as significantly weakening the opponent by completely inverting their buffs

    Signature Ability:

    Sentry’s Buffs take (10-30%) less time to generate

    Sentry’s Debuffs, excluding Stun, last (10-30%) longer

    The science class is already chock full of champs that need high sig. I’m not adding Sentry to that pile, chuck them into Void instead. Still, it’s a nice benefit that makes him less stressful to play
  • The_Sentry06The_Sentry06 Member Posts: 7,804 ★★★★★

    Well, I pulled a 6* Sentry the other day. So I immediately started brainstorming ideas of how to buff him to make the pull hurt a little less (I coincidentally pulled 6* Void a few days earlier from a nexus I got from a free calendar cav).

    Ah, Sentry. The man with the power of a million fluffy pillows. Where the best thing he can do is turn into Void. It’s a sad state of affairs for such a powerful character really. With this buff, I aim to make Sentry the god he should be. That’s no joke, I am rocketing him straight to near the top of the Science class. But I also wanted to make him the inverse of Void. While Void places 3 kind of Debuffs on the opponent, then places his mega passive on them, Sentry is about building his buffs then obliterating the opponent with his once per fight SP3 power boost. I aimed to make sure they didn’t step on each other’s toes too, so they have almost unique utility sets, both designed to counter those Mystics among others.

    Additionally, Sentry is a champ that is going to be decently powerful if you just play him like a vanilla champ. But I wanted to give him a rotation that if executed perfectly, will have a payoff worthy of the name Sentry

    Base Stats:
    Health: 31398
    Attack: 2414
    Crit Rate: 18%
    Crit Damage: 180%
    Block Proficiency: 76.3%
    Physical Resistance: 600
    Energy Resistance: 1200

    Sentry is extremely durable in the comics, in fact he’s able to heal himself from practically death. Unfortunately, that would be a bit OP in this game, especially in combination with the rest of Sentry’s toolkit, so instead I’ve given him a ton of sustainability, as you can see here in his base stats, and later on


    Take -200% damage from all Incinerate and Degeneration effects

    If Sentry were to activate a Buff, he instead gains a Passive Buff with the same effects, potency and duration

    Sentry takes 50% less damage from the Recoil Mastery

    How to be Buff Immune without being Buff Immune. Sentry will never interact with buff punishing nodes while still gaining all the benefits. In addition, he is the first simple Degen counter. Spider-Ham and Mr Negative have to work to have this, and while they can work, it can sometimes feel clunky. I also don’t think either were intended to fall at the top of the class, whereas that is where I am aiming

    Power of a Million Exploding Suns:

    Sentry begins the fight with a Dormant Buff, starting with Fury.

    Every 12 seconds, Sentry will activate his current Dormant Buff and cycle to the next one in the below order:

    Fury: +4828 Attack

    Precision: +1000 Critical Rating

    Cruelty: +1500 Critical Damage Rating and Sentry’s attacks have a 100% chance to remove Unstoppable effects from the opponent

    These buffs last indefinitely and do not stack

    For each Unique Buff Sentry has active, he regenerates 52.33 health per second

    When defending on the final node of a Quest, or fighting against the final node of a Quest, Sentry starts the fight with each Buff active

    Each time Sentry is inflicted with a Bleed debuff or is struck with a Critical Hit, one Buff is removed

    Sentry’s Bread and Butter. Gain your buffs, gain damage, utility, and sustainability. This is the mirror image to Void’s debuffs and their effects. Kind of. Notice the Final node line. I’ve built Sentry to be a boss killer, to really step up to the plate where it matters

    Heavy Attacks:

    Heavy Attacks can be held for an extended duration, up to 5 seconds

    Every 1.5 seconds while charging a Heavy Attack, Sentry cycles his current Dormant Buff to the next one in the cycle that is not always active

    Pause all Debuffs on the opponent and all Power Gain effects on Sentry while charging a Heavy Attack

    Heavy attacks are an integral part to Sentry’s rotation. Their first use is to switch which Dormant Buff you have, so if you need a certain piece of utility first, you can get it, a common issue raised around Void. The second use is to fully utilise the effects of your Special attacks

    Special Attack 1:

    The first hit creates a non-stacking Power Gain Buff, granting 100% of a bar of power over 4 seconds. Cooldown: 10 seconds. If the opponent is suffering from a Wither Debuff, the potency of this Power Gain is increased by 50%

