You have 2 more 6*s than I. And with a good bunch of 5*s, you can totally explore any content currently available in the game. Elsa and Masacre aren't worth R3 tbh. They are average skill champs. But for TB title, I remember there was a player ranked 3 his 6* Cyclops. Kingpin is definitely worth your first t5cc though. You won't regret ranking KP as your first R3.
Elsa and massacre are worth r3 . stop the cap and use them for once. to OP:- i'd r3 my elsa in a heartbeat for tb or otherwise. everyone saying she over rated but she got the dmg
I do use them to have my own opinion. You said you'd rank 3 her in a heartbeat but I guess you said that bc you don't have a r3 6* Elsa. If you ever use KP, you would see Elsa and Masacre falls so short compared to him. For TB title, of course you can rank anyone to R3 but not any champ for a R3 is a wise choice.
Falling short of Kingpin doesn't mean they are bad tho. Plenty of people have r3 Elsa and r3 Massacre despite having much better skill champions like Nick and Falcon. Sure, they might not bring any new specific thing to your questing roster but they are champions more than capable of holding their own weight if you do decide to use them. When compared to Doom, champs like DM and Tigra fall off, does that make them bad champions to r3? Not really.
Wait a second. You’re complaining about getting skill t5cc when you have kingpin, Elsa, and massacre. Even if you don’t like all of those champions you have to be okay with taking at least one of them to rank 3 because they’re all pretty good champions.
@Akkarin23 assuming you run suicides and don't have rank 3 yet, take up kingpin or Elsa - you are missing out on 25% t5cc a month (glory and calender) plus the easier Carina challenges.
My first skill 6* was moon knight. I got him after I had about 25% of a T5 skill. But then I got lucky after beating the champion boss and got a 6* kingpin from a cav.
Bite the bullet and join the TB club.