I love this game but...

Man, you gotta be kidding me, I love this game, but sometimes it is so demoralizing, I completed act 6, 7.1, 7.2, explored V6 and v7 and got skill fragments in each one of the 25% t5cc. And for some mysterious reason I don't have any 6s skill champion worthy to R3. Am I the only one that lucky?

4.5x tech t5cc here
I would MUCH rather have 4.5 skill.
But I agree with your 1 statement. Or maybe he have 6 stars but got very few in skill class like me who had only 3 mutants and got t5cc for it already meanwhile had many good champs in other class.
No, not "a good champ", but "a champ of that class". That person was unfortunate, you're just picky.