Shang Chi Infinite Combo



  • JumpthesharkJumptheshark Member Posts: 242 ★★

    Infinite combos are game breakers.
    Infinite combos that are allowed to stay? Those are called game killers.

    There is zero chance this stays in the game IMO.
    Just don't touch his kit!

    Ronan sends his regards.
    And Thor ragnarok, and colossus who can also infinitely stun lock.
  • Dr. CrabDr. Crab Member Posts: 706 ★★★
    I understand that something must be done here, but this is quit literally my favorite champion in the game after 5 years of playing, he's perfect, be careful.
  • Dr. CrabDr. Crab Member Posts: 706 ★★★
    Shang Chi is a brilliant character, literally the most fun I've had with a character...I think ever. Anyone that says he needs to be destroyed because its unhealthy for the game or whatever terminology they are using are just bitter that they don't have him. They didn't grind for 72 straight hours, they didn't spend thousands of dollars or getting extremely lucky, they just want to not let people have something that they either worked for, paid for or got some divine luck for. He's an excellent champion, please be careful how you change him Kabam, as a long time player, I don't think I'll stick around (along with many other spenders/extreme grinders) if you make the wrong move. I get that something has to be done, (Maybe the same buff can't be activated twice in a row with the SP1 and throw some compensation) just be careful.
  • Dr. CrabDr. Crab Member Posts: 706 ★★★
    or for the sp1 maybe give a long armor break/powergain for a bigger sp2 payoff.
  • Dr. CrabDr. Crab Member Posts: 706 ★★★
    maybe an armor break plus power gain of 5% capped at 2 bars of power per charge.
  • PulyamanPulyaman Member Posts: 2,365 ★★★★★

    Shang Chi is a brilliant character, literally the most fun I've had with a character...I think ever. Anyone that says he needs to be destroyed because its unhealthy for the game or whatever terminology they are using are just bitter that they don't have him. They didn't grind for 72 straight hours, they didn't spend thousands of dollars or getting extremely lucky, they just want to not let people have something that they either worked for, paid for or got some divine luck for. He's an excellent champion, please be careful how you change him Kabam, as a long time player, I don't think I'll stick around (along with many other spenders/extreme grinders) if you make the wrong move. I get that something has to be done, (Maybe the same buff can't be activated twice in a row with the SP1 and throw some compensation) just be careful.

    He is not getting destroyed. Whatever he could do before, he will be able to do again. They will likely address the stun locking mechanic.
    People want this to go away because it is actually a game breaking mechanic. Not because anyone is bitter. Eventually everyone will have access to him from basic crystals. You make it sound as if he is an exclusive champ.
    Depending on how they change him, kabam may compensate or not compensate. You sound like a bad 70s villain with that threatening tone. Actually made me laugh a little.😂 "Be careful Kabam, don't make the wrong move or you will get it."
  • J0eySn0wJ0eySn0w Member Posts: 1,001 ★★★★
    You guys did it again, my comment was removed. FYI I have it in my notes and I don’t see anything wrong with this comment. So imma post it again. In fact, I will keep posting it unless you banned me from the forums. You screw us and expect us to keep mute, when we don’t then it’s the silencing huh? Back to what removed

    Shang-Chi mechanics by all means should be changed, it’s not healthy for the game.
    However, I completely disagree with banning players that used him to clear content. Feel free to stop the use right away, but banning no way. These are my reasons
    1. We’re never truly compensated for anything that affects the player base negatively due to errors from Kabam. Money spent aren’t recovered, and even resources used. Last 2 wars, bugs have cost some of our player bonuses, units and resources. I’m pretty sure that was not intended by Kabam, yet we pay the price. I just came to the forums so upset, I just got bugged in AW, and I freaking was last war too. What do we get? Nothing! One of our best fighters got forced out of a fight 3x. Instead fixing the bugs in the game you have the time to chase and ban those abusing Shang-Chi. Yes, we agreed to your “terms and service” and it’s against the bla bla bla. If you don’t know Kabam, you also agreed to ours “terms”, you’re supposed to fix bugs and stop trying to let us work for you.
    2. Those that found the cheese, don’t work for you Kabam. You’re saying in their testing, they discover it, run back to you to report what they’ve found so you can fix it, as if they’re on your payroll. The deserve whatever rewards for the time and brains they put into finding it out. Of course others are finding out and using it, so stop it ASAP like it’s a new thing to have emergency maintenance from nowhere

    I’m done, you can remove my comment again
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,748 ★★★★★
    edited May 2021

    Shang Chi is a brilliant character, literally the most fun I've had with a character...I think ever. Anyone that says he needs to be destroyed because its unhealthy for the game or whatever terminology they are using are just bitter that they don't have him. They didn't grind for 72 straight hours, they didn't spend thousands of dollars or getting extremely lucky, they just want to not let people have something that they either worked for, paid for or got some divine luck for. He's an excellent champion, please be careful how you change him Kabam, as a long time player, I don't think I'll stick around (along with many other spenders/extreme grinders) if you make the wrong move. I get that something has to be done, (Maybe the same buff can't be activated twice in a row with the SP1 and throw some compensation) just be careful.

    Fixing a champ thats broke by perm stun lock excluding ronan as he requires 182 sig and buff heavy shang chi doesnt to stun lock and to fix this they shouldn’t give comp out u went for him for power and not a mechanic that is really bad for the games health if kept in.
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