Addressing glory's limit problem



  • RichTheManRichTheMan Member Posts: 204 ★★★
    I asked this to kabam a while ago before this was sent to inboxes and got no answer. Its now becoming past the point of addressing it so dont know what to say. in future this may want to be looked into a prepared for if large volume is sent out to the community. The best thing i would advise players with is spend it where you can.
  • dot_dittodot_ditto Member Posts: 1,442 ★★★★
    I earn about 3k glory each week .. and I spend about 3k each week .. however ..

    the exact numbers leave me with earning a bit more each week .. storing up bit by bit. I like to have some extra available for when I *REALLY* need something ...

    Each week I buy 1 each of T5B, T2A, T1A, T4B, T4CC and Gold crystal ... simply because the first buy is the "best value" .. and they increase after that.
    I then top up to about 3k on what it is I need most at the time (usually T2A)

    As I get around 10k, I'll buy a few more items to keep my total around 10k (ie well off the 15k cap) ...

    So yes .. I "hoard" (some) glory ... for "emergencies" or to fill the gap of what I need - when I need it.
    Yes, I purchase "what I need" as I go ...
    No, I have no idea if I'm going to need more T2A next week, or T1A ... so I like to wait until I actually need it.

    That said ... 15k is way to low cap ..

    In fact, considering there are limits on how much you can buy in the glory store (ie 5x T5b frags, or 10x T2A frags .. etc.)
    There really isn't any need for the glory cap.

    Either or ... both are not needed.

    1) remove the cap on glory .. and keep the limit on puchases ..
    2) remove the limit on purchases .. and keep the glory cap.

    1 or the other is useful to "limit" hoading to an excessive amount ...
    both is borderline oppressive :pensive:
  • pseudosanepseudosane Member, Guardian Posts: 4,074 Guardian
    In a game which allows us to play how we like, why is hoarding glory being punished/bashed? I do not understand. @Pulyaman you seem hostile towards it, nobody is asking you to hoard. I, for one, like holding my glory close to max, and use 5k every week. Just my choice. WHy would this have to be punished?
  • PulyamanPulyaman Member Posts: 2,365 ★★★★★

    In a game which allows us to play how we like, why is hoarding glory being punished/bashed? I do not understand. @Pulyaman you seem hostile towards it, nobody is asking you to hoard. I, for one, like holding my glory close to max, and use 5k every week. Just my choice. WHy would this have to be punished?

    I am not hostile towards holding at all. Have you seen some of my posts? I have more than 2.5 mill phc shards, 100k 4 star crystals and 800 full phc. Hoarding is a way of storing resources and I understand that.

    My main argument was you can still have the same 15k glory after spending the excess glory from this week. We got 3 weeks worth of glory for playing 1 week of aq and 1 week off from aq. If kabam had given us only 2 weeks glory and forced us to spend additional glory so that they don't expire, I would have been right with everyone who has posted about this. But we got 1 week of additional glory which I consider as a compensation for buying additional resources at an additional cost. There is no lose situation here. I hope my made my stand clear.
  • pseudosanepseudosane Member, Guardian Posts: 4,074 Guardian
    Pulyaman said:

    In a game which allows us to play how we like, why is hoarding glory being punished/bashed? I do not understand. @Pulyaman you seem hostile towards it, nobody is asking you to hoard. I, for one, like holding my glory close to max, and use 5k every week. Just my choice. WHy would this have to be punished?

    I am not hostile towards holding at all. Have you seen some of my posts? I have more than 2.5 mill phc shards, 100k 4 star crystals and 800 full phc. Hoarding is a way of storing resources and I understand that.

