Sharing this with Kabam

Hi! So I have been making special champion ideas in my spare time. Instead of being Marvel characters however, they are characters from media and my own design, which is why I have not posted them here. However, many of the people I have shown them to (Alliance mates, discord mates, and Friends) have said that I should submit my ideas to Kabam. I didn't really know where to submit them, so that's why I have made this post. With this post I will link three of my most favorite creations that are not Marvel. I hope you enjoy.
Please note that, this is not a Champion suggestion post! This is just to show three of my favorite creations and see what Kabam Thinks!
(Just so they see I guess? @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Porthos )
The first two champions are the duo Dragonbrine and Magnaphiara. (Please note that, over time, my skills in making these have been evolving, so these two will have a semi-different format than the third champion)
First up, the Draconic Supersoldier Dragonbrine:
Next is the Silent Assassin, Magnaphiara:
Last up is a special character that I made very recently. Please welcome, Dream!:
Thanks for reading! I wouldn't have posted this, but many people think that these are really great, and I hope you do as well.
Please note that, this is not a Champion suggestion post! This is just to show three of my favorite creations and see what Kabam Thinks!
(Just so they see I guess? @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Porthos )
The first two champions are the duo Dragonbrine and Magnaphiara. (Please note that, over time, my skills in making these have been evolving, so these two will have a semi-different format than the third champion)
First up, the Draconic Supersoldier Dragonbrine:
Next is the Silent Assassin, Magnaphiara:
Last up is a special character that I made very recently. Please welcome, Dream!:
Thanks for reading! I wouldn't have posted this, but many people think that these are really great, and I hope you do as well.
Unfortunately, there’s a 90% chance a mod is going to shut this down
I appreciate it
Hello @FadedDragon999. Thank you for sharing your great suggestions with the community and with us!
I made Dream like Diablo mainly because I wished Diablo was much stronger than he was. Also, I figured since it’s also Minecraft stuff, potions would be a great thing to add to his abilities. Also, since he is famous for his insane luck and speed running capabilities, I also added those abilities as well.
As for putting it in General discussion, I did at first. However, the mods moved it instead of closing it (Which is quite interesting). I’m glad you enjoyed them!