    The final 3 hits each place an Incinerate Debuff on the opponent, dealing 301.75 Energy damage over 6 seconds

    This attack is the second key to your rotation. Your Incinerates are going to be beefed up by the Fury, and you’ll want to charge your heavy attack at the earliest opportunity after this attack ends to pause the incinerates and your power gain. Pull it off perfectly, and this attack will shoot you straight to your SP2

    Special Attack 2:

    The first hit of this attack places a Wither Debuff on the opponent, reducing their Ability Power Rate by 105% for 20 seconds

    The final hit of this attack places an Armour Break on the opponent, reducing their Armour Rating by 200 for 12 seconds. This Debuff cannot be paused, instead it will reapply itself every 1 second when it would be paused

    This is, for the most part, your damage special attack. The Wither is another core part of your loop in longer fights, and the reapplying Armour Break should be excellent for stripping the opponent's armour once you have it up. Once your Wither is up, race to an SP1, and shoot to your SP3

    Special Attack 3:

    This Attack can only be used once per fight

    Sentry channels the power of the Void, allowing him to temporarily double his current buffs for 20 seconds with the same potency

    Invert all buffs on the opponent into a matching debuff of equal potency for 20 seconds

    Your big payoff special attack. It can only be used once per fight but the damage boost off of it should be enough to finish off most regular health pools, as well as significantly weakening the opponent by completely inverting their buffs

    Signature Ability:

    Sentry’s Buffs take (10-30%) less time to generate

    Sentry’s Debuffs, excluding Stun, last (10-30%) longer

    The science class is already chock full of champs that need high sig. I’m not adding Sentry to that pile, chuck them into Void instead. Still, it’s a nice benefit that makes him less stressful to play
    Love this buff! The skeptic in me doubts if Kabam would ever make Sentry as good as this (on paper atleast) but it's fun to theorise and come up with kits.
  • RockypantherxRockypantherx Member Posts: 3,922 ★★★★★
    Ok, I know it's been a while, but you know, life. Today I bring you an Iron Fist buff concept (specially for @Fluffy_paws and her R3) and something new for me. I was a massive Morgan Le Fay advocate during the last Summoner's Choice vote, and while she didn't even make it past the first round, there is the potential for her in September this year. So I drafted some abilities up for her. Turns out new champ abilities are much more challenging than buff kits

    Iron Fist:
    Iron Fist is in a sad state in MCOC. He used to have really great damage, then it got nuked. Now his only use is to warm benches or Fluffy_Paw’s heart. It’s time to bring Danny Rand back. Again. The difficulty here was making him Shang-Chi without making him a Carbon Copy. As such, I moved away from specific combos entirely and leaned into the focus required to activate The Iron Fist.

    This version of Iron Fist is built to be a brawler type Mystic. Everything America Chavez is not. High damage, special spamming, lots of big yellow numbers. However, he does have a good chunk of utility, mainly buff control.

    Base Stats:

    HP: 25606
    Attack: 2527
    Crit Rate: 31%
    Crit Damage: 220%
    Block Proficiency: 60%


    Psychic Senses grant immunity to Reversed Controls and grant Iron Fist the #Psychic Shielding tag

    Not a big thing, just a little nod to the comics and some niche utility

    Chi: Max Stack 10

    Iron Fist builds Chi throughout the fight

    Chi charges last indefinitely and are used to empower Iron Fist’s other abilities

    Each time Chi is gained, purify 1 debuff and regenerate 5% of missing health

    Iron Fist’s main currency and provides him with some good sustainability. His purify is mainly for getting rod of debuffs at the start of the fight, it’s not going to allow him to deal with Biohazard or anything

    Perfectly-Timed Dodges and Blocks:

    Iron Fist has a short window of time where he can use Perfect Timing while performing a Well-Timed Block or Dodging an Attack, granting him 1 Chi

    Ripped straight from Shang-Chi. An alternative way to gain Chi other than the Heavy Attack, which is useful in situations where Heavy Attacks are being punished

    Charging a Heavy Attack:

    Gain a Chi Charge every 1 second

    While at 2+ Chi, gain an Unstoppable Buff during this attack

    Countering specials is a great way to build up Chi fast, so your spacing here is going to be key. The unstoppable will allow you to avoid taking a full combo if you mess up, and is some utility in and of itself. Think of Magneto’s heavy attack

    The Iron Fist:

    While at 5+ Chi, activate The Iron Fist when activating any Special Attack

    The Iron Fist lasts 2 seconds for every Chi Iron Fist has when it activates. Cooldown: 20 seconds

    While the Iron Fist is active, all attacks are Guaranteed Critical Hits and gain + 758.1 attack for every Chi charge

    All Chi is lost when The Iron Fist expires

    Your big damage mode. And I mean that. Almost 8000 attack and Guaranteed crits. However, it will take some skill to get the most out of it and will need to be rebuilt if you can’t pummel the opponent down in the Iron Fist window

    Special Attack 1:

    Each hit has a 100% chance to nullify one Buff on the opponent

    The Iron Fist: Steal 5% of the opponent’s max power

    Even when not in Iron Fist, Danny has the ability to deal with occasional buffs, and with 5/5 MD, nullifying a buff on every hit will bring you right back to an SP1. In Iron Fist, the power Steal will push you towards an SP2 with MD. As with most Mystic’s, Iron Fist is much stronger in matchups with Buffs, and in this case, Special Spamming is the name of the game

    Special Attack 2:

    Each hit has a 100% chance to Armour Break the opponent, reducing Armour Rating by 460 for 20 seconds

    The Iron Fist: Gain +379 attack for each Chi

    Keeping some of his old mechanics here with the Armour Break. There wasn’t much else to keep. More damage on base, and in Iron Fist, this Special is going to slap hard

    Special Attack 3:

    Nullify all Buffs on the opponent

    The Iron Fist: Place a passive Neutralize on the opponent for 5 seconds, reducing Buff Ability Accuracy by 100%. This Neutralize is refreshed every time Iron Fist lands a Critical Hit

    Not going to be your go-to, but might have some situational uses.

    Signature Ability:

    Each Chi grants (0.5-1) second extra duration on The Iron Fist

    Deal (10-20)% of hit damage as Energy Damage during The Iron Fist

    Definitely not a required sig, but it will help him out for sure.
  • RockypantherxRockypantherx Member Posts: 3,922 ★★★★★
    Morgan Le Fay:

    So, because I’m a big Morgan Le Fay fan as evidenced by my campaigning last Champion Choice Vote, I decided to do a draft of some Champion Abilities for Morgan. The aim was for her to hit near the top of the Mystic Class. Maybe not Claire or Doom levels, but certainly Diablo, Sorcerer Supreme levels, and make her accessible to everyone.

    Base Stats:
    HP: 28,807
    Attack: 1972
    Crit Rate: 26%
    Crit Damage: 210%
    Armour Rating: 20%
    Block Proficiency: 66%


    Morgan utilises Magical Energy on all attacks, making all of her hits deal energy damage and do not make contact with the opponent

    Against #Metal champions, Morgan loses all of her Armour Rating

    Morgan cannot receive more than 5% of her Max Power from the Mystic Dispersion mastery

    Energy Damage and Non-contact attack are two nice pieces of utility. I’ve always envisioned Morgan simply using her spells to attack enemies rather than kicks and punches. The other two abilities here are more limitations. The first is just a reflection of the comics, while the second is to keep her power gain from going bonkers

    Celtic Spells:

    Morgan has various Spells she can use throughout the fight

    For each unique spell used throughout the fight, Morgan gains the following benefits for the rest of the fight:

    +197.2 attack

    +.0.75% Life Steal on Basic Attacks

    +2% of a bar of power per second

    Inflict an extra 5% of damage dealt on hit as a burst of Energy Damage

    This is really the base of Morgan’s kit. She is always casting spells, so these bonuses will naturally add up across the course of a fight. Once ramped she’ll be hitting hard, healing hard and…gaining…power…hard?

    On Fight Start:

    Morgan casts a Purification Spell, purifying all debuffs active on Morgan

    Just a nice little bit of utility here allowing her to get rid of all those nodes that inflict you with Poison, Bleed, Incinerate etc at the start of the fight. Plus, gets rid of the suicide masteries

    Throw a Light Attack:

    Morgan casts a Nullification Spell, nullifying one buff on the opponent

    This doesn’t have to make contact to nullify, so you can throw it at a distance or during the opponent’s special if you have to

    Heavy Attack:

    Tapping into her Faerie heritage, Morgan casts a Control Spell, taking control of her opponents mind

    The first hit places a Mind Control passive on the opponent for 10 seconds. Cooldown: 10 seconds

    Works exactly the same as Prof X’s but without the discounted specials. Ideally the heavy will be two hits so you can chain a Heavy into a Special attack. Combined with her medium attacks, Morgan is going to be a potent power controller with a great burst rotation

    Medium Attacks:

    Morgan casts a Steal Spell, stealing 5% of the opponent’s Current Power

    More power control and more power gain. Morgan is going to be a Special Spamming machine once ramped, especially if you can keep the opponent near 3 bars of power

    Special Attacks:

    Pause Mind Control during Special Attacks

    Morgan casts an Unblockable Spell during her special attacks while the opponent is under the effects of Mind Control, making all hits of her special attacks Unblockable

    The opponent is passively Neutralised during Morgan’s Special Attacks, reducing the ability accuracy of buffs by 100%

    This is powerful stuff here. Morgan is basically shutting down the opponent during her special attack if you have Mind Control active. Plus, it’s another spell.

    Special Attack 1:

    Morgan casts a Necromancy Spell, causing each hit of this attack to place a passive Degeneration on the opponent, each dealing 1972 direct damage over 6 seconds

    This is a secondary source of damage for Morgan and can add up quickly. I envision this as being pretty similar to Prof X’s SP1 with skeletal hands clawing at the opponent across the screen. 6 hits or so is what I had in mind

    Special Attack 2:

    Morgan casts an Empowerment Spell, increasing the potency of her Celtic Spell bonuses by 100% for the duration of the active Mind Control

    This is probably your main Special Attack. Get near to an SP3, place Mind Control, fire this off, then spam SP1 for the remainder of Mind Control. Rinse and Repeat. Remember that Mind Control is paused during Special attacks and you’ll also be passively gaining power during your special attack animations

    Special Attack 3:

    Morgan casts a Summoning Spell, transporting a Dragon of Arthurian Legend onto the battlefield for the duration of the attack

    This attack gains +1972 attack for each unique spell cast during the fight

    If this attack knocks out the opponent, Morgan will regenerate to full in the next fight she participates in

    I wanted this to be Morgan’s big finishing blow. I reckon this can reach about 70k damage, and if it kills the opponent, you’re in for a good time

    Signature Ability:

    Once per fight, when Morgan would be knocked out, she casts an Immortality Spell, gaining an Immortality passive for (1-2) seconds per Spell cast in the fight

    An extra Spell for Morgan to cast, but only in the direst of circumstances. It’s no Hercules in terms of Immortality, but it shouldn’t be. If this activates and you can kill the opponent with an SP3, you’ll heal 100% of your health in the next fight.
  • Fluffy_pawsFluffy_paws Member Posts: 2,680 ★★★★★

    Ok, I know it's been a while, but you know, life. Today I bring you an Iron Fist buff concept (specially for @Fluffy_paws and her R3) and something new for me. I was a massive Morgan Le Fay advocate during the last Summoner's Choice vote, and while she didn't even make it past the first round, there is the potential for her in September this year. So I drafted some abilities up for her. Turns out new champ abilities are much more challenging than buff kits

    Iron Fist:

    Iron Fist is in a sad state in MCOC. He used to have really great damage, then it got nuked. Now his only use is to warm benches or Fluffy_Paw’s heart. It’s time to bring Danny Rand back. Again. The difficulty here was making him Shang-Chi without making him a Carbon Copy. As such, I moved away from specific combos entirely and leaned into the focus required to activate The Iron Fist.

    This version of Iron Fist is built to be a brawler type Mystic. Everything America Chavez is not. High damage, special spamming, lots of big yellow numbers. However, he does have a good chunk of utility, mainly buff control.

    Base Stats:

    HP: 25606
    Attack: 2527
    Crit Rate: 31%
    Crit Damage: 220%
    Block Proficiency: 60%


    Psychic Senses grant immunity to Reversed Controls and grant Iron Fist the #Psychic Shielding tag

    Not a big thing, just a little nod to the comics and some niche utility

    Chi: Max Stack 10

    Iron Fist builds Chi throughout the fight

    Chi charges last indefinitely and are used to empower Iron Fist’s other abilities

    Each time Chi is gained, purify 1 debuff and regenerate 5% of missing health

    Iron Fist’s main currency and provides him with some good sustainability. His purify is mainly for getting rod of debuffs at the start of the fight, it’s not going to allow him to deal with Biohazard or anything

    Perfectly-Timed Dodges and Blocks:

    Iron Fist has a short window of time where he can use Perfect Timing while performing a Well-Timed Block or Dodging an Attack, granting him 1 Chi

    Ripped straight from Shang-Chi. An alternative way to gain Chi other than the Heavy Attack, which is useful in situations where Heavy Attacks are being punished

    Charging a Heavy Attack:

    Gain a Chi Charge every 1 second

    While at 2+ Chi, gain an Unstoppable Buff during this attack

    Countering specials is a great way to build up Chi fast, so your spacing here is going to be key. The unstoppable will allow you to avoid taking a full combo if you mess up, and is some utility in and of itself. Think of Magneto’s heavy attack

    The Iron Fist:

    While at 5+ Chi, activate The Iron Fist when activating any Special Attack

    The Iron Fist lasts 2 seconds for every Chi Iron Fist has when it activates. Cooldown: 20 seconds

    While the Iron Fist is active, all attacks are Guaranteed Critical Hits and gain + 758.1 attack for every Chi charge

    All Chi is lost when The Iron Fist expires

    Your big damage mode. And I mean that. Almost 8000 attack and Guaranteed crits. However, it will take some skill to get the most out of it and will need to be rebuilt if you can’t pummel the opponent down in the Iron Fist window

    Special Attack 1:

    Each hit has a 100% chance to nullify one Buff on the opponent

    The Iron Fist: Steal 5% of the opponent’s max power

    Even when not in Iron Fist, Danny has the ability to deal with occasional buffs, and with 5/5 MD, nullifying a buff on every hit will bring you right back to an SP1. In Iron Fist, the power Steal will push you towards an SP2 with MD. As with most Mystic’s, Iron Fist is much stronger in matchups with Buffs, and in this case, Special Spamming is the name of the game

    Special Attack 2:

    Each hit has a 100% chance to Armour Break the opponent, reducing Armour Rating by 460 for 20 seconds

    The Iron Fist: Gain +379 attack for each Chi

    Keeping some of his old mechanics here with the Armour Break. There wasn’t much else to keep. More damage on base, and in Iron Fist, this Special is going to slap hard

    Special Attack 3:

    Nullify all Buffs on the opponent

    The Iron Fist: Place a passive Neutralize on the opponent for 5 seconds, reducing Buff Ability Accuracy by 100%. This Neutralize is refreshed every time Iron Fist lands a Critical Hit

    Not going to be your go-to, but might have some situational uses.

    Signature Ability:

    Each Chi grants (0.5-1) second extra duration on The Iron Fist

    Deal (10-20)% of hit damage as Energy Damage during The Iron Fist

    Definitely not a required sig, but it will help him out for sure.
    I love it. He would be both useful and fun to play. I also suck at reverse controls so that would be super helpful
  • SazedSazed Member Posts: 304 ★★
    Hey Pssst Kabam hire @Rockypantherx. You're in for a good time if you do.

    Holy smokes man can I have Morgan Le Fay. That seems like an outstanding kit!
  • RockypantherxRockypantherx Member Posts: 3,922 ★★★★★

    Ok, I know it's been a while, but you know, life. Today I bring you an Iron Fist buff concept (specially for @Fluffy_paws and her R3) and something new for me. I was a massive Morgan Le Fay advocate during the last Summoner's Choice vote, and while she didn't even make it past the first round, there is the potential for her in September this year. So I drafted some abilities up for her. Turns out new champ abilities are much more challenging than buff kits

    Iron Fist:

    Iron Fist is in a sad state in MCOC. He used to have really great damage, then it got nuked. Now his only use is to warm benches or Fluffy_Paw’s heart. It’s time to bring Danny Rand back. Again. The difficulty here was making him Shang-Chi without making him a Carbon Copy. As such, I moved away from specific combos entirely and leaned into the focus required to activate The Iron Fist.

    This version of Iron Fist is built to be a brawler type Mystic. Everything America Chavez is not. High damage, special spamming, lots of big yellow numbers. However, he does have a good chunk of utility, mainly buff control.

    Base Stats:

    HP: 25606
    Attack: 2527
    Crit Rate: 31%
    Crit Damage: 220%
    Block Proficiency: 60%


    Psychic Senses grant immunity to Reversed Controls and grant Iron Fist the #Psychic Shielding tag

    Not a big thing, just a little nod to the comics and some niche utility

    Chi: Max Stack 10

    Iron Fist builds Chi throughout the fight

    Chi charges last indefinitely and are used to empower Iron Fist’s other abilities

    Each time Chi is gained, purify 1 debuff and regenerate 5% of missing health

    Iron Fist’s main currency and provides him with some good sustainability. His purify is mainly for getting rod of debuffs at the start of the fight, it’s not going to allow him to deal with Biohazard or anything

    Perfectly-Timed Dodges and Blocks:

    Iron Fist has a short window of time where he can use Perfect Timing while performing a Well-Timed Block or Dodging an Attack, granting him 1 Chi

    Ripped straight from Shang-Chi. An alternative way to gain Chi other than the Heavy Attack, which is useful in situations where Heavy Attacks are being punished

    Charging a Heavy Attack:

    Gain a Chi Charge every 1 second

    While at 2+ Chi, gain an Unstoppable Buff during this attack

    Countering specials is a great way to build up Chi fast, so your spacing here is going to be key. The unstoppable will allow you to avoid taking a full combo if you mess up, and is some utility in and of itself. Think of Magneto’s heavy attack

    The Iron Fist:

    While at 5+ Chi, activate The Iron Fist when activating any Special Attack

    The Iron Fist lasts 2 seconds for every Chi Iron Fist has when it activates. Cooldown: 20 seconds

    While the Iron Fist is active, all attacks are Guaranteed Critical Hits and gain + 758.1 attack for every Chi charge

    All Chi is lost when The Iron Fist expires

    Your big damage mode. And I mean that. Almost 8000 attack and Guaranteed crits. However, it will take some skill to get the most out of it and will need to be rebuilt if you can’t pummel the opponent down in the Iron Fist window

    Special Attack 1:

    Each hit has a 100% chance to nullify one Buff on the opponent

    The Iron Fist: Steal 5% of the opponent’s max power

    Even when not in Iron Fist, Danny has the ability to deal with occasional buffs, and with 5/5 MD, nullifying a buff on every hit will bring you right back to an SP1. In Iron Fist, the power Steal will push you towards an SP2 with MD. As with most Mystic’s, Iron Fist is much stronger in matchups with Buffs, and in this case, Special Spamming is the name of the game

    Special Attack 2:

    Each hit has a 100% chance to Armour Break the opponent, reducing Armour Rating by 460 for 20 seconds

    The Iron Fist: Gain +379 attack for each Chi

    Keeping some of his old mechanics here with the Armour Break. There wasn’t much else to keep. More damage on base, and in Iron Fist, this Special is going to slap hard

    Special Attack 3:

    Nullify all Buffs on the opponent

    The Iron Fist: Place a passive Neutralize on the opponent for 5 seconds, reducing Buff Ability Accuracy by 100%. This Neutralize is refreshed every time Iron Fist lands a Critical Hit

    Not going to be your go-to, but might have some situational uses.

    Signature Ability:

    Each Chi grants (0.5-1) second extra duration on The Iron Fist

    Deal (10-20)% of hit damage as Energy Damage during The Iron Fist

    Definitely not a required sig, but it will help him out for sure.
    I love it. He would be both useful and fun to play. I also suck at reverse controls so that would be super helpful
    Well if it has the stamp of approval from the one (and only) Iron Fist expert then that’s good enough for me!
  • RockypantherxRockypantherx Member Posts: 3,922 ★★★★★
    Sazed said:

    Hey Pssst Kabam hire @Rockypantherx. You're in for a good time if you do.

    Holy smokes man can I have Morgan Le Fay. That seems like an outstanding kit!

    Haha cheers. I’ll admit, I probably went a bit overboard with Morgan. You should have seen the original draft, she had about 3x more attack and life steal
  • Fluffy_pawsFluffy_paws Member Posts: 2,680 ★★★★★

    Ok, I know it's been a while, but you know, life. Today I bring you an Iron Fist buff concept (specially for @Fluffy_paws and her R3) and something new for me. I was a massive Morgan Le Fay advocate during the last Summoner's Choice vote, and while she didn't even make it past the first round, there is the potential for her in September this year. So I drafted some abilities up for her. Turns out new champ abilities are much more challenging than buff kits

    Iron Fist:

    Iron Fist is in a sad state in MCOC. He used to have really great damage, then it got nuked. Now his only use is to warm benches or Fluffy_Paw’s heart. It’s time to bring Danny Rand back. Again. The difficulty here was making him Shang-Chi without making him a Carbon Copy. As such, I moved away from specific combos entirely and leaned into the focus required to activate The Iron Fist.