    My main argument was you can still have the same 15k glory after spending the excess glory from this week. We got 3 weeks worth of glory for playing 1 week of aq and 1 week off from aq. If kabam had given us only 2 weeks glory and forced us to spend additional glory so that they don't expire, I would have been right with everyone who has posted about this. But we got 1 week of additional glory which I consider as a compensation for buying additional resources at an additional cost. There is no lose situation here. I hope my made my stand clear.
    but that is still a punishment compared to someone who can store all that glory. I use glory min maxing, my strategy is to be as efficient as possible. This is STILL a punishment.
  • PulyamanPulyaman Member Posts: 2,365 ★★★★★

    Pulyaman said:

    In a game which allows us to play how we like, why is hoarding glory being punished/bashed? I do not understand. @Pulyaman you seem hostile towards it, nobody is asking you to hoard. I, for one, like holding my glory close to max, and use 5k every week. Just my choice. WHy would this have to be punished?

    I am not hostile towards holding at all. Have you seen some of my posts? I have more than 2.5 mill phc shards, 100k 4 star crystals and 800 full phc. Hoarding is a way of storing resources and I understand that.

    My main argument was you can still have the same 15k glory after spending the excess glory from this week. We got 3 weeks worth of glory for playing 1 week of aq and 1 week off from aq. If kabam had given us only 2 weeks glory and forced us to spend additional glory so that they don't expire, I would have been right with everyone who has posted about this. But we got 1 week of additional glory which I consider as a compensation for buying additional resources at an additional cost. There is no lose situation here. I hope my made my stand clear.
    but that is still a punishment compared to someone who can store all that glory. I use glory min maxing, my strategy is to be as efficient as possible. This is STILL a punishment.
    I only had 5k glory when aq ended. I just bought a couple of health potions every day and claimed the glory. If you had 15k glory, you can buy t5a upto the max limit, bring the glory to 4k and claim the new rewards and you will still have 15k glory. How are this a punishment for hoarding? Anyone can also store that glory for 7 days in stash and claim it. So, I can't understand what you mean when you cannot.
    Kabam could have released the glory week by week. But, I think they considered that people at max glory will be a small amount and just added some extra to compensate and release it. I don't know why you consider that a punishment. Sorry, I cannot explain it any more clearly than I already did.
  • pseudosanepseudosane Member, Guardian Posts: 4,074 Guardian
    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    In a game which allows us to play how we like, why is hoarding glory being punished/bashed? I do not understand. @Pulyaman you seem hostile towards it, nobody is asking you to hoard. I, for one, like holding my glory close to max, and use 5k every week. Just my choice. WHy would this have to be punished?

    I am not hostile towards holding at all. Have you seen some of my posts? I have more than 2.5 mill phc shards, 100k 4 star crystals and 800 full phc. Hoarding is a way of storing resources and I understand that.

    My main argument was you can still have the same 15k glory after spending the excess glory from this week. We got 3 weeks worth of glory for playing 1 week of aq and 1 week off from aq. If kabam had given us only 2 weeks glory and forced us to spend additional glory so that they don't expire, I would have been right with everyone who has posted about this. But we got 1 week of additional glory which I consider as a compensation for buying additional resources at an additional cost. There is no lose situation here. I hope my made my stand clear.
    but that is still a punishment compared to someone who can store all that glory. I use glory min maxing, my strategy is to be as efficient as possible. This is STILL a punishment.
    I only had 5k glory when aq ended. I just bought a couple of health potions every day and claimed the glory. If you had 15k glory, you can buy t5a upto the max limit, bring the glory to 4k and claim the new rewards and you will still have 15k glory. How are this a punishment for hoarding? Anyone can also store that glory for 7 days in stash and claim it. So, I can't understand what you mean when you cannot.
    Kabam could have released the glory week by week. But, I think they considered that people at max glory will be a small amount and just added some extra to compensate and release it. I don't know why you consider that a punishment. Sorry, I cannot explain it any more clearly than I already did.
    buying upto the limit is never efficient, unfortunately. I never do that. It is a strat i have been using a long time and this throws a wrench in it. I like to be efficient and this feels like im forced to break out of it for no reason. It is wasting glory in my eyes. If they increased inventory or had announced this a week earlier, i could have planned to spread what glory i had to accommodate. We literally get this announcement the day of.
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