Shang Chi Infinite Combo

@Kabam Miike you need to confirm either way, before the next round of his arena starts, whether Shang Chi's infinite combo is going to remain in the game:
If this stays in the game then, for anyone having Shang Chi, 99% of game mechanics can now be ignored. The entire game becomes a joke, nodes are pointless. There's not even any skill required.
Please let me know if I need to grind for the only champion I'll ever need. But if this is broken, then we need to know immediately.

If this stays in the game then, for anyone having Shang Chi, 99% of game mechanics can now be ignored. The entire game becomes a joke, nodes are pointless. There's not even any skill required.
Please let me know if I need to grind for the only champion I'll ever need. But if this is broken, then we need to know immediately.
(Shang chi is able to stun lock the opponent for the whole fight )
I’m highly doubtful of this
Looks like infinite combo will be the new meta lol
2:55 it is true
Is using Torch's pre-fight to melt mystics a cheat code that should be nerfed? What about Storm as a Horseman. Prof X with a mutant power boost? Cosmic Ghost Rider, Ghost, Quake -- all of these champs have abilities that make them crush content.
My advice: try to have some fun with this game and don't take things so seriously. If some players beat The Abyss because they used Shang-chi, then good for them. It won't change a thing about you, your roster, or your progression.