    This version of Iron Fist is built to be a brawler type Mystic. Everything America Chavez is not. High damage, special spamming, lots of big yellow numbers. However, he does have a good chunk of utility, mainly buff control.

    Base Stats:

    HP: 25606
    Attack: 2527
    Crit Rate: 31%
    Crit Damage: 220%
    Block Proficiency: 60%


    Psychic Senses grant immunity to Reversed Controls and grant Iron Fist the #Psychic Shielding tag

    Not a big thing, just a little nod to the comics and some niche utility

    Chi: Max Stack 10

    Iron Fist builds Chi throughout the fight

    Chi charges last indefinitely and are used to empower Iron Fist’s other abilities

    Each time Chi is gained, purify 1 debuff and regenerate 5% of missing health

    Iron Fist’s main currency and provides him with some good sustainability. His purify is mainly for getting rod of debuffs at the start of the fight, it’s not going to allow him to deal with Biohazard or anything

    Perfectly-Timed Dodges and Blocks:

    Iron Fist has a short window of time where he can use Perfect Timing while performing a Well-Timed Block or Dodging an Attack, granting him 1 Chi

    Ripped straight from Shang-Chi. An alternative way to gain Chi other than the Heavy Attack, which is useful in situations where Heavy Attacks are being punished

    Charging a Heavy Attack:

    Gain a Chi Charge every 1 second

    While at 2+ Chi, gain an Unstoppable Buff during this attack

    Countering specials is a great way to build up Chi fast, so your spacing here is going to be key. The unstoppable will allow you to avoid taking a full combo if you mess up, and is some utility in and of itself. Think of Magneto’s heavy attack

    The Iron Fist:

    While at 5+ Chi, activate The Iron Fist when activating any Special Attack

    The Iron Fist lasts 2 seconds for every Chi Iron Fist has when it activates. Cooldown: 20 seconds

    While the Iron Fist is active, all attacks are Guaranteed Critical Hits and gain + 758.1 attack for every Chi charge

    All Chi is lost when The Iron Fist expires

    Your big damage mode. And I mean that. Almost 8000 attack and Guaranteed crits. However, it will take some skill to get the most out of it and will need to be rebuilt if you can’t pummel the opponent down in the Iron Fist window

    Special Attack 1:

    Each hit has a 100% chance to nullify one Buff on the opponent

    The Iron Fist: Steal 5% of the opponent’s max power

    Even when not in Iron Fist, Danny has the ability to deal with occasional buffs, and with 5/5 MD, nullifying a buff on every hit will bring you right back to an SP1. In Iron Fist, the power Steal will push you towards an SP2 with MD. As with most Mystic’s, Iron Fist is much stronger in matchups with Buffs, and in this case, Special Spamming is the name of the game

    Special Attack 2:

    Each hit has a 100% chance to Armour Break the opponent, reducing Armour Rating by 460 for 20 seconds

    The Iron Fist: Gain +379 attack for each Chi

    Keeping some of his old mechanics here with the Armour Break. There wasn’t much else to keep. More damage on base, and in Iron Fist, this Special is going to slap hard

    Special Attack 3:

    Nullify all Buffs on the opponent

    The Iron Fist: Place a passive Neutralize on the opponent for 5 seconds, reducing Buff Ability Accuracy by 100%. This Neutralize is refreshed every time Iron Fist lands a Critical Hit

    Not going to be your go-to, but might have some situational uses.

    Signature Ability:

    Each Chi grants (0.5-1) second extra duration on The Iron Fist

    Deal (10-20)% of hit damage as Energy Damage during The Iron Fist

    Definitely not a required sig, but it will help him out for sure.
    I love it. He would be both useful and fun to play. I also suck at reverse controls so that would be super helpful
    Well if it has the stamp of approval from the one (and only) Iron Fist expert then that’s good enough for me!
    It doesn't take long to become an Iron Fist expert, I can teach you in 2 minutes. Mans got like 4 abilities
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