Sharing this with Kabam

FadedDragon999FadedDragon999 Member Posts: 104
edited May 2021 in Suggestions and Requests
Hi! So I have been making special champion ideas in my spare time. Instead of being Marvel characters however, they are characters from media and my own design, which is why I have not posted them here. However, many of the people I have shown them to (Alliance mates, discord mates, and Friends) have said that I should submit my ideas to Kabam. I didn't really know where to submit them, so that's why I have made this post. With this post I will link three of my most favorite creations that are not Marvel. I hope you enjoy.

Please note that, this is not a Champion suggestion post! This is just to show three of my favorite creations and see what Kabam Thinks!

(Just so they see I guess? @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Porthos )

The first two champions are the duo Dragonbrine and Magnaphiara. (Please note that, over time, my skills in making these have been evolving, so these two will have a semi-different format than the third champion)
First up, the Draconic Supersoldier Dragonbrine:
Next is the Silent Assassin, Magnaphiara:

Last up is a special character that I made very recently. Please welcome, Dream!:

Thanks for reading! I wouldn't have posted this, but many people think that these are really great, and I hope you do as well.


  • FadedDragon999FadedDragon999 Member Posts: 104

    Very neat!

    Unfortunately, there’s a 90% chance a mod is going to shut this down

    Thanks! And yeah. Was just wanting to put this out there cause my friends have said I should
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★

    Very neat!

    Unfortunately, there’s a 90% chance a mod is going to shut this down

    Thanks! And yeah. Was just wanting to put this out there cause my friends have said I should
    as someone who also makes concepts these are definitely very unique. Glad you put them out here
  • Pro_DestructorPro_Destructor Member Posts: 7
    Very nice work man!! Hope Kabam looks into it!! Good job @FadedDragon999
    I appreciate it
  • FadedDragon999FadedDragon999 Member Posts: 104

    Very neat!

    Unfortunately, there’s a 90% chance a mod is going to shut this down

    Thanks! And yeah. Was just wanting to put this out there cause my friends have said I should
    as someone who also makes concepts these are definitely very unique. Glad you put them out here

    Very nice work man!! Hope Kabam looks into it!! Good job @FadedDragon999
    I appreciate it

    Thanks y’all!
  • JahnybravoJahnybravo Member Posts: 69
    Should've put this in general discussion. You could argue a better defense for being completely off-topic there lmfao. A suggestion to maybe save yourself from Kabam ignoring this, see if you can find any Marvel equivalents with a similar kinda powerset that could use some of those unique mechanics you came up with. Dragonbrine is kinda already represented with DragonMan but there's also Fin Fang Foom and other dragons that those abilities could fit on. Plus his ability to auto-block a counterattack is sweet but I imagine that's more likely to show up on a skill character. The Silence buff would be perfect for Drax lmfao. Or you know, someone with actual invisibility. I also like the Silent Assassin's ability to steal a buff from a bleeding opponent. Its kinda like Rogue and Loki, but the added need for blood spices it up. Maybe someone vampiric or demonic from Marvel could do that. And lastly, while a lot of Dream is Diablo like, the Speedrun persistent charges do stand out. So many characters with persistent charges, its wild there hasn't been one based on time in battle yet. It would make sense on a speedster but since those are unlikely cause of certain restraints, it could also go to a character like The Champion. Some sort of ego maniac that relishes in defeating his enemies in quick and brutal fashion. Just some thoughts to keep this still Marvel related enough that your ideas will get acknowledged, cause they are cool ideas
  • HLKSMSH9877_HLKSMSH9877_ Member Posts: 12
    Can you please work on the lagging issues in game , I am trying to progress in story mode and it only seems to lag when I'm in a fight or opening crystals. Very unfair the way we have to spend more and more without these important issues being addressed or resolved. I spend frequently on the game and enjoy doing so, but not when I have to spend due to technical issues. Would hate to quit the game because of a lack of support from kabam and a well deserved compensation being given. Please Fix things!!! HULK SMASH
  • EdeuinkEdeuink Member Posts: 1,263 ★★★★
    Interesting, it’ll probably be taken down however. @StevieManWonder did a similar thing once and it was taken down.
  • StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Member Posts: 5,019 ★★★★★
    Looks cool. I’m surprised they didn’t close it already though. They shut mine down before I could post the final of my OCs.
  • FadedDragon999FadedDragon999 Member Posts: 104

    Looks cool. I’m surprised they didn’t close it already though. They shut mine down before I could post the final of my OCs.

    Me too. I’m interested at what they will say
  • FadedDragon999FadedDragon999 Member Posts: 104

    Should've put this in general discussion. You could argue a better defense for being completely off-topic there lmfao. A suggestion to maybe save yourself from Kabam ignoring this, see if you can find any Marvel equivalents with a similar kinda powerset that could use some of those unique mechanics you came up with. Dragonbrine is kinda already represented with DragonMan but there's also Fin Fang Foom and other dragons that those abilities could fit on. Plus his ability to auto-block a counterattack is sweet but I imagine that's more likely to show up on a skill character. The Silence buff would be perfect for Drax lmfao. Or you know, someone with actual invisibility. I also like the Silent Assassin's ability to steal a buff from a bleeding opponent. Its kinda like Rogue and Loki, but the added need for blood spices it up. Maybe someone vampiric or demonic from Marvel could do that. And lastly, while a lot of Dream is Diablo like, the Speedrun persistent charges do stand out. So many characters with persistent charges, its wild there hasn't been one based on time in battle yet. It would make sense on a speedster but since those are unlikely cause of certain restraints, it could also go to a character like The Champion. Some sort of ego maniac that relishes in defeating his enemies in quick and brutal fashion. Just some thoughts to keep this still Marvel related enough that your ideas will get acknowledged, cause they are cool ideas

    Thanks! With Dragonbrine, he was supposed to be a skill champion. However, with his background as an artificial super soldier, Science made more sense. As for his abilities, I agree that they could fit in other characters as well. However, his abilities are based off his abilities in a book series I am currently writing (Not yet Published). The same with Magnaphiara. For the Drax synergy, glad you caught on to that lmao.

    I made Dream like Diablo mainly because I wished Diablo was much stronger than he was. Also, I figured since it’s also Minecraft stuff, potions would be a great thing to add to his abilities. Also, since he is famous for his insane luck and speed running capabilities, I also added those abilities as well.

    As for putting it in General discussion, I did at first. However, the mods moved it instead of closing it (Which is quite interesting). I’m glad you enjoyed them!